Jack Thompson Authored Game Bill Introduced In Utah

Nov 28, 2007
Zenode said:
Wasnt Jack Thompson dibarred...ohh wait that was only in Florida (I Think)
He's not allowed to practice law anywhere in the US now. Hence his puppeteering of another person to push his bill through.

Hunde Des Krieg

New member
Sep 30, 2008
Specter_ said:
Malygris said:
Thompson's support base appears to have eroded to the point where only the most extreme groups are willing to give him the time of day. While Utah has a reputation as being perhaps a bit on the fringe of U.S. states, the Utah Eagle Forum, described as "ultra-conservative" by Red menace [http://www.gamepolitics.com/2009/02/03/utah-legislator-will-sponsor-jack-thompson-video-game-bill] and numerous other issues.
Somebody should go on a killing-spree and rid the world of those chimpanzees (no offense intended to any actual chimpanzees). Isn't there a law against this kind of stupidity?
No, if you call them chimps they may burn you at the stake...


New member
Oct 27, 2008
This guy has no clue what hes attempting to shake up just to tend to his fractured ego.
wether this guy eventually gives up his fundementally flawed arguments due to popular opinion or a sudden uncharacteristic burst of self insight dosnt matter, just so long as he just stops ruining entertainment (emphesis on ENTERTAINMENT, not mindless, child-corrupting splatterthons) for everybody else


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Hunde Des Krieg said:
Specter_ said:
Malygris said:
Thompson's support base appears to have eroded to the point where only the most extreme groups are willing to give him the time of day. While Utah has a reputation as being perhaps a bit on the fringe of U.S. states, the Utah Eagle Forum, described as "ultra-conservative" by Red menace [http://www.gamepolitics.com/2009/02/03/utah-legislator-will-sponsor-jack-thompson-video-game-bill] and numerous other issues.
Somebody should go on a killing-spree and rid the world of those chimpanzees (no offense intended to any actual chimpanzees). Isn't there a law against this kind of stupidity?
No, if you call them chimps they may burn you at the stake...
Can I call them vegetables instead?

Hunde Des Krieg

New member
Sep 30, 2008
Specter_ said:
Hunde Des Krieg said:
Specter_ said:
Malygris said:
Thompson's support base appears to have eroded to the point where only the most extreme groups are willing to give him the time of day. While Utah has a reputation as being perhaps a bit on the fringe of U.S. states, the Utah Eagle Forum, described as "ultra-conservative" by Red menace [http://www.gamepolitics.com/2009/02/03/utah-legislator-will-sponsor-jack-thompson-video-game-bill] and numerous other issues.
Somebody should go on a killing-spree and rid the world of those chimpanzees (no offense intended to any actual chimpanzees). Isn't there a law against this kind of stupidity?
No, if you call them chimps they may burn you at the stake...
Can I call them vegetables instead?
I don't think they'll get what you mean but hey, go for it! =D


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Hunde Des Krieg said:
Specter_ said:
Hunde Des Krieg said:
Specter_ said:
Malygris said:
Thompson's support base appears to have eroded to the point where only the most extreme groups are willing to give him the time of day. While Utah has a reputation as being perhaps a bit on the fringe of U.S. states, the Utah Eagle Forum, described as "ultra-conservative" by Red menace [http://www.gamepolitics.com/2009/02/03/utah-legislator-will-sponsor-jack-thompson-video-game-bill] and numerous other issues.
Somebody should go on a killing-spree and rid the world of those chimpanzees vegetables (no offense intended to any actual chimpanzees vegetables). Isn't there a law against this kind of stupidity?
No, if you call them chimps they may burn you at the stake...
Can I call them vegetables instead?
I don't think they'll get what you mean but hey, go for it! =D
Thank you for your assistance.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Pyre1million said:
I cannot help but note, for all Jack Thompson's utterly insane raving about video game violence. As of the time I'm writing this, there are 41 responses to the issue. And not a small number of them espouse some kind of violence as a method of removing Thompson as an issue once and for all. Albeit substantially fewer than I thought when I started writing this, which I suppose says alot about psychological priming.
It would be the sweetest of ironies if this lunatic would be disposed of in a way that "proved him right".
Apart from that, he's a fucking lunatic in a position of relative power, thus can't be laughed at and ignored, but needs to be removed, by any means neccessary and as irrevocable as possible.


New member
Jan 21, 2009
Wasnt there a shooting at a school in the US by two kids that started all this and the cops blamed it on the original DOOM????


