Jimquisition: I'm Going To Murder Your Children


New member
Dec 8, 2009
I shouldn't really have to preface this by stating that I automatically found the threats to be abhorrent and pathetic, but I do find the threats to be abhorrent and pathetic. Obvious aside,

Phasmal said:
I do think it reflects badly on gamers when our collective response to a person in the industry being harassed is kind of `Well, they had [x opinion] what do they expect?`. This could have something more to do with internet culture in general, but I don't think it's a coincidence that it happens in gaming so much.
It is a coincidence, this stuff happens all the time in all manners of settings and events, and its not because of gaming itself its because of factors of the internet and how anonymity can embolden people to-

But I imagine if we just pass around that Penny Arcade picture and stick our collective heads in the sand we can ignore this until it happens again next week, right?

You have to ask yourself: Would the reaction to this even be as controversial had it been not for the constant shitstorm over "Sexism in Gaming" and related bandwagons in the past while? Given the near universal anger directed at the COD death threats, are you really saying that people think this is okay? What do you expect to be done about it exactly? PRISM?

Also, since when did "lol i hop ur kidz die" suddenly gain the same weight as the fatwa placed on Salman Rushdie?

EDIT: Really, now it's `white-knighting` to say that maybe people who threaten to murder someone's children are fucked up?
Stay classy, escapists.
I've just been skimming the thread, but what posts have been saying this? Most of what I've seen has been about the knee-jerk reactions to the incident and how it proves the "issues of the gaming community".


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Retrograde said:
Raiyan 1.0 said:
He didn't know what 'white-knighting' actually meant. You started posting on this thread without even watching the video.

I don't know who should be responsible for your ignorance, but it sure as hell ain't Jim's.
That's my point, I'm not ignorant of Jim at all. He's been doing this thing for years and years, his views on matters regarding anything to do with women easily readable. Including BTW that his response to the woman episode being rage filled and his response on the bloke one restrained and lacking in personal insults.

He bucks that this one time and everybody here seems to think he's not who he's always been and is suddenly totally even handed, and isn't in any way one of the loudest voices on the whole, gaming as social justice bollocks that people that get paid for putting out click bait have been on.
... and the pattern has nothing to do with today's video. This isn't about misogyny. You are derailing the thread.

And saying his stance is predictable is disingenuous at best. For instance, during the whole Sarkeesian debacle, he didn't take her side - he just pointed out that the sheer amount of rape/death threats thrown at her simply gave her more power. Jim never criticized Vanillaware of misogyny - he only told people to stop throwing unneeded amount of crap to reviewers if they find the artstyle off-putting. He never derided sexualization in his demand for more inclusiveness.

And in the whole year Jim has released 38 videos... of which only 5 had anything to do with misogyny, feminism and women in general. Not a great pool of sample you are gleaning a pattern from.


New member
Sep 20, 2009
The need for this episode makes me sad. Heck, it's uncomfortable enough that I nearly didn't watch this episode.

This goes hand in hand with what Jim said concerning the creator of Fez. Sure, maybe some dev responses could be handled better, but one can hardly be expected to remain calm under such threats. Fans have an obligation as much as content creators.

The anonymity of the internet allows juveniles to continue to act in a horrifying manner...or allow idiots to pretend to be the aforementioned juveniles.

It's like Hollywood culture at this point. You've got the normal fans/press, and then you've got the stalkers/paparazzi. Unfortunately, the latter screw it up for the former.

To play devil's advocate, I will add that corporate culture has seeped into content creation to such a point, it's stifling creativity, and turning fans jaded. This is a downward spiral that needs near-revolutionary levels of change to be addressed.

EDIT: it's like a road rager lambasting a poor construction worker, rather than the State. Fans have bent over and taken crap from various DLC practices, marketing schemes, and downright fraud. Then they see a dev, and that dev becomes the target for ire, rather than the company that created the situation.

If gaming does experience another (likely) downturn, here's hoping the hiatus will bring it back as a better experience for both fans and devs alike.

EDIT: I will agree with the posts below me to a certain extent. As much as fans use corporate for a justification for horrid acts, some companies have used the "toxic internet forums" as a method of ignoring the cause of the problems as well.

Still, not all are badguys. For every caustic gamer, there's 100's of upstanding citizens. For every EA/Activision/Capcom/Ubisoft/Zynga/(er...you get the point), there's at least one CD Project Red or Atlus.

Hmm...well then...


Führer of the Sausage People
Mar 23, 2008
Threatening the lives of devs simply for taking a chance (although that not what I think EAWare did) is fucking stupid and vile. It is also a fine way for the said devs to ignore the legitimate complainers. However, I actually feel nothing but joy over Hepler's departure from BioWare. Sadly it came a few years too late. But then that's BioWare for ya. Always too little, too late.

It is at times like this that I know that I am not a good person. Yes, I am still butthurt over DA2, SW:TOR and ME3.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
Retrograde said:
Raiyan 1.0 said:
He didn't know what 'white-knighting' actually meant. You started posting on this thread without even watching the video.

