I've seen a lot of stories lately on the Police in the US. This is by far the worst.


New member
Jun 2, 2011
This can't be to bad. *reads article* What. The Fuck! This man is a sociopath and should be executed preferably by hanging!


Supreme Evil Overlord
Jan 21, 2009
Mackheath said:
And he will probably not be punished.

I'm cynical enough to believe some asshole cop will give him an alibi, and the ranks will close.
Kitty stop taking the words out of my mouth. But agreed. And whomever kept him on at the school should be up for disciplinary action as well as the cop.


New member
Apr 11, 2010
This is beyond tragic. My heart goes out to the boy's family.


Apparently the officer in question has been disciplined before. There comes a point where I think the police should be handpicked by their communities; Better training, better equipment to deal with low-threat situations. If the kid didn't have a gun or a knife at a glance, whole pattern is to run from you and hide, what is the point of drawing your pistol?

Catchy Slogan

New member
Jun 17, 2009
Sorry, but after seeing the comments both here and on Reddit, I'm going to have to play Devil's Advocate.

"She says the cop had been reprimanded 16 times in the previous 4 years, suspended without pay 5 times, and "recommended for termination for insubordination," but the school kept him on the force "without remedial training."

Key words there. She Says. From what I can tell, this has not been confirmed by any other source.

EDIT:post above me provided a source.

The guy was spooked, and fired a shot.

He was told to stay put, but didn't. Instead chasing after the perp who assaulted another (where I come from this is illegal).

Yes, he shouldn't have gone after the kid. Yes it's incredibly sad that a 14 year old had to die for something so stupid. No, I don't think he should get off scott free and he should go up for at least Manslaughter.

There are more police in the US than the few bad ones we hear about.

The majority are jumping to conclusions before all the facts are in.

And it's a School District Police Officer, They're more like beefed up mall cops with guns. They aren't actual police officers. they are pretty much the schools own police force.

AT God

New member
Dec 24, 2008
As much as I hate kids shooting was unnecessary. I was hoping the cop might Rodney King him for running but shooting is even too far for me.


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat 🐐
Mar 31, 2010
Officers are only meant to use their guns in cases where they believe themselves or others are faced with a clear and present danger to their lives. I fail to see how a 14 year old kid opening a door on a full-grown adult constitutes a danger to the cop's life, so he's guilty of manslaughter at-least, if not murder, if this story is true.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Versuvius said:
Where i'm from this is called murder.
^This. The police aren't allowed to draw a weapon unless they have a direct threat to their own safety or the safety of others. Looking for a 14 year old who ran away from a fistfight ain't a fucking reason for that.


The Light of Dawn
Feb 21, 2009
Catchy Slogan said:
They aren't actual police officers. they are pretty much the schools own police force.
TrilbyWill said:
also, why does a school police officer have a gun?
Glerken said:
Why's a school cop even have a gun?
Twilight_guy said:
Why did a school police officer have a gun?
Police officers employed by educational institutes are still full fledged police officers with regular police powers.

Schools may also employ plain ole security guards, but police can be employed as well.


New member
Dec 18, 2008
Radeonx said:
Wow, 10 posts without some moron spouting out "I lost my faith in humanity!". That's probably a record.

OT: That's a shitty cop.
After seeing the post with the explanation, I take back what I said. The cop was pretty much in the right.
Eh, I don't agree.
A 14 year old boy slams a door open, the cop shoots him.

Why's a school cop even have a gun? Why would the cop draw his gun rather than a taser?


New member
Jul 6, 2009
Death_Korps_Kommissar said:
Mackheath said:
Death_Korps_Kommissar said:
Mackheath said:
And he will probably not be punished.

I'm cynical enough to believe some asshole cop will give him an alibi, and the ranks will close.
You are right actually, I think he got to keep his job but now the state is being sued because he's getting away scott free and the county continues to half train their officers.
And people wonder why other people take the law into their own hands...

I've been assaulted in the street, and so have a number of my friends, and not one of them have reported it. When we all feel safer relying on ourselves instead of the law something is wrong.
Yes which is why a lot of people are for guns, but lets not start that argument now :/
What so you can shoot in an innocent man/woman/child in a moment of panic????
No of course not! You're a entirely rational human being who would never ever fear for his life and accidentally let your self preservation instinct kick in.........

Hero in a half shell

It's not easy being green
Dec 30, 2009
I think the police officer was definitely in the wrong for pulling out his gun (I mean, what did he expect the child to do, there was no justifiable reason for him to pull out his gun) and he certainly shoudn't have fired a shot when the kid hit him with the door, but I wouldn't call the cop a monster, an imbicile, yes, but not a cold-blooded kid murderer.

He should at least be charged with manslaughter, and there is absolutely no way he should get away from this scot-free, also someone should investigate the circumstances around him keeping his job without any diciplinary action despite all the complaints, what the heck is up with that?


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
Well keeping with the "What do you call this" theme

This is what happens when you want to cut benefits and turn law enforcement into essentially a minimum wage job.

Seriously, most the time the only people who want to be a cop are the ones who have a massive chip on their shoulder and take pleasure in making peoples lives miserable. Takes a rare breed of person who is good natured, wanting to maintain order, peace and wanting to endure the hate the job generates only to make less than 25k per year.

So, when you have a job set at that pay scale you have to remember, you get what you pay for goes both ways. If you expect a higher standard of law enforcement you have to raise the standard of the pay scale.


New member
Mar 14, 2011
chuckman1 said:
Where im from thats...normal police behavior.
Not for me, that's cause the local police only show up to write traffic tickets and when told by the state troopers to do something.

Oh, and when something risks their share in the drug money. Hell, my dad used to smoke pot with the county judge, that should give you an idea of how the "law enforcement" system works down here. NE Texas and surrounding area by the way.


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
Why did a school police officer have a gun? The only reason for doing that is if they honestly consider the kids to be an actual threat and real danger and thus police need to be threatening. Also, why didn't that guy get back-up? A run away in a shed with god knows what kind of tools stored in it... dumb!


New member
Nov 26, 2008
I find it thoroughly amusing you have a picture of Ned Stark about to execute a deserter to the Wall, and here you arguing over a cop chasing a guy who wouldn't stop which ended in him being put down.

People need to just do as the police say. THAT gives them the right to do such things. Attacking an officer with a spoon and attacking an officer with a gun MAKE NO DIFFERENCE. They attacked the officer.

Note - Do not say anything about A Dance with Dragons...just don't. I don't want to know if Ned comes back, is Coldhands, etc. DO NOT SPOIL THAT BOOK FOR ME IF IT TURNS OUT HE'S ALIVE, EVIL, OR OTHERWISE.