Jimquisition: Fake Nerd Girls


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Fluoxetine said:
I think we're done here. :)
not we are not done

not by a fucking long shot

1.you are not the authority on what the definition of "gamer" is..I could throw around bullshit arbitraity rules saying your not a gamer if you havt plaed on more than one platform

2. answer MY question....what of guys who havnt played dark souls? do they not count because they have dicks?

3. again this is bullshit "waaaaaaahhhh people are taking away my feeling of being "special" you are not fucking special, you have no "authoity" on anything, this attitude is sad and pathetic

4.did it ever ocur to you not everyone plays for "super duper hard challenge" I liek challenge but I don;t like torturing myself


New member
May 9, 2011
ugh, this...
in my experience, girls being called fake gamers are usually either just falsely accused before even spoken to or just a different kind of gamer than the one accusing her.
and even if she is fake, we kind of dug this grave for ourselves, the whole culture clinging to the idea of girls that game is uncommon and somehow special really just makes it like the mother lode of easy self-esteem boosts.
omg, that evil insecure girl liking to be told she is awesome, how dare she!
and for women finding this to be a problem(and I know there are plenty of you out there): fake or not, does it really matter? does she affect you in any meaningful way? if it isn't for perhaps you wanting the attention she is now "undeservingly" getting? jealousy is a *****. doesn't make you more deserving of the attention though, can't blame her because of your own low self-esteem and need for attention.
Either way, I think there is a bigger issue in gaming culture to be worried about here, don't you?

srsly people.... grow up. every one and their grandmother games these days, stop pretending like you are part of some kind of prestigious underground group, and welcome to the digital era of entertainment.


Guild Warrior
Dec 14, 2009
Weresquirrel said:
I think I need to watch the first half again. I got distracted by that frankly baffling game footage with the chunky people running through walls...

Yeah what the hell was that?

Of course, then Juliet comes on. And I suddenly forgot about the dudes.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Fluoxetine said:
Nobody ever follows through on the logic. Ask yourself this: How did I know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, well in advance, that they did not play it? I could have wound up with a carton of egg on my face by making that accusation, especially if these girls are as core as they claim. But I knew the entire time they didn't put in the effort to play a game like Dark Souls, one of the only core games this generation has seen.

I've proven my point already, but the entire counter-argument seems to consist of "Well you are right about everything you've said so far but you're a big stinky poopie meanie head."
what is core?....please tell me?

I never claimed to be "hardcore" I claimed to be a gamer...not all gamers are "hard core"..the definitions for thease things are not clear cut...YOU canot dictate what is or isn't a "gamer" based upon weather or not somone enjoys or playes certain types of games

just because I don;t like dark souls means jack shit...."playign and beating really hard games" is not my main enjoyment of gaming...AND you coudl say the same of many guys but your too hung up on the fact that we are female, like I said..answer my fucking question about the guys


New member
Jun 6, 2011
Fluoxetine said:
For the 3 girls who claim to be gamers.

When did you beat Dark Souls?

Don't answer. You didn't.
For the arsehole who thinks Dark Souls is the epitome of hardcore:

When did you beat Angband?

I did. As a gnome mage. In 1995.

Seriously, there is no test, there is no exam, and you don't get to play gatekeeper.