I don't know who should be responsible for your ignorance, but it sure as hell ain't Jim's.
That's my point, I'm not ignorant of Jim at all. He's been doing this thing for years and years, his views on matters regarding anything to do with women easily readable. Including BTW that his response to the woman episode being rage filled and his response on the bloke one restrained and lacking in personal insults.

He bucks that this one time and everybody here seems to think he's not who he's always been and is suddenly totally even handed, and isn't in any way one of the loudest voices on the whole, gaming as social justice bollocks that people that get paid for putting out click bait have been on.
And yet no matter how many times you try to derail the thread here, no matter how many times you're proven wrong and state a word salad version of 'yeah I'm wrong, but I'm also right'... no one here is swayed by your bullshit. Perhaps the reason you hate these videos by Jim so much is because YOU are part of the vocal minority, YOU are who Jim's talking to, and you'll say anything to prove that he's wrong... even if it's utterly transparent and isn't fooling anyone.

You are wrong. You are cheapening the subject matter with your justifications. You should stop posting before you somehow ruin your reputation further, even though I can't fathom how you could manage that now.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
Ehm... Maybe it'd be healthier to assume that unless you have threatened someone so severely for something that petty yourself, the "fuck you" is not specifically aimed at you? Because if you haven't done that, you don't have to feel targeted, after all. Think of what you have in common with the people intended for the "fuck you". It's probably very little once you really get down to it.

Monxeroth said:
It wouldnt be a good jimquisition episode if it didnt somehow feature dildos most likely shaped like horse genitals, leopard spotted and tasting of blueberry, and only used in the most homoerotic ways possible.

Everyone wants to cum inside Jim Sterling
It'd certainly be a lacking episode. Thank god for him.

Amir Kondori

New member
Apr 11, 2013
This is not a gaming problem, this is an internet and human nature problem. This stuff is terrible but it happens to any public figure on the internet. A certain percentage of people are assholes, and when they feel that anonymity will lead to a lack of consequences they let their worst and most base instincts run wild.

Also, Hepler has made it VERY clear she didn't leave because of the harassment.

I don't know what the solution to this problem is but we have to realize this is bigger than just a gaming issue.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Jimothy Sterling said:
I'm Going To Murder Your Children

If your first response to a game creator doing something you dislike is to get personal with them and threaten their families, you waive any righteousness you might have had. Seems like a no-brainer ... yet so few of us seem to have brains.

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This is the first I've ever heard about this issue your brought up (with this specific individual anyway) but I'm surprised I haven't heard about it anywhere else. Anyway, I've never understood the mentality behind some gamers who jump to this conclusion. I never understood why they would jump to threatening people like that in their defensive knee-jerk reaction to defend their precious games. I understand being defensive, but there's that, and then there's just outright psychotic behavior that prevents people from wanting to write for the medium, join in online games, or even take part of the gaming community because of how hostile everyone is.

And yet gamers want games to be respected to the same level as film or literature in terms of art. And it's something I don't think we're capable of achieving unless the extremely negative and vocal part of the gaming community is put in its place and either taught that it's wrong or just silenced outright. Because while some people can deal with taking threats in good spirits, I imagine it's harder when those threats are aimed at loved ones and their children especially. People who have NOTHING to do with the profession they're in and who have no bearing on their opinions about games or their work in games. To me, threatening the creative individuals crosses a line and threatening their families is just a sign you (by "you" I mean the people making the threats) need to have your speaking privileges taken away and be locked away to learn how to properly interact with other fucking human beings before you're ever allowed to speak again. Because it's not that hard to treat others civilly. It's not that hard to keep families out of this when you're gripe is with the creative people. And threatening ANYONE isn't going to solve anything.


New member
Sep 2, 2012
uanime5 said:
Also if people don't willing resign after ruining a game without poor writing and continue to ruin other games then the only way left to "save" these games is to force this person to quit. Perhaps if people took more responsibility for producing poor quality products this wouldn't happen.
And that's what entitlement sounds like. "I the customer demand that you lose your job because I chose to buy something and don't feel like blaming myself for not researching my purchases better".


Sci-Fi & Shakespeare
Nov 13, 2007
KDR_11k said:
Will those dickwads who want to act like the IRA over some bad videogame even watch this episode?
There are several in this very comment thread.

uanime5 said:
Jim also ignores that Hepler was responsible for writing the story for Dragon Age 2
No she wasn't. David Gaider was the lead writer, and Jennifer Hepler was one of five other credited writers.

gigastar said:
I dont condone the threats made against her, but i will not say that im sorry that she left the gaming industry.

Not because shes a mediocre writer, but because she has gone on record saying that games would be better if they removed interactivity.
That is not what she said. What she said was, she would like games to include an option to skip gameplay, like most games have an option to skip cutscenes (but not, for some ridiculous reason, to pause cutscenes, except in a few cases). An option which no one would be required, or forced, to use.

