Allow me to activate my flame shield before I say anything.
Thank you Mr. Thompson, I just lost ten dollars because of you. A few years ago, I made a bet that I would never stand on the same side of the fence of an argument as you. It seems there's a first time for everything. This mod -is- amoral, vulgar, repulsive, and should never have been made, and probably would never have been made by anyone with a sound mind. So, for the first time, I do agree with you that this mod should not exist.
That being said, you live in a country that honours its freedoms very highly (or at least, used to.) To censor this game would trample upon some of the founding principles of the country you claim to defend. And that is unacceptable, I do not approve of this mod, and I know I am not alone, and I'm glad you have voiced your disapproval of it, but threatening the company that created the software this mod was created with is as inneffectual and juvenile as trying to blame the Wright Brothers for the September 11th attacks, or blaming spelling mistakes on your pen or keyboard. Valve made the tools, this mod is being created by someone who has no affiliation with hte company, just as a photographer doesn't work for Nikon or Canon, these people do not work for Valve, and so Valve has zero control over what their product is used for.
In short, your strongly worded letter is as effective at getting your point to the right ears as my strongly worded forum post is here.