I've seen a lot of stories lately on the Police in the US. This is by far the worst.


New member
Nov 26, 2008
Razada said:
Well, You arm your police force, bad stuff happens.

Either amend your constitution or quit your whining.

14 year old gets shot? Wouldn't have happened if he had not had a gun.

It is a pity that a child was killed by a moron. Truly a pity. And the cop in question should rot in jail for a very, VERY long time. But what else can be said.

Mourn with the family over his death, reading the article genuinely made me feel sick. But do not be surprised that mistakes occur when people walk around with weapons.
The child fled without reason. That right there means he is under suspicion regardless of the manner in which everything is playing out. He then attacked the cop with the door. The cop defended himself.

The child caused his own death in running away in the first place. Accept the fact and we can all have a better society.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
The cop had to fire. The bang in the face re-activated the latent CIA programming in his brain. For a moment he thought he was back in Antwerp and had to kill the KGB mole in the diamond quarter before catching the jet back to Langley for debriefing...

Or he's an ass who should never have been issued with a DEADLY weapon. Who overreacted and eliminated one of the very lives it was his job to protect.

I personally think it was the former though.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
I guess things happen, man. I don't know what to think, I mean, none of us were there. No cop is so trigger happy so as to shoot a 14, unarmed boy. If the boy did SNEAK ATTACK then I can see him pulling the trigger by accident, though.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
Death_Korps_Kommissar said:
Strangely, lately I've seen an increase in people being arrested for video taping cops, cops being over enthusiastic with their firearms and jumpy over-all.

But this:


In San Antonio two 14 year old boys got in a fight outside school, the school police officer stopped it and told one of the boys, Derek to freeze. Apparently the boy panicked and ran away. The cop gave chase but couldn't find him. Soon after he received a call that a little boy had jumped into a nearby garden and was hiding in the shed. The police officer arrived quickly, drawing his weapon as he exited his car. He swiftly entered the garden and promptly shot the boy dead.

Okay thanks to Eri we also have this:


According to this piece, the officer slowly approached the shed saying police, the boy jumped out hitting him with the door and the officer accidentally fired his gun. I doubt however, he would be fearing for his life against an unarmed 14 year old.
If the accidental firing is true he likely wasn't practicing good gun safety. You never put your finger on the trigger until you are ready to shoot, yet many people fail to do this, including police.

Death God

New member
Jul 6, 2010
Sadly, nothing surprises me with police officers anymore. The majority of the ones in the news are always either power hungry or killers.


New member
Jan 22, 2010
It seems a little over the top to even draw a weapon against a 14 year old in the first place, even if they're a criminal/suspect. I doubt that the door hitting the Officer would have caused the firearm to go off if he had proper trigger discipline, but I guess basic training is forgotten in the 'heat of a situation'.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
I place more blame in the school then the cop, considering his record.

Oh, im not going to say the cop isnt at fault, or with his record he should still be a cop, but with a record like that, and you as the school doing nothing to rectify the situation so its less dangerous, something like this was bound to happen.

Now, I'll beleive the cop misfired his gun. It happens, ask any cop/soldier/peacekeeper/etc. especially since this is texas, and at that San Antonio Texas, which is less then 300 miles from Mexico's Nuevo Leon. And we all know the shit that Mexico's been dealing with. I wouldnt go anyhwere in texas without at least a Nine and maybe some kevlar if I could spring it. Also considering that the boy hid in a shed, and thinking to the shed on my uncles property containing all of the following (but not limiting to):

- 3 axes
- 4 rakes
- 2 tire rims
- 5 separate brand name pesticides
- 3 different types of rifles (with no less then 200 rounds of ammo for each)
- 2 garden scythes
- 2 gas motor push mower
- 1 old fashion non electric/gas powered push mower

and we ust live in PA, I wouldnt be surprised if that kid came out looking like rambo. Doesnt make it right, but i can believe it. its not as if kids his age arent capable of killing someone (the gang wars and school shootings/acts of violence of late have shown that, and younger).

