Jailbreak your iphone? Apple "Traitorware" soon to take care of that!


New member
Nov 2, 2009
I only have a 3GS with a camera on the back, so they can take pictures of my fingers as I hold it, as one of them is normally over the lens :)


New member
Sep 10, 2008
It can also record the users' voice regardless of whether they are making a phone call, monitor their internet usage and record the heartbeat and ?vibration signature? of the user.
I lol'd a little.


New member
Aug 25, 2010
Apple are scary people.

I have an iPhone, but it's the only piece of Apple tech I've ever owned, and I'm more likely to switch to another brand because their general approach to technology is unbelievably skewed into the realms of lunacy.


In brightest day...
Nov 18, 2009
Hubilub said:
This isn't nuts, it's just extreme.

Nuts would be if the iPhone explodes in your face when you try to jailbreak it.
No, nuts would be if the iphone dispensed nuts when you tried to jailbreak it. I don't really know how that would work... But it would be awesome! Unless you're allergic to nuts, in which case it might be fatal.

A Pious Cultist

New member
Jul 4, 2009
"It can also record the users' voice regardless of whether they are making a phone call, monitor their internet usage and record the heartbeat and ?vibration signature? of the user.

Bullshit story is bullshit.


New member
Aug 14, 2009
GBlair88 said:
zHellas said:
Could someone please explain to me what "Jailbreaking" an iPod/iPhone is?

Remember, Google is your friend.
You do realize that some of us not only DON'T have iPhones, but also don't have jobs that keep us in the loop about highly technical crap, and therefore wouldn't know that 'jailbreaking' isn't a reference to an AC/DC song?

OT: I don't own any Apple technology, but if I did, I'd want the option of using whatever cellular carrier I wanted, as well as whatever apps.

knight steel

New member
Jul 6, 2009
Mr Montmorency said:
Guys! Under 18?

Then press your iPhone up against your genitalia. Apple will be forced to store child porn in it's headquarters, thusly getting prosecuted, and you get to keep your precious apps for counting until doomsday and whatnot.
SIR YES SIR PROCEEDING TO SHOVE IPHONE DOWN MY UNDERWEAR SIR (shoves Iphone down underpants and then salutes)

Mr. Gency

New member
Jan 26, 2010
Suspicious behaviour, says the application "comprises one or more of hacking the electronic device, jailbreaking the electronic device, unlocking the electronic device, removing a SIM card from the electronic device, and moving at least a predetermined distance away from a synced device.
Let me get this straight. If you unlucky enough, your iPhone can get lock just because you're not close enough to it?
If I had access to one right now, I'd smash it on the floor. I'm not saying that to be cute or anything, I literally want to smash a iPhone on the floor.

If there was ever a time I wished death upon someone, it would be now and it would be Jobs.

Read more: http://www.news.com.au/technology/apple-traitorware-can-take-your-photo-and-shut-down-your-jailbroken-iphone-ipad/story-e6frfro0-1225909901032#ixzz0xcOviJ5P
Mr Montmorency said:
Guys! Under 18?

Then press your iPhone up against your genitalia. Apple will be forced to store child porn in it's headquarters, thusly getting prosecuted, and you get to keep your precious apps for counting until doomsday and whatnot.
That's brilliant!


New member
May 21, 2010
Okay okay wait, lets see this

- They can take an unauthorized photo of me (kind of illegal, but okay)
- They can record my voice without my approval (kind of illegal... But meh)
- They can take a picture of the environment (look at the pretty squirrel... Seriously, my itunes account has my city in it jackasses)
- They can moniter my interet usage (I mean if they REALLY wanna see something, I'll make sure to go to embarassing sites)
- THey can recird my heartbeat... Um..... Why would they do that?
- And what do they consider to be suspicious behaviour? Find a way to 100% figure out if the dervice is hacked, don't work on maybes

I am all for people NOT hacking their products. Hell, I buy CDs to support artists. I don't like the idea of hacking my PS3 or someone having a hacked 360. It's no different than replicating copyright material. HOWEVER this is too fucking far...


New member
Aug 25, 2010
Mr. Gency said:
Suspicious behaviour, says the application "comprises one or more of hacking the electronic device, jailbreaking the electronic device, unlocking the electronic device, removing a SIM card from the electronic device, and moving at least a predetermined distance away from a synced device.
Let me get this straight. If you unlucky enough, your iPhone can get lock just because you're not close enough to it?
That was my first thought too - along with the SIM removal thing.

But then I thought about it some more, and it'll probably be positioned as a 'security' tool - ie: you know how far away from your home PC, say, that you're likely to travel, so you tell Apple's helpful (and not-at-all intrusive! ;) ;)) spy algorithm that "If my iPhone is more than 50 miles from my home PC, it's been nicked."

Of course you then go on holiday and come back unable to use the thing!


New member
Jan 2, 2009
People shouldn't jail-brake their ipods since apple doesn't what them to, so they probably deserve being creeped on by apple.


New member
Oct 3, 2009
it may not, but it releases a cool deadly neuro toxin when tampered.
goes by GlaDos tech


New member
Mar 26, 2010
Mr Montmorency said:
Guys! Under 18?

Then press your iPhone up against your genitalia. Apple will be forced to store child porn in it's headquarters, thusly getting prosecuted, and you get to keep your precious apps for counting until doomsday and whatnot.
Sir, please have an internetz.

My gift to you.

I only ask that you don't sue me for copy/pasting this comment into my email sig for a while.


Filled with ReLRRgious fervor.
Dec 17, 2009
This could cause some pretty funny problems. It says that removing the SIM card causes it to activate and it compares pictures/heart beats, so if you buy an iPhone does that mean it will lock you out cause it thinks you're stealing it? If you walk too far away from your syncing computer, it could lock you out. So much shit is going to go downhill for this thing.

I don't think that it's an invasion of privacy, if you buy an iPhone knowing it has this ability and then you trigger that ability then you've kind of asked for it, haven't you?


Me, I'm Counting
Sep 24, 2008
Suki the Cat said:
Mmmmmmh, laughing in peoples faces pleasures me.
Oh Suki, you saucy minx.

While this seems a little bit extreme, it doesn't bother me. I own an iPad and it's not jailbroken, nor do i have any intention of doing so. I suppose you can tout consumer freedom all you want but the fact is if you're not going against company policy then it won't affect you and you shouldn't have anything to worry about. 'Nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide', as they say. At least Apple is taking security into its own hands as opposed to, say, the RIAA to sends young Timmy to court for downloading his favourite album and saying "We demand one million dollars in compensation your honour!" (*Cue Dr. Evil pinky shot*)