Jimquisition: Fish, FEZ, And Supporting Art Over Artists


New member
Jun 14, 2011
Aww man, now Earthworm Jim is ruined for me.

Ignorance is bliss... Well, was bliss.


New member
Apr 14, 2012
algalon said:
It's not racist to say Japanese games suck. It's been an ongoing topic of discussion since the release of Skyrim, and sometime before. The problem with Japanese games is that the creators are wrapped up in their own metrosexual bubbles and think their shit doesn't stink. It does. It smells cheap and plastic and like I need to blow on it for it to work. I'm saying their characters look 8 bit, a relic of a period when turn-based RPGs ruled and free worlds were relegated to GTA. This is not that time. Now games have open-ended mission or quest systems where the primary goal isn't necessarily to get to the end as quickly and efficiently as possible. The story isn't what the creator dictates to you, but what you make it. The gaming market will be an amazing place when Japanese companies get over themselves and realize their market has evolved without them. The games don't need western stylings - big men with larger chests than your average sperm whale. The base design structure needs to change. We're not watching a movie. We're not reading a novel. We're playing a videogame. The story is no longer the most important part of the game. The gameplay is.
This is the issue with western gamers and there brain cells


New member
Apr 14, 2012
lastjustice said:
So Fish called Japan on it's crap and he's now a super villain? please the creator of megaman Inafune said the same thing(he's been bashing his country's lack of success for a couple years now.) and he's from the country. He bailed on Capcom as his convictions ran that deep on it. It seems hardly while getting up in arms or not buying a game I'd enjoy if I had a 360 to play it.

I agree with Jim's one major point. There's always going be something you don't like attached to something you do if you look deep enough. Especially the bigger a company gets the more tangled web is going be weaved. Ultimately Im going support products I like and overlook whatever side bar BS that might take place elsewhere. I'm purchasing a product not the people who made it personal views. I'm not going stop living my life because jerks exist. It would take some seriously twisted business practices to give me pause. A few dollars going to someone I might not like as a person happens everyday as long as I continue to spend money.
So devs calling the west out for the same things is fine and ignored?


New member
Apr 14, 2012
I am going to put this out there, and anyone who posts after this should keep this in mind

People have opinions. People like different kinds of games.

The biggest insults you could make is to generalize and sensationalize.

Thats what fish did.

By saying "Japan sucks"

Your saying disgaea 4 sucked, radiant historia sucked, okamiden sucked, mario galaxy 2 sucked, ht shot golf sucks ect

Its just wrong

East, west, there are plenty of problems in this industry right now and really if you look at sales from the west and the east both are down by how much doesnt matter


The Stormbringer
Dec 1, 2009
ManupBatman said:
Hey Jim, is listening to Michael Jackson pedophilia or not?
Please tell me this isn't actually an argument people use. Please tell me it isn't. Please? Please.

In no way is listening to music the same as having sexual relations with a child. There, I said it. What, some asshole out there thinks those two are the same things? Fuck them. Seriously, they're complete morons with no idea of what reality actually is.


I don't... there aren't enough facepalms, ManupBatman. I'm sorry if someone ever tried to convince you of that, but they're complete and utter idiots.

-Sighs heavily and rejoins the topic at hand-

I find it pretty easy to see why someone might not want to support a game because the face of that game (Director, Producer, what have you) is being a douche or an ass, but you really do have to consider the other people involved (as Jim said). Do we ignore all of their hard work just because one person who happens to be in a place of authority needs a slap on the mouth? No! If it seems like the MAJORITY of them are like that, or if that one person is making unilateral decisions that completely balls up the game, then sure. That's how I feel about it, at least.


New member
Jun 23, 2011
Alar said:
ManupBatman said:
Hey Jim, is listening to Michael Jackson pedophilia or not?

Go down to Podtoid. Tis a meme. Relax. Stay Calm and Carry On.

And obviously the Destructoid and Escapist audience have very little overlap.


New member
Jun 29, 2004
Alan Mail said:
lastjustice said:
So Fish called Japan on it's crap and he's now a super villain? please the creator of megaman Inafune said the same thing(he's been bashing his country's lack of success for a couple years now.) and he's from the country. He bailed on Capcom as his convictions ran that deep on it. It seems hardly while getting up in arms or not buying a game I'd enjoy if I had a 360 to play it.

I agree with Jim's one major point. There's always going be something you don't like attached to something you do if you look deep enough. Especially the bigger a company gets the more tangled web is going be weaved. Ultimately Im going support products I like and overlook whatever side bar BS that might take place elsewhere. I'm purchasing a product not the people who made it personal views. I'm not going stop living my life because jerks exist. It would take some seriously twisted business practices to give me pause. A few dollars going to someone I might not like as a person happens everyday as long as I continue to spend money.
So devs calling the west out for the same things is fine and ignored?

I think people can have whatever opinion they want , no matter how poorly or well constructed. You could tell me the lead dev of Skyrim hates Jrpgs and and kittens and that's not going stop me from playing it. I love Skyrim, and I just don't care about one person's views that don't directly impact my existence or even the existence of whom they are negatively viewing.

if the lead dev of Fez says Japan is a has been, so what? It's not like the guy cast an earthquake on it, and flooded it for good measure. Japan didn't cease to put out games as a result. No blood, no foul in my mind. If Japan wants then fire back saying western games love guns too much, and the color brown, then that's fair game too. Both are opinions, and should be taken with a grain of salt. Though doesn't hurt to reflect on whatever grains of truth might actually be there. In any case none of the above should flare up enough people to bother effecting the sales of a game they'd potentially like.

Helmholtz Watson

New member
Nov 7, 2011
RaikuFA said:
Saulkar said:
RaikuFA said:
I also won't support Earthworm Jim. After all the shit Tommy Tallarico said on his show why should I support a racist douchebag?
Wait. What did Tommy ever say, or is this a sarcastic counterpoint?
His JD show, he would bash games just based on what country they were made from, he bashed the Rave Master game not because of its gameplay(which from what I heard was bad) and the like, but because it was based off of an anime he never heard of and it was Gamecube exclusive. Then he went to a tangent on how any game based off of an anime should never be made no matter what.

He also gave Brawl a 3 out of 10 not because of how it played or whatnot, but because Kirby was in it.
how is any of that racist?


New member
Dec 17, 2010
I can separate the art from the artist no problem. After all, T.S. Eliot was a massive anti-Semite. So was Dr. Seuss, but they're still important in the literary world. I think as long as those views don't leak into the work then I can deal with it.

Anyways, I don't think what Fish said was racist. Japanese people are not their games. Was he overgeneralizing? Yes, and I think he's wrong for doing that. But racist? No.

I can kind of see where he's coming from too. I also feel like the Japanese game industry is stagnating, or at least they haven't been pressing my buttons as much as they used to. But I wouldn't go as far as to say "All Japanese games suck nowadays". I'm sure there are perfectly great ones out there waiting for me to play them.

Also I fail to see how that X-Play review was racist. They didn't even say "all Japanese games suck" or anything like that. To me they were just picking out the old and tired JRPG cliches, which is a fair criticism I think.