So yeah, I guess overall, unfortunate accident that the school should have been able to prevent. Cause thats just it.

Where Im from, thats called an unfortunate but preventable accident.


Also op, you may want to stick with one of the stories, cause they're conflicting. In the first its ounds like he just cold bloodedly shot the kid but in the second its a misfire accident.


I am curious about what tragedy she is referring to though.


New member
Dec 29, 2010
Death God said:
Sadly, nothing surprises me with police officers anymore. The majority of the ones in the news are always either power hungry or killers.
That's because no one reports cops who do good things. You're mostly only exposed to stories about corrupt cops, and start to think that they're the average cop. You have to see both sides.


~ Struck by a Smooth Criminal ~
Mar 28, 2011
Eri said:
Catchy Slogan said:
They aren't actual police officers. they are pretty much the schools own police force.
TrilbyWill said:
also, why does a school police officer have a gun?
Glerken said:
Why's a school cop even have a gun?
Twilight_guy said:
Why did a school police officer have a gun?
Police officers employed by educational institutes are still full fledged police officers with regular police powers.
You're right, BUT there are other precautions to take before the hand should be on the firearm. Mace works just fine and so does a tazer. A gun was just unnecessary in the occasion.

Where I'm from (Missouri, Hick state), Firearms are an officer's best friend, but even they know the proper times weaponry is called for.


New member
Jan 27, 2011
TrilbyWill said:
also, why does a school police officer have a gun?
That's probably a key point for surrounding circumstance. Is the school in question that bad that a gun is necessary?

Can anyone from San Antonio shed some light on this?


New member
Jan 27, 2011
Gitty101 said:
Now, I'll beleive the cop misfired his gun. It happens, ask any cop/soldier/peacekeeper/etc. especially since this is texas, and at that San Antonio Texas, which is less then 300 miles from Mexico's Nuevo Leon. And we all know the shit that Mexico's been dealing with. I wouldnt go anyhwere in texas without at least a Nine and maybe some kevlar if I could spring it. Also considering that the boy hid in a shed, and thinking to the shed on my uncles property containing all of the following (but not limiting to):

- 3 axes
- 4 rakes
- 2 tire rims
- 5 separate brand name pesticides
- 3 different types of rifles (with no less then 200 rounds of ammo for each)

In a garden shed?!?


New member
Aug 2, 2008
sleeky01 said:
TrilbyWill said:
also, why does a school police officer have a gun?
That's probably a key point for surrounding circumstance. Is the school in question that bad that a gun is necessary?

Can anyone from San Antonio shed some light on this?
They are still full fledged police officers and their duty is to defend the public no matter what. Most police carry their firearms 24/7, even off duty.

School police are NOT "rent-a-cops." In fact that phrase is seriously misleading. Police are always police, no matter where they serve they are police. Security guards are generally not police, in fact most police departments forbid such activities. Police are not allowed to have second jobs that may lead to conflicts of interest such as security guards, bouncer, etc.


Sane among the insane.
Sep 12, 2010
Okay, as I see it, this is a case of punk kid meets an idiot with a chip on his shoulder and ends in tragedy. If the allegation that he was reprimanded 16 times in four 4 and suspended, without pay, 5 times, is true, that guy shouldn't have been a cop. Much less a school district cop.

On the other hand. What kind of idiot finds himself cornered by the police and attempts to attack him with a door? Sorry, but if I were in the same situation, I would try to hide and hope for the best, or give up. Let's look at what this kid had done. He got in a fight. Ran from the police and hid on a stranger's property. And attacked the officer in an attempt to flee. Clearly, he wasn't a honor roll student. He didn't deserve to die, but I wouldn't say he was a "good kid" either.

That being said. This officer clearly needs to be investigated. I'd say a reprimand and suspension, if not an outright firing, are in order. He should probably be prosecuted for something. Manslaughter perhaps.

Razada said:
Well, You arm your police force, bad stuff happens.

Either amend your constitution or quit your whining.

14 year old gets shot? Wouldn't have happened if he had not had a gun.

