Jailbreak your iphone? Apple "Traitorware" soon to take care of that!

Evil the White

New member
Apr 16, 2009
Mr Montmorency said:
Guys! Under 18?

Then press your iPhone up against your genitalia. Apple will be forced to store child porn in it's headquarters, thusly getting prosecuted, and you get to keep your precious apps for counting until doomsday and whatnot.
If I get an iPhone in the nexts year or so (heaven forbid, if I win the lottery or something), then I will so do this.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Wow, talk about stupid bullshit, glad I don't use Apple crap ^^

Mr Montmorency said:
Guys! Under 18?

Then press your iPhone up against your genitalia. Apple will be forced to store child porn in it's headquarters, thusly getting prosecuted, and you get to keep your precious apps for counting until doomsday and whatnot.
You sir are a genius! :D


New member
Sep 2, 2009
After reading the article I had to check if the date isn't April 1st. It wasn't. Instead I noticed it's 2010 and we apparently entered a grim and dystopian future that would make Philip K. Dick turn in his grave, point a finger at us and gleefully proclaim "Told you so!".

On the upbeat notice, my Cyberpunk 2020 sourcebooks read like a cheerful fairytale now.


New member
Mar 18, 2009

Wasn't jailbreaking recently dismissed as a no-foul modification? Why are they still bothering with this?


New member
Sep 15, 2008
Mr Montmorency said:
Guys! Under 18?

Then press your iPhone up against your genitalia. Apple will be forced to store child porn in it's headquarters, thusly getting prosecuted, and you get to keep your precious apps for counting until doomsday and whatnot.

AMMO Kid said:
People shouldn't jail-brake their ipods since apple doesn't what them to, so they probably deserve being creeped on by apple.
I'm hoping that's a joke, lol


New member
Aug 24, 2008
Cyan. said:
It does not belong to apple.

It belongs to you. Thats the whole concept behind PURCHACING a telephone.

The software on the phone belongs to apple. If you dont like it, simply jailbreak it and install new software.

By your logic, my laptop belongs to microsoft and installing linux on it should be punishable by them bricking my PC, recording my webcam, location, calls and heartbeat....
It's not the same as installing linux but I understand what you're saying, I just thought that it might come under reverse engineering in the user agreement.


New member
Apr 27, 2009
For the people wondering if this is such a big deal, this is like Microsoft locking down your computer if you install other OS'es on it.


New member
Feb 26, 2009
I don't think that most of you read the article closely enough. They do all that stuff BEFORE they know you've jailbroken the phone, it's a means of establishing if there's anything suspicious going on. That would be equivalent to the police breaking into your house at random intervals just to see if you were doing something naughty.

I call bullshit. Honestly no court in any country would uphold this sort of flagrant invasion of privacy. ... okay, so maybe in the U.S. where if you slip the right congressman enough money he'll appear on TV in a tutu and officially endorse Man-Squirrel marriages... but I don't live in the U.S.

I live in Japan where the privacy laws are incredibly strict.
Take my picture? I sue.
Monitor my internet usage without a warrent? I sue.
Take pictures of my home? ... okay, after you recover from shock at the mess... I'll get around to suing you.
Monitor my heartbeat a warrent? I sue. (specifically covered in the confidentiality of medical data)
Record my voice... hmm... a bit of a gray area, but I'll probably just sue on principle.

Oh, and if they happen to get pictures of my daughter (2 1/2 years old) I'll sue them until they bleed from every possible orifice. (and I seriously mean EVERY POSSIBLE ORIFICE...)

No way this is legal. I'd like independent confirmation from a reliable source, because Apple has plenty of lawyers and if it got past the legal department then they all deserved to be fired.

Oh, but FYI this sort of technology isn't new, and is already authorised for use by law enforcement in the U.S. Got a hostage situation and want to know who's in the room? No problem, jack into any cellphone signals in the target area, activate the microphone and camera and then use software to pinpoint the location of the phone, the relative distance from the phone to each speaker, and bingo you've got a detailed map of where everyone is. If the criminals each have a cellphone then so much the better. In most kidnapping situations the first thing they do is confiscate the captives' cellphones, so even if they left theirs at home they'll have one soon.

In this case though the wiretapping is justifiable as there is a crime in progress. Just doing it randomly would be utterly insane.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
Sheesh......and people wonder why I got an android based phone. I refuse to put up will Apple's bullshit regardless of how great their products might be. Since when can a company break your shit because they don't like the way you are using it? I hope many lawsuits result from this and Steve has to give back his liver.


