CantFaketheFunk said:
Yeah, and a manga library with two million books isn't bizarre.
Japan, you just did it again.
Glefistus said:
In other news, the mean GPA of Meiji university has fallen to 0.0 as students skip class to read manga.
traceur_ said:
Well, Japan seems to love wasting money on stupid shit.
Stabby Joe said:
...if it's in Japan can I assume the adult section to be mixed with the kid section?
I'm sorry, but week after week I keep seeing the Escapist just DIVING at Japan in search of any stupid shit they can dredge up, applying huge, sweeping, derogatory generalizations to its entire culture and populace all for its readers' amusement as if every single Japanese person were a dancing pedophile monkey. This news post is one of the more subtle, but from the way it reads you'd think that Japan were the only place in the world to have a comic book library. My own alma mater, Michigan State University, a respected "big ten" school and home of the world's largest superconducting cyclotron, has a huge collection of comic books of all kinds, manga and otherwise. It's had it for
years, its volumes number in the millions, and isn't the only school to have done so. Meanwhile there's this big broo-ha about the Gundam monument, but remember who marched at the Rose Bowl that one year? That's right, George Lucas and his
army of stormtroopers.
Seriously guys, are we really going to pretend that our own shit doesn't stink? That our pedophiles are somehow
less disgusting than their pedophiles, that our neurotic obsession with our popular culture is somehow
less neurotic than theirs is, or, maybe more importantly, that popular culture isn't worth studying, or even honoring?