Japanese Developer Enthusiastically Teases Revival of JRPGs

Variable X

New member
Aug 23, 2010
I wonder if the had some of that broken English to try to remind us of the "glory days" for JRPGs back in the 90's. Yah know, because they didn't exactly have the best translations.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
For.I.Am.Mad said:
I can't wait. I mean it, I can't wait to see their response.
I actually hope they fail, not because I want them to fail and JRPGs to be doomed, but because it would be fucking hilarious...


Pulse l'Cie
Jul 16, 2009
Tom Goldman said:
Even Final Fantasy XIII [http://www.amazon.com/Final-Fantasy-XIII-Playstation-3/dp/B000FQ2DTA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1290021032&sr=8-1-spell], the latest from a series that leads the way for JRPGs, was a disappointment by many accords.
According to you, as well as the usual JRPG-bashing group.

Final Fantasy games always get the bashing treatment. When XIII was done and dusted, XIV came out and everyone moved on to insult THAT game. It will happen to Versus XIII and it will happen to whatever comes next.

Hell, people DESPISED Final Fantasy X, but then when XII came out, the hate towards X pretty much subsided and the XII bashing started. It's a never-ending cycle.

You may like to say that it was a "disappointment by many accords", however there are MANY who strongly disagree with you.

SquareEnix don't stick to the same exact gameplay styles for any Final Fantasy games. There are similarities in the concepts, but the battle systems are completely different, the style varies each time. Just because one particular game earlier in the series is "good" for one group of people, it certainly doesn't mean it's the best for EVERYONE. Hell, people actually love Final Fantasy VIII, with it's Mary Sue/whore-biscuit, Rinoa, and it's utter lack of a plot (or an extremely poor attempt at trying to explain it by last few discs)..

Seriously, it's one major issue I have against the WRPG dipshit fanboys (who really are no better than JRPG fanboys). Bear in mind, I am neither. It is incredibly funny, however, that WRPG fanboys will *****, MOAN AND COMPLAIN consistently about how "horrendously bad" the JRPG sub-genre is.. Yet I have NEVER seen/heard a JRPG fanboy do the same against WRPGs. Y'know why? Because they DON'T GIVE A SHIT. JRPG gamers will play their games, WRPG gamers will play their games. Why is it always "such a big fuckin' deal, you guys~!" It's just pathetic..


Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
Is trailer full on of Engrish? VERY YES!


That said... of all companies to revive the JRPG Imageepoch is laying claim to it? Sands of Destruction and Arc Rise Fantasia were both games I was looking forward too and can both be classified as massive letdowns, pieces of junk even...

If anyone can "save" the JRPG it's probably going to be Atlus, I think they're the only company that has released JRPG's that have been really well received in both Japan and North America in the last couple of years.

Tom Goldman

Crying on the inside.
Aug 17, 2009
MattAn24 said:
Tom Goldman said:
Even Final Fantasy XIII [http://www.amazon.com/Final-Fantasy-XIII-Playstation-3/dp/B000FQ2DTA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1290021032&sr=8-1-spell], the latest from a series that leads the way for JRPGs, was a disappointment by many accords.
According to you, as well as the usual JRPG-bashing group.

Final Fantasy games always get the bashing treatment. When XIII was done and dusted, XIV came out and everyone moved on to insult THAT game. It will happen to Versus XIII and it will happen to whatever comes next.

Hell, people DESPISED Final Fantasy X, but then when XII came out, the hate towards X pretty much subsided and the XII bashing started. It's a never-ending cycle.

You may like to say that it was a "disappointment by many accords", however there are MANY who strongly disagree with you.

SquareEnix don't stick to the same exact gameplay styles for any Final Fantasy games. There are similarities in the concepts, but the battle systems are completely different, the style varies each time. Just because one particular game earlier in the series is "good" for one group of people, it certainly doesn't mean it's the best for EVERYONE. Hell, people actually love Final Fantasy VIII, with it's Mary Sue/whore-biscuit, Rinoa, and it's utter lack of a plot (or an extremely poor attempt at trying to explain it by last few discs)..

Seriously, it's one major issue I have against the WRPG dipshit fanboys (who really are no better than JRPG fanboys). Bear in mind, I am neither. It is incredibly funny, however, that WRPG fanboys will *****, MOAN AND COMPLAIN consistently about how "horrendously bad" the JRPG sub-genre is.. Yet I have NEVER seen/heard a JRPG fanboy do the same against WRPGs. Y'know why? Because they DON'T GIVE A SHIT. JRPG gamers will play their games, WRPG gamers will play their games. Why is it always "such a big fuckin' deal, you guys~!" It's just pathetic..
It's not really that deep, man. I've loved every Final Fantasy game, but Final Fantasy XIII disappointed me personally. Many people agreed, if you look around, and the game got some surprisingly low reviews. This had nothing to do with it being a JRPG, but with its mechanics. Final Fantasy XIV also has mechanics that are also just not good, and I really wanted to like it. Sure, people liked FFXIII, but many fans of JRPGs like myself were also very disappointed with it.


