BioRex said:
So it's pretentious to want a developer to prioritize an easy mode? Harsh words but I respect you for being able to treat your own opinion in such manner.
It's pretentious to presume that your preference is objective fact, and that everyone else who doesn't conform is "wrong".
Now, such pretension and passion is useful for a game creator. There is a line of thinking that goes "Creators create first for themselves, not everyone else" and for some of the best works in gaming, that's true. Gaming started not as a mathematical industry, but as a hobby and from hobby enthusiasts.
However, the argumentation I see in this topic is very pathos-driven and thoroughly nonsensical.
Imagine if I made a topic claiming that anyone who doesn't play Capture the Flag in Halo is "doing it wrong", and that every hour 343 spends working on non-CTF content is an hour of effort wasted.
I'd look like a lunatic (probably get called a troll).
The contrast to that is "I rather like the CTF elements and wouldn't mind seeing more emphasis placed on it."
Sometimes, that's the birthplace of innovation.
Rooster Cogburn said:
I don't agree that being passionate about a hobby is bad. That's what they're for, as I see it. I try (I said try!) to keep my anger righteous if I really can't keep it to myself.
Believe me, I was the same exact way for years.
Angry about changes in gaming, angry about how people played, angry about how stagnant and generic the market was becoming.
Actually, I still kinda am, though for slightly different reasons (*curses Diablo 3*).
Passion is a powerful motivator, but all too often, it lacks proper focus.
Well, a game you want to play not featuring an easy mode sounds like just as much a first world problem.
It's a first world problem with or without. The point is I don't see how this warrants such outrage.
I had the same problem when fans raged over Mass Effect 3 for over a solid month.
And people are angry enough over that to call Dark Souls fans all sorts of nasty things. Do you think Jim Sterling is "sad" for getting worked up and bothering enough to fling all that shit at people who think Dark Souls shouldn't have easy mode?
Oh most definitely. I do agree that the situation has gotten out of hand, and the complaints are rather petty indeed.
But that's the twist of the show; it's entertaining to recognize how petty we are even while we badger and debate about the most petty things.
When I commented on your first response to me, I wasn't being sarcastic or smug, and I fully recognize the irony of the situation.
A large part of entertainment within the gaming culture is based on anger.
Just look at the legions of "angry" internet game reviewers and shows. The Escapist's own Zero Punctuation is built entirely on anger, pretension and hate because most people (psychologically) find the anger of others hilarious.
Mr. Crowshaw is just very good at turning that anger into something more clever than blunt force trauma humor (usually).
Do you know why many Dark Souls fans don't want Dark Souls (just that one game, mind) to have easy mode? That's an honest question, I want to know what you think their motivation is.
I won't pretend to know the thoughts and feelings of every Dark Souls fan or even the average DS fan, but I'm guessing the "nobler" intent is they want other players to share the same experience as they did with the game.
I'd also guess the less than noble version being they can't stand it when people like something they don't, and they think it will change what they do like.
Both versions include an aversion to change, no matter how insignificant or (im)practical the change is.
EDIT: Also, link to that "elitist circle-jerk" please lol.
There's a few choice quotes on page 7 and 13. I clicked around a bit, and had to keep myself from facepalming at some of the really inane things. Those are resolved in one form or another, and I'm not dredging that shitstorm up again, as amusing it would be.
Hell, I should be getting back to work...