Surreal Estate Agent
Mar 21, 2010
Between There and There.
The Wide, Brown One.
Frungy said:
Oh, but FYI this sort of technology isn't new, and is already authorised for use by law enforcement in the U.S. Got a hostage situation and want to know who's in the room? No problem, jack into any cellphone signals in the target area, activate the microphone and camera and then use software to pinpoint the location of the phone, the relative distance from the phone to each speaker, and bingo you've got a detailed map of where everyone is. If the criminals each have a cellphone then so much the better. In most kidnapping situations the first thing they do is confiscate the captives' cellphones, so even if they left theirs at home they'll have one soon.
This is one reason why if I took a bunch of hostages I'd toss all their phones and force them to rely my demands to the filth via interpretive dance or possibly charades if that doesn't work. The other main reason being I'd find it fucking hilarious and it's my hostage situation so we play by my rules.


Surreal Estate Agent
Mar 21, 2010
Between There and There.
The Wide, Brown One.
MaxPowers666 said:
They will never get this patent through. It has way way to many privacy violations in it. Its just a petty attempt by apple to try and find another way to prevent people from jailbreaking their iphones but it wont work. Even if they are able to go through with it they will get their asses sued within the first week.
Yep, because while they have the right to withdraw service and warranty on unlicense modifications they don't have the legal right to come and actively fuck your shit up over it.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
This is exactly why i have an Android phone.

If you have an android phone.. please click here:



New member
Jan 10, 2009
Aerodyamic said:
GBlair88 said:
zHellas said:
Could someone please explain to me what "Jailbreaking" an iPod/iPhone is?

Remember, Google is your friend.
You do realize that some of us not only DON'T have iPhones, but also don't have jobs that keep us in the loop about highly technical crap, and therefore wouldn't know that 'jailbreaking' isn't a reference to an AC/DC song?
I never said I owned any Apple products or that I knew exactly what jailbreaking was. Neither did I imply that I have ever worked in a job that requires me to have a comprehensive knowledge on all things technology. But luckily Google and other search engines can quickly provide us with information on many things. Which is why I gave zHellas a link to the Wikipedia page explaining what jailbreaking is in reference to an iPhone and reminded them that search engines are quick and easy to use.

If I had wanted to be an arse about it I could've simply said: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=jailbreaking+an+iphone and left it at that, but I didn't.

Outright Villainy

New member
Jan 19, 2010
How in God's name would they get that patent through? If people knew that they could spy on you, who would willingly buy it? I wouldn't take one for free, because that's the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard. I'd like to hear another source on this to be honest, it seems pretty unbelievable. If it's true then Apple will be the first company I'll ever boycott, so kudos to them for that.


New member
Dec 29, 2008
I really don't see the need to "jailbreak" my iPod so it does... stuff, I only use it to listen to podcasts and the occasional song. It's beyond me why people are getting upset over this.

EDIT: Although they may be a bit extreme in their methodology, I can see where they're coming from, is what I wanted to say there.

Boris Goodenough

New member
Jul 15, 2009
Celtic_Kerr said:
Okay okay wait, lets see this

- They can take an unauthorized photo of me (kind of illegal, but okay)
- They can record my voice without my approval (kind of illegal... But meh)
- They can take a picture of the environment (look at the pretty squirrel... Seriously, my itunes account has my city in it jackasses)
- They can moniter my interet usage (I mean if they REALLY wanna see something, I'll make sure to go to embarassing sites)
- THey can recird my heartbeat... Um..... Why would they do that?
- And what do they consider to be suspicious behaviour? Find a way to 100% figure out if the dervice is hacked, don't work on maybes

I am all for people NOT hacking their products. Hell, I buy CDs to support artists. I don't like the idea of hacking my PS3 or someone having a hacked 360. It's no different than replicating copyright material. HOWEVER this is too fucking far...
People have to hack the PS3 if they need to use it for scientific research because the newest updates don't allow Linux to be run on it. So over 300 research institutes, including the US Air Force can't run their simulations and calcualtions.
Sony's selling point was that you could run Linux on it aswell.

More to the point of privacy, what if you work at a research facility and Apple steals information that way?


New member
Mar 18, 2010
Mr Montmorency said:
Guys! Under 18?

Then press your iPhone up against your genitalia. Apple will be forced to store child porn in it's headquarters, thusly getting prosecuted, and you get to keep your precious apps for counting until doomsday and whatnot.
Get the girls to join in on the fun too :D

Eh, I just got an iPod Touch 3rd gen (but apparently the fucking 8 gb model ISN'T 3rd gen, it's 2nd gen model with 3rd gen hardware, because using 3rd gen firmware files aren't compatible with it *angryface*)