New member
Dec 12, 2007
I don't know why America gets so upset about the regulation of games. I agree, games should have legally enforced age ratings as they do in Britain. Some games are only suitable for adults so why bother trying to stop their regulation?

I'm not in favour of the ban wand people try to waive every time a new game comes out but I think that certain titles such as manhunt should be withheld. If the games industry was regulated it would actually require it to be taken seriously by a lot more people and content would be more important in judgements than media headlines currently are.

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Anonymouse said:
Okay don't get me wrong. I hate jacky boy and truly do think he should be killed however this latest bill saying selling R18 games to under 18s is illegal. Whats wrong with that? Thats been law here for as far as I can remember. Even renting M15 games to under 15 year olds can land you a hefty fine and lose you your licence to rent shit out. If something is R18 and you don't ask for ID then you do deserve to be fired and the company to get a fine.
Where is "here?"

And for the record, you don't do your argument or your credibility any favours by saying you "truly do think he should be killed." It leaves me inclined to dismiss pretty much everything you say as, well, stupid.

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
beddo said:
I don't know why America gets so upset about the regulation of games.
If you haven't read the entire thread, you should; and if you have, you should read more closely. The answer is contained within. But to sum up, the opposition is less about videogames and more about undoing 200 years of the First Amendment based on the whims of a genuinely lunatic fringe. If you're going to mess with the Constitution, particularly the part that talks about freedom of speech, freedom of the press and all that sort of good stuff, then you better have a pretty goddamn good reason.


New member
Dec 12, 2007
Malygris said:
beddo said:
I don't know why America gets so upset about the regulation of games.
If you haven't read the entire thread, you should; and if you have, you should read more closely. The answer is contained within. But to sum up, the opposition is less about videogames and more about undoing 200 years of the First Amendment based on the whims of a genuinely lunatic fringe. If you're going to mess with the Constitution, particularly the part that talks about freedom of speech, freedom of the press and all that sort of good stuff, then you better have a pretty goddamn good reason.
I fail to see how this relates to freedom of speech. If you follow that stance how can any content be illegal other than if it violates another constitutional law?

What about cinemas? You have to be a certain age to see films at the cinema, is that against your freedom of speech? What makes adult entertainment different from video games, that material has to be sold in specifically licensed shops so what's the difference here? What about regular films that you buy or rent, you have to be a certain age to get those, I fail to see what makes games exempt from these controls. Numerous films have been banned in America, what's the difference there.

The constitution was actually meant to be re-written after x number of years to adapt to a changing society.

The US claims to be so concerned about its pseudo constitutional rights yet things such as the patriot act 2004 were passed without much opposition. This essentially rendered the constitution irrelevant.

Just look at the NSA flouting the right to privacy by tapping the communications of US citizens at will.

Throughout the history of the US the constitution has rarely stood up for the people except in places where the government didn't care enough to override it. The McCarthy trials showed that the US does not have freedom of speech.

More recently the litigious nature of your society has resulted in a legal barring of freedom of speech. People are not able to criticise companies in the US or they will be sued! Moreover, the US has even made a number illegal to write down because it can be used to decrypt certain information!

So don't bother claiming you have freedom of speech which is constitutionally protected because it's simply false.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
mattttherman3 said:
I don't care either, I just hope Mr Thompson has his facts straight this time. The Sims did not have any naughty parts, if you removed the censor, there was nothing underneath!

Sorry, couldn't resist. Anywho, on topic: Why won't Jack just fade away? Lets just hope this fails - not because its a bad law persay, simply because we don't really want Jack to try and force himself back into the public eye!


Cynical bastard
Dec 9, 2008
Nimbus said:
This dosn't seem too bad. It seems to just be making it so R games can't be sold to under 18s. What's the problem? That's already in law over here.
see, WE don't want a nanny state here that censors anything unpleasant, we want to force parents to parent instead


New member
Aug 6, 2008
MaxTheReaper said:
Dude, it's just Utah.
It's not even a fuckin' state.
I just stabbed myself in the hand while trying to peal a peach because of this, I hope you're happy.


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
Ok, I don't like how you have those airquotes Thompson. "Pesky First Amendment concerns"? Maybe you should, y'know, actually "practice law" instead of giving it "lip service"?

Besides, developers don't actually sell the games, retailers do. Who cares though, right? Forget logic!


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
Zenode said:
Wasnt there a shooting at a school in the US by two kids that started all this and the cops blamed it on the original DOOM????
Yes, that was Columbine.