I'm going be unpopular, but I agree with what Jack Thompson wants, IN PART.
Mature rated games should have a legal requirement not to be sold to under age customers.
Consider the problem now that we get games like Manhunt 2 which are tame compared with say, a 15 rated action movie. Now imagine it was legally only for sale to adults, they could lift the restrictions and make these games for the gorehounds and Hostel fans!
It would also open the market up for more games like Fahrenheit where there could be a more mature attitude to sex, and Mass Effect could have wandered by without so much as a glance from the media, as it would have been Mature rated, no under 18s, and therefore not fodder for the FOX NEWS 'Video game porn turned my 3 year old into a donkey rapist!' headlines.
To me, the news that we had a proper 18+ legally binding rating, would maybe push more into the public psyche that not all games are for 3 year olds and that a gun or a breast won't corrupt a 42 year old gamer.
As for the Spore evolution thing, the problem is, it seems anyone heavily into religion has no concept of fun, or surely there'd be more fun god and religion type games, I don't remember much since Populous, Megalomania, Black n White.
Unfortunately these games seem to involve you getting your followers to procreate, which surely can't be encouraged, tho of course Holy war is always good for lols.
It should be noticed that "Representatives from the McCain-Palin campaign have not yet responded to the letter." so its possible that they're actually a lot more sensible than we give them credit for, ok they don't believe that dinosaurs existed or that the world is more than 6000 years old, but at least they know JT is really nuts.
The unfortunate part (or fortunate perhaps) is that its JT campaigning for the changes, and wasn't it a spokesman for Rockstar who said' Thank God for Jack Thompson or we might have to battle someone competent in the courts.'