ShadowDude112 said:
Don't put words in my mouth because I'll shove them right back down your throat. What I mean is that it's okay to cheer if somethings cool, I cheered when I see something cool. But, if it's a fictional character who doesn't exist (doesn't it cost a lot of money to go to a concert?) Anyways, I obviously offended you in someway so I apologize. I was just voicing my opinion. Apologies to all if it offended more than just you.
Seriously though, out of all the dumb things I've heard, you definitely won the title. For someone that goes out to "alot" of conerects, you (out of all the virgin unwashed masses) sure do know the difference between a good band, a good performance, and what's a great visual display. (/sarcasm)
But clearly the last time you've been to a concert was for the Insane Clown Posse.
For starters, some bands and artist just don't have that much energy or command of the crowd like others do. They have some great music, but their stage performance are clearly lacking for whatever reasons. (Which may-not be their fault, maybe they are more introverted, or maybe complete dicks to their fans like the Kings on Leon and Creed.) Hatsume Miku here clearly does not have that problem.
Point given to the Hologram chick.
Performance wise, all bands will make mistakes while preforming. But we credit that towards them. While a band is preforming, we're not expecting CD perfect songs, but something that acknowledged the crowd. (Bonus points to Mega Ran's Freestyle with the audience, quite the dope performer!) A artist will skip lyrics or have their band members play the rift or melody while the lead preps the audience for the drop. Imaginer Girl Vocoder here clearly cannot do that with her current AI, but like the previous Gorilaz concert's (not the new Plastic Beach ones, but the ones right before it) Set up requires the scripters of the show to many possible variations of the same show. When Cartoon Alice DX gets to be able to exploit that in real time, we'll have our other "fake" bands suddenly become more popular.
point given to the Glow stick crowd.
Finally, have you ever been to a Dio (May he rest in peace) Concert? Dio and his band made great CDs, but they MADE MAGIC on stage. It was a perfect blend of performance, Command, and (get this) VISUALS. What makes sound even more better? The visuals of course! Dio had everything going on, Lazers, Lights, video, and focus on the band members in the middle of it. The only thing to top what Dio made was when the Gorilaz was in town for their Plastic Beach concert. There where simple stage props, but the sheer amount of people on stage and the video of the band and animations while Damon was completely controlling the show in his make-shift salior uniform was just a perfect sensory overload. See-Thru Chick here isn't new, but the visuals where actually simple yet fitting.
point given to the lightblub for the starburst-though-the-croch.
Overall, Stop whining. It's not your thing, we get it. But that performance was decent and the crowd energy would of been great to experienced.