New member
May 3, 2010
I thought it meant tease like ha-ha tease... because a JRPG being good is quite a hilarious concept


New member
Aug 31, 2009
My favorite JRPGs are on the PSP and DS. Pokemon, Persona 3, Lunar: Silver Star Story. Once the price drops I'm probably going to pick up Trinity Universe. I liked Star Ocean too but I didn't realize there was going to be an international version...

I don't think JRPGs have grown stale. I think it's Square-Enix. There was another thread that mentioned Square-Enix being used as a sort of crude vantage point when it came to observing how well or poorly JRPGs are doing.

The recent developments of people like Miyamoto being embarrassed by Super Mario 3 and of, Keiji Inafune hating his job, I wouldn't be surprised if the higher-ups in Square-Enix aren't also feeling disdain for their most well-known property. They've already expressed that they didn't know what to do with the series too.

But this isn't completely about one company and one franchise. A part of me would like to say 'why not reboot Blood of Bahamut' but that would be another Final Fantasy with a different name. Besides, if any obscure, Japan exclusive RPG were to be remade and brought overseas, I think people would rather have Mother than Blood of Bahamut.

Kirch Libre

New member
Jun 22, 2010
Oh fuck you Japan. Don't pull this crap when I'm getting used to playing other genres.

However I would love to see Chrono Break...

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
I think that is the least compelling argument I have seen in a very long time. You give me a laundry list of grievances against the JRPG and then assert I clearly am not tired of them? I don't even think that counts as rhetoric. I don't even think it would be convincing if I already loved the idea of the game they're trying to sell me.


Pulse l'Cie
Jul 16, 2009
Tom Goldman said:
It's not really that deep, man. I've loved every Final Fantasy game, but Final Fantasy XIII disappointed me personally. Many people agreed, if you look around, and the game got some surprisingly low reviews. This had nothing to do with it being a JRPG, but with its mechanics. Final Fantasy XIV also has mechanics that are also just not good, and I really wanted to like it. Sure, people liked FFXIII, but many fans of JRPGs like myself were also very disappointed with it.
That may be so, but again, as I said.. Personal preference = Fine, as long as it's not crammed down other people's throats. I'm not saying you're doing it, but it's a common thing lately..

Also, fun fact regarding FFXIV, SquareEnix hasn't charged any of its players a single cent since launch day. They're dealing out another 30 days free, taking the total to 90. They've admitted their mistakes, they've acknowledged that it's not acceptable and they've listened to the playerbase. One thing they NEVER did for FFXI Online.

November and December are going to be MASSIVE updates to FFXIV. All of the updates are things that current players suggested via feedback to SE. There were a lot of people who turned their backs, yet they're the ones who've missed out on free game time and actually getting their feedback heard. I'll even admit it, the game was definitely unfinished. It LOOKS great and the battle mechanics are actually quite fun (rather than FFXI's bland waitwaitwaitautoattackwaitwaitweaponskillwaitwaitautoattackabilitywaitwait.. XIV has actual input into battles.


Apr 28, 2008
That video does nothing but make me laugh and really doubt they're going to revitalize the genre.


Pulse l'Cie
Jul 16, 2009
AC10 said:
That video does nothing but make me laugh and really doubt they're going to revitalize the genre.
Thanks for contributing absolutely nothing of value to the discussion. You've added nothing but a stale sentence that just makes you look like an ignorant twat. Seriously. Please post something valuable..


And you are?
Sep 10, 2007
Tom Goldman said:
Dectilon said:
"I mean, they are currently developing a game about spanking demon girls, so that's a good sign."

I don't think you have the same frame of reference as most people. How is that a good sign?
You guys don't want to spank demon girls? What's wrong with you???
Yeah! Who doesn't want to spank demon girls! This game sounds awesome! Hey, I heard they released some character art recently, Imma take a look at the kind of girls that are gonna be in this thing! Oh man, this is going to be so-


...Well, if these people are trying to infuse us with hope for the future of the JRPG, consider me infused! If you can think of anyone better suited for combating the negative stereotype of Japanese games, then you need to watch that video again, because these guys clearly know what's what!

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go pre-order me some games! Yeah!

[sub](I'm not actually so reactionary that I'd condemn a company for some questionable design choices in what is already an incredibly weird game, especially when they're one of the few people who're actually showing some enthusiasm about trying to rejuvenate a genre I personally have great affection for. Nonetheless, the idea that these people are talking about the negative image JRPGs have internationally, while making a game where you spank underage anime demon girls, has too much delicious irony for me to ignore.)[/sub]