Jimquisition: Emotions, Polygons, and Ellen Page


Wild at Heart and weird on top
Jan 30, 2011
Vitagen said:
As someone who's never played any of David Cage's work, is his writing really that bad, or does he just get an exceptionally bad rep because he thinks he's some sort of transcendent genius but in reality isn't?
I've played Fahrenheit and Heavy Rain. And while i had a certain respect for Fahrenheit (don't get me wrong though, it's bad in pretty much every conceivable way) i would argue that his writing is, indeed, that bad. Now, that's not quite the problem... It's just part of the problem. His games have some of the most repetetive gameplay i've ever seen in a modern game. They downright alienate the player. Basically just show him cutscenes and occasionally test his reactions with QTEs to drive home the point that it is, indeed, a game and not a movie.

Now, there's one thing Cage is somewhat good at and that's building atmosphere. I will give him credit for that. But there's pretty much nothing else about his games that would be of any value.


New member
Feb 20, 2008
Hilarious and freaky at the same time.

Though I must say "awww" I thought you'd go the whole way with that line.
Who is this man. Where does he come from. Where will he go. Is his name: Cotton Eye Joe.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Honestly, I'll give credit to anyone that isn't making shooters nowadays

nothing against shooters, just over-saturated


New member
Oct 26, 2009
Scorpid said:
I don't understand people hate for his games. I thought heavy rain was great, and the niche he fills isn't one being filled by any other triple AAA developer. Would you guys prefer if Quantic Dream just made another spunkgargleweewee games? Of course he's passionate about the games he makes and the style he makes them in it's, by what right to we have to be so cynical as to say that it's wrong. I don't want every game being like Heavy Rain but neither do I want every game being like my personal favorite genre, a RTS.
I haven't played the game, or anything by Quantic Dream, honestly. (Please, no stoning. I'll get around to it, I promise.) But I don't think the cry is for more spunkgargleweewee. I think the cry is more for that it's okay to be a bit more subtle with emotional, and character-based narrative. Heavy Rain was probably really good at what it did, but there's nothing wrong with saying "Maybe tweak it a bit." If I'm reading Jim- er, David correctly, it's that the push for better graphics to mean you can do more with characters and story is a bit of a misguided idea. Hell, I got more depressed while playing Monster Rancher than I did with a few scenes in Mass Effect.

Crazy Zaul

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Well done keeping the accent up for so long.

William Daffoe, hhhmm, strong in the polygons, this one is.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
Joke went on too long.

Im wondering was this video to annoy David Cage or to annoy the scumbag that threatened you last week.

To be honest Jim, 90% of the time you are righteous in your videos but this week it just didn't seem right, targeting one guy whose only crime was talking whimsical crap at a PS4 launch doesn't really click im afraid.

Andy of Comix Inc

New member
Apr 2, 2010
Scorpid said:
I don't understand all the hate for his games. I thought heavy rain was great, and the niche he fills isn't one being filled by any other triple AAA developer.
Yes. AAA developer. Unfortunately for Cage, indies have been doing this kind of stuff better, for longer, without the use of complicated graphics or actors. The idea that a game can be used to tell an interesting and involving story is a tradition that has been used in PC gaming since the original Monkey Island. So yes, Quantic Dream does better story games than the rest of AAA, but the way he achieves such things is by imitating film. Other games - better games - just not made on the multi-billion dollar budgets Cage has at his disposal - have long since scaled loftier heights, and Cage comes off as a man who has never actually played such games.


New member
Jul 6, 2010
Yay, tits! Waitwhat?

Vitagen said:
As someone who's never played any of David Cage's work, is his writing really that bad, or does he just get an exceptionally bad rep because he thinks he's some sort of transcendent genius but in reality isn't?
The latter, more or less. The writing isn't bad -- for about half of the game, the other half is just nonsensical at best. Also, there's only so much gaming put into Quantic Dreams' games, oftentimes it's just glorified QTEs to advance the cutscenes.

I really don't understand why they're still trying to make games instead of animated films. One of their tech-demo shorts, "Kara", looks amazing. They just should do that from now on.


New member
Sep 29, 2009
So, what story did I miss? Oh btw, Jim Sterling strawman someone, that new (sarcasm).

No really Jim, stop strawmanning people.


New member
Mar 26, 2010
Yeah, good writing is necessary but I'd also like good facial expressions in games. I don't see why not and while Cage's stories could be better, I never got the feeling that he things writing is just secondary. I don't see why we can't have both. Quite a few games would have been better if in certain emotional situations, characters faces wouldn't look like they've used too much botox. Even if that emotional situation was created very well, I just can't take it fully serious if the face looks so stupid.


Not as new as you may think...
Oct 20, 2012
I will never get the image at 7:30 out of my head. Ever.

You all saw it! You can't un-see it!


New member
Mar 24, 2011
Well, i spent the first 3 and a half minutes of this video laughing hysterically.
Thanks Jim.


New member
Nov 9, 2008
zebon said:
Needed less David Cage impression and more discussing why his views are delusional.
The discussion is in the impression, in the red light that goes off in the mind when confronted with the idea that 'polygons are emotions' or that books and older movies can't convey emotions. That's my take, at least.


New member
May 29, 2011
David Cage, what's wrong with your face in this video? It's all rigid, as if it's just a mask someone else is wearing.


Clearly, this video needs higher definition so I can see all of your emotions!

For realzies: the only Quantic Dream game I've played is Heavy Rain, which I thought was a really fun game that I'll never play again. The concept was great and there are some moments in that game that are incredible, but the execution overall was...meh. It tried to force the sadness down my throat, and that got annoying after a bit.

I found Mr. Cage's statements about graphics and emotion to be completely ridiculous, and I'm very glad Jim feels the same way. Well parodied, sir!


Apr 28, 2008
I like Quantic's stuff, to be honest.
I think Cage has some... severe perception issues, but I really do like their games.


New member
Oct 29, 2012
He did not mention that Willem Defoe would be in the next David Cage game...
That alone leaves me in shock.

Andy Shandy

Fucked if I know
Jun 7, 2010
DVS BSTrD said:
For a man who equates polygons to emotions, you do seem a little... out of shape Mr. Cage.
Damnit, DVS I was going to use that gif!

Anyway, I believe that David Cage has actually found that emotions are not good enough to show emotion. Hence why he has got Willem Dafoe for his next game, because only with Dafoe can we get the perfect emotion.

It shall be known, and forever revered as


Gaming was close to Willemotions here

when Everything Or Nothing came out, however we did not have the technology to express true Willemotion.

Now however, in Beyond: Two Souls, we can see each and every Willemotion, as if we were experiencing them ourselves.