Jimquisition: Booth Babes


Poof, poof, sparkles!
Jun 1, 2010
Jimothy Sterling said:
...figuring out how to feed the poor and raise the debt ceiling...
I thought, nay hoped, you were going to say "..raise the dead..". Well that's one vote no longer going to Stirling/Dafoe.


New member
Mar 7, 2012
I remember at the Gamescom in Cologne 2011, there was a tv station talking smack about gamer and a boothbabe who was telling them how gamers are lazy bums, who stink.

So yeah, if boothbabes, make them being cosplaying and check if they actually are at least a bit into the stuff they are presenting/ representing.

Andy Shandy

Fucked if I know
Jun 7, 2010
I must say I did expect the Booth Baby to end up like this.

But anyway, I didn't particularly care if they are there or not, but if it gives these girls jobs and they enjoy it, why not let them continue. Make them put on more clothes, and participate more in showing off the game besides perhaps just standing there (I assume that's what they do) but I don't see a huge need to get rid of them. And get Booth Bros as well if there's a potential gender issue as well.


New member
Dec 29, 2009
the laugh at the end sold it.

my feelings about booth babes are similar to my feelings of people who do porn. im not saying wearing skimpy outfits to pander to male gamers is is the same as having sex for money, but you can argue that some women may be doing both out of enjoyment and dont feel at all objectified. but at the end of the day, they are doing it for money, and i feel it gets harder to argue that youre doing it because you enjoy it or feel empowered by it, when what youre doing in a scene or what youre wearing at a con is decided by someone else and youre dependent on doing what they tell you in order to get your paycheck. this is one of those areas where all i can really do is say that i dont like it but dont have a right to tell someone what to do with their life or their body


New member
Apr 26, 2011
Jimothy Sterling said:
Booth Babes

The punditry of the videogame community have been chatting an awful lot about booth babes this past year or so.

Watch Video
Oh god damn it Jim, what was the cartoon you used a clip from? With the purple lizard guy? It stirred something in the back of my brain from my childhood but I can't remember what.


Elite Member
Mar 20, 2010
rbstewart7263 said:
Jimothy Sterling said:
Booth Babes

The punditry of the videogame community have been chatting an awful lot about booth babes this past year or so.

Watch Video
Thank god someone who's not treating these ladies like some kind of plague. There people too and I intend to treat them as such. also the fact that you can still have cosplayers where the booth babes are banned is hypocritical to me.

My solution: Find a middleground. since no one is objectively right instead of causing these poor women to lose jobs. Why not just dress em up a bit and hell teach em something about the games, make them knowledgable about the product.
You mean something like teach them the basic pitch for the product, let them play it for a short bit to get the most basic grasp of what they're talking about, suit them up as characters from the game in question, and call it a day?

Or something more like the SodaPop Girls (though several of them have characters based on them in that tentacle rape card game, so now they could pretty easily be the first group)?

CAPTCHA: crash and burn. Yes, captcha this thread most probably will.


New member
Jan 28, 2009
It's up to the organizers and their conscience, ultimately. But since it really is just a matter of sheer personal preference, the best way to resolve it would be to have people vote about whether or not they want to see this kind of thing at the events, wouldn't it? It's a conflict of interests, so out of principle, someone's gonna have to lose out. That's just life. I get that the women might like their job, but at the end of the day, it's their own problem.


New member
Sep 24, 2008
Now, since I am a man, and nobody gives a flying fuck what men think on these issues (unless your business card says "feminist" on it, that is), I just wanted to say that, were I physically able, I would get a job as "booth eye candy" faster than you could blink.


New member
Aug 31, 2010
I think they should have booth-people dressed up as the characters in the games they're portraying. Offering a quick visual cue for people and adding a level of familiarity and a few nice photos. Just paid cosplayers in that case. Models keep their jobs, booths get an eye-catched, they cover up a bit for the anti-booth babe crowd, they see tits on the Dead or Alive or Soul Calibur booth for the pro-booth babe crowd. Everyone wins.

Oh also if you're going to have a game with someone running around scantly clad like the aforementioned Dead or Alive or Soul Calibur and THAT'S OK to show at your convention then it's kinda hypocritical to say that the dress code is too appalling. So it's "Making games about people with big tits = good" but "hiring people to dress up like said character with big tits = offensive and sexist". K...


New member
Sep 10, 2008
If people are being alienated then the business will react. Stop all restrictions and let the people decide. It is called choice, give the power to the people.


New member
Dec 8, 2008
Zachary Amaranth said:
We don't need to get rid of booth babes to make women more comfortable. The complaints aren't that they exist, but the way they are employed and the fashion in which they dress.
Care to elaborate on your first point because I'm not sure they're mutually exclusive as you're making it sound?
Sure you can have them dress in a different way but they're just female representatives of gaming companies and may as well be a pretty lady holding a clipboard in a turtle neck sweater.

