if I was Gabe Newall, THIS would be my response:
Dear Mr. Thompson,
My company did NOT create this mod and we do not have to approve any mods. To say we should have to approve mods would be the same thing as saying Crayola has to approve every kindergartener's drawing. We simply gave the community the tools to make whatever they wanted. Mods are downloaded and installed by individuals. If we were to remove this mod (as you suggested), we would have to personally delete it off of the hard drive of every single person who installed it. As you can plainly see, this is simply not feasable. But what worries me about your letter is the "or else". Is this a threat? What could have caused you to become so violent Mr. Thompson? Especially towards a total stranger? I personally think it's the anger shown on shows like Fox News. They perpetrate hate towards the gaming community and act as "hate-simulators" specifically designed to brainwash people into committing acts of hate. I mean, honestly, CHILDREN could be watching! It's a shame that this awful medium has brainwashed a fine mind as yourself. First using a derogatory term for little-people, then threatening innocent strangers? WHEN WILL THE MADNESS END MR. THOMPSON?
Yours Truly,
Gabe Newall