It is a pity that a child was killed by a moron. Truly a pity. And the cop in question should rot in jail for a very, VERY long time. But what else can be said.

Mourn with the family over his death, reading the article genuinely made me feel sick. But do not be surprised that mistakes occur when people walk around with weapons.
You are not helping. Also, I suspect that you're a troll, but whatever. Troll away if it amuses you.

Death God

New member
Jul 6, 2010
.No. said:
Death God said:
Sadly, nothing surprises me with police officers anymore. The majority of the ones in the news are always either power hungry or killers.
That's because no one reports cops who do good things. You're mostly only exposed to stories about corrupt cops, and start to think that they're the average cop. You have to see both sides.
I've seen quite a few stories with cops doing good things but they are out weighed by stories of corruption. I still think highly of police officers but the good ones are far and few between in this day and age.


New member
Jan 27, 2011
Jodah said:
sleeky01 said:
TrilbyWill said:
also, why does a school police officer have a gun?
That's probably a key point for surrounding circumstance. Is the school in question that bad that a gun is necessary?

Can anyone from San Antonio shed some light on this?
They are still full fledged police officers and their duty is to defend the public no matter what. Most police carry their firearms 24/7, even off duty.

School police are NOT "rent-a-cops." In fact that phrase is seriously misleading. Police are always police, no matter where they serve they are police. Security guards are generally not police, in fact most police departments forbid such activities. Police are not allowed to have second jobs that may lead to conflicts of interest such as security guards, bouncer, etc.
Surely there are exceptions to this. Bars come to mind while off-duty. Should the same exception not apply to a school?
Jul 5, 2009
KnowYourOnion said:
Death_Korps_Kommissar said:
Mackheath said:
Death_Korps_Kommissar said:
Mackheath said:
And he will probably not be punished.

I'm cynical enough to believe some asshole cop will give him an alibi, and the ranks will close.
You are right actually, I think he got to keep his job but now the state is being sued because he's getting away scott free and the county continues to half train their officers.
And people wonder why other people take the law into their own hands...

I've been assaulted in the street, and so have a number of my friends, and not one of them have reported it. When we all feel safer relying on ourselves instead of the law something is wrong.
Yes which is why a lot of people are for guns, but lets not start that argument now :/
What so you can shoot in an innocent man/woman/child in a moment of panic????
No of course not! You're a entirely rational human being who would never ever fear for his life and accidentally let your self preservation instinct kick in.........
Yup I am a fairly reasonable human being and if I had a gun I wouldnt be waving it around or leaving it in retarded places.
Like in this situation I know it's a fucking kid and I wouldn't even need my gun let alone having it ready, loaded and with the safety off.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
sleeky01 said:
Gitty101 said:
Now, I'll beleive the cop misfired his gun. It happens, ask any cop/soldier/peacekeeper/etc. especially since this is texas, and at that San Antonio Texas, which is less then 300 miles from Mexico's Nuevo Leon. And we all know the shit that Mexico's been dealing with. I wouldnt go anyhwere in texas without at least a Nine and maybe some kevlar if I could spring it. Also considering that the boy hid in a shed, and thinking to the shed on my uncles property containing all of the following (but not limiting to):

- 3 axes
- 4 rakes
- 2 tire rims
- 5 separate brand name pesticides
- 3 different types of rifles (with no less then 200 rounds of ammo for each)

In a garden shed?!?
You quoted the wrong person, but yes.

I live in western PA, hunting is big here. Those are just his hunting rifles/crowd controllers should we have a bit of "civil unrest" as he calls it that threatens his property in a way he doesnt care for.

Now granted this isnt just a garden shed but an all purpose shed that i think has a floor area of 180 ft squared (18Lx10W), and the shed walls themselves are something like 9 ft tall, so two are 10x9 and one is 18x9, and the fourth is 4x9 with a 14x9 double door space Plus theres bare rafters where he can put planks of wood across to hang stuff up (and does). Theres a lot of space in it that he keeps what he considers too cumbersome/unnecessary to keep int he house.