Zachary Amaranth said:
Regardless, being told to put clothes on or move locations is not dehumanising them. It's a reflection of the terrible choices made by the employers, as they're the ones setting the mandate. And honestly, these women were hired to be T&A and surrendered a good chunk of their autonomy in doing so. The superficial argument Jim makes is that there's even no evidence that they don't like it. Well, if it's safe to assume they're okay with it, they have no right to complain that they're being asked to cover up in a private expo.

Either way, pick a side: free will or "just following orders." You cannot have it both ways.
He didn't regard the moving of them or asking them to point clothes on as dehumanising but embarrassing for them, he likened that to the way people speak about them as if we have a right to choose if they like their chosen job or not.
In a way it's no different to how people think of strippers or porn stars because of the fact they exist "they're damaging the status quo of women", yet a lot of porn actresses and strippers like their jobs.

The way people talk about booth babes is that we know whats best for them and that they're incapable of making their own decisions as a grown adult, obviously a woman can't like wearing skimpy clothes, being surrounded by virgin males in a room for a few days.
That is the dehumanizing part.

I mean, Whats the difference? [http://www.butlersinthebuff.co.uk/]

Jimothy Sterling said:
You should also take a look at the link, just in case the whole Jimquisition thing doesn't work out for you there buddy.
I'd totally throw stacks at you.


New member
Aug 4, 2010
japlandweirdling said:
Booth Boys? Bro's?
Why not? Last time I was in Vegas, many of the hotels (Luxor, Caesars Palace, Excalibur, Imperal Palace) had buff, half nekkid male eye candy at prominent locations. Sprinkle some "Booth Bros" in a convention, and I'm sure many of the people complaining about the exploitation of women wouldn't half much ammunition.

Good job Jim about pointng out the employment factor. It's something I would never have thought of.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
That's a good point, did anyone bother to actually ask the actually booth babes whether or not they had a problem with what they were doing or the whole idea in general? You know, instead of talking about them as you would the Michelangelo's David?


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Somehow, I'm glad that Jim did not come down on a definitive answer to the problem.

Lvl 64 Klutz

Apr 8, 2008
Jimothy Sterling said:
I made one side of the argument in the first four. Hadn't even addressed the conflicting flipside yet. If you feel they're too long, that is fair enough criticism (I always try and keep them shorter than they turn out), but you must have been watching a different video. Not to mention, most videos have always been between seven and eight minutes and this one was. Previous two were closer to ten, so you really did pick the wrong vid, considering this one brought the viewing time back to average.

Let's have some standards back in our criticism.

Vote Sterling.
I didn't mention the Resident Evil 6 episode because I thought you were making a complex enough argument to make up for the extra time. Watched all three videos again with your comments in mind, and yes the 3 minute summary was a bit of a hyperbole. I think the comment came from the fact that you spend a lot of time on two very simple points in both this video and the last ("Most children characters are annoying"/"This child in The Walking Dead isn't" etc.) and upon reflection I just hear you repeating the points over and over.

Keep in mind, I realize that any good argument needs to have plenty of detail and explanation, and the detail in your arguments is partially why I enjoy Jimquisition. However, these past two videos have felt more padded than detailed.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Somehow, I'm glad that Jim did not settle on a definitive answer to the problem.

Playful Pony

Clop clop!
Sep 11, 2012
I don't really mind or care... I do think it's lazy, and I don't understand how it would actually work, but then I'm not a guy so... As mentioned, they could at least had the girls cosplay something from the game. Why can't they just ditch the sexy girls and do a burly man with full war gear for the next generic shooter? Surely that's much more interesting to the general crowd.

I personally wouldn't mind doing this job even, if I was suitably sexy... But if I was, I could use my sexyness for a lot of other much more entertaining things! Unfortunately I'm too tall, my breasts are not perfectly shaped and they sag more than is ideal, my skin is FAR from perfect, my hair is pretty lazy and simple and I barely ever wear makeup. I'm quite skinny though, so thats one down! Come to think of it I'm likely not skinny enough X3. I should totally make a porn for people with a fetish for extremely average and slightly nerdy girls.

eatenbyagrue said:
I have a question though: don't car shows also have their own version of booth babes?
Since when is this a car website? I thought we concerned outself with gaming-related stuff on here Oo.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
I'm not sure the argument of them losing their job is that much of a strong one. Yeah, they'd lose out on that one-off, 3 days of work or whatever, but I'd imagine they still have jobs outside of that, hell, they may even just work somewhere else that weekend. It's not like E3 stop hiring them and they are then forced to go stand in line at the unemployment office.

Hell, it might even create the same amount of jobs for other people, such as Break Dancers. Which as you pointed out, would rock.