Canyoureadmydeadpan said:
So count me the odd ball, but with all the many complaints that this show has addressed (many very very valid) am I seriously the only one who feels we are in a golden age of gaming? Games are dirt cheap and there are a shit ton of them for everything. I get many AAA releases are recycled garbage, but games are shoved out so frequently it is not only impossible to keep up with EVERY release. It's a good and a bad thing because for every 30 turds shat out monthly you will get 5 gems, but compared to even as recently as the PS2 day that's the most "good" games released in forever. Not to sound like an old grampa but there was a time when there were one, MAYBE TWO, good games released a season. Now I find it impossible to keep up with every release I want to take a look at. If you are a person who thinks that only shit is being released, get out of your comfort zone, get off your ass and take some chances. It's relatively easy to find things suited to your takes if you stop being a lazy shit and read (I emphasize read, a numeric scale can only measure an individuals personal enjoyment) the Good, Bad, and Mediocre reviews on metacritic and make informed decisions. If that is too much fucking work for you try the shouibuythisgame sub reddit where people will break it down for you.
You could definitely make a convincing argument for this. It doesn't have anything to do with the topic under discussion, but it's a good topic for another thread.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009

we seem to be getting a lot of 'videos and comics we shouldn't need be do anyway' lately. depressing, but sadly, thats the reality of the situation i guess.


New member
Apr 26, 2011
Jimothy Sterling said:
I'm Going To Murder Your Children

If your first response to a game creator doing something you dislike is to get personal with them and threaten their families, you waive any righteousness you might have had. Seems like a no-brainer ... yet so few of us seem to have brains.

Watch Video
Dear Jim.
I have three words for you.

Too Fucking Right!

You've summed up my thoughts far more passionately and eloquently than I ever could. Though that's mainly because I'm forced to hold back most of the time.


New member
Dec 17, 2012
I'm sorry but this episode is a complete waste of time. Someone with a megaphone preaching to a choir about a despicable group then all patting themselves on a back "Job well done, we sure showed them!"

These were unbalanced individuals making threats - unacceptable threats, yes - and we all know the probability of them actually acting on the threats would be a fraction of a fraction of a percent.

The type of person who makes a death threat over changing a gun's firing rate by a fraction of a second or for a certain way a game was written is also the type of person who doesn't have access to much disposable income and probably doesn't even have access to transport. They're just a sad sad little person struggling to feel important or get noticed... and they doesn't represent gamers or gaming culture - they represent crazy and pathetic people.


New member
Mar 11, 2013
I understand your rage but next time you do one of these videos try not to generalize the entire gaming community into a box created by a few vitriolic trolls. These people are an aberration, not the norm and to treat them as otherwise gives them more confidence in the power of their venom then they actually deserve. I have personally made it a habit to never say anything on a thread that I would be unwilling to say to that person if they were standing right in front of me and, having looked through many of the post in several of your videos, it would seem that most people here are doing the same thing since I rarely find a post where I could say that the writer would avoid saying that in person for fear of being swiftly punched in the mouth.

This somewhat reminds me of another video you did about a woman who wrote an article about sexism in games using Skyrim as an example. In your video you played up the number of threats that she received as a result of her theories. When I went over to read the article I found that, while there were threats there, they were far in the minority. The majority of the posts were actually well thought out arguments as to why she was wrong presented in a manner that would be perfectly appropriate for a face to face discussion. While the story was that Jennifer Hepler had left BioWare due to the death threats it turns out that if you dig a little deeper that isn't quite accurate. As a matter of fact, according to her, she has no intention of leaving the industry. She's actually leaving to write a book.
"I am going to be working on a text book on narrative design among other game-related freelance projects" (I actually think that sounds like something I would like to get my hands on)

This is a quote from an email that she sent to the UK website, Metro, who she contacted to make specifically clear that her decision to leave BioWare had nothing to do with the threats,
"I am moving on from BioWare now to pursue other opportunities that let me return to be closer to family in the United States after a wonderful eight years in Canada. I have no intentions to leave the game industry - I love the work that I have done and the reactions from the vast majority of fans and look forward to continuing that work in other venues"

As a matter of fact she was even able to find a positive outcome from it,
"The outpouring of support I received - large amounts from female and gay fans - was incredibly heartening. Without the negativity, I?m not sure that I would ever have heard from all of these people confirming that there is a need for characters that tackle touchy social issues, for characters who are untraditional or even unlikeable"

While harassment and trolling are indeed a problem we should not let these people think that they have more power than they actually do and claiming that a successful writer was forced out of her career simply by the weight of their hate is simply feeding in to their already bloated sense of self importance.


New member
Sep 10, 2009
Such a threat, over some writing in games...
Do these same people turn on the tv, see some random horrible criminal on the news and then write THEM such threats?
Or is that not worth the time you appearantly have to write threats for these "more important" issues?

I guess I'll never understand these people.
Insane as they are. Sighhhh