Jimquisition: I'm Going To Murder Your Children


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
erttheking said:
Silentpony said:
He actually went out of his way and made an extra episode purely to discus the crap that was getting flung at Phil Fish.

You know what, true. He did do an entire episode on that. But that was like a bonus episode. More often then not the weekly episode is about how male gamers are absolute scum and we should be lucky to have any woman who graces the video game industry with their presence.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Silentpony said:
erttheking said:
Silentpony said:
He actually went out of his way and made an extra episode purely to discus the crap that was getting flung at Phil Fish.

You know what, true. He did do an entire episode on that. But that was like a bonus episode. More often then not the weekly episode is about how male gamers are absolute scum and we should be lucky to have any woman who graces the video game industry with their presence.
Ok, now you're just plain seeing things where they aren't. At what point did he ever say anything even CLOSE to that? If it the sexism videos he's done in the past? Because someone isn't sexist against men when he points out flaws in an industry that are less than favorable towards women. That's like saying that advocating against racist elements is saying that all whites are scum, that isn't what's happening here.


New member
Jul 8, 2008
generals3 said:
All i gotta ask after seeing this video is how can the action of a minority in any way be representative of "gamers" ?! This video was probably the worst way to talk about this issue.
Because they call themselves 'gamers' too? I mean, until the chaff is removed from this community, all someone has to do these days is call themselves a 'gamer', have a console, and be able to type a message on the internet. I won't say that this is the BEST option (or even good), but we've strived for inclusivity for a while now, and it's worked, to an extend, adding too the help of social media. Now, with crap like this happening, we could stand to have the flexibility to change OUR OWN community, if we're even going to call it that. If not, we need another name for this collective.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
Ipsen said:
Because they call themselves 'gamers' too? I mean, until the chaff is removed from this community, all someone has to do these days is call themselves a 'gamer', have a console, and be able to type a message on the internet. I won't say that this is the BEST option (or even good), but we've strived for inclusivity for a while now, and it's worked, to an extend, adding too the help of social media. Now, with crap like this happening, we could stand to have the flexibility to change OUR OWN community, if we're even going to call it that. If not, we need another name for this collective.
See now even if we assume there is "a gaming community" generalizing based on a small minority is silly. It's like saying "muslims are terrorists". And secondly there is no such thing as "the gaming community". A gamer is someone who plays game, just like a driver is someone who drives a vehicle. That doesn't mean there is a "driver community". Being a gamer describes what you do, not what you're part of.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
Such a pointless episode. Stuff that is already obvious to most of the crowd except for those silly few who won't see or learn from this video like this anyways.

Also don't make generalizations by calling those crazy few "the gaming community" it's just short sighted to do so.

(In my opinion that it's stupid to take internet threats/rants serious anyways)

Miss G.

New member
Jun 18, 2013
ChrowX said:
Dragon Age 2 wasn't particularly good for a lot of reasons. Hepler's criticism started when she complained about having to play videogames to experience the story.
Is that such a bad thing, though? Mind you, I don't have her problems with gameplay for the most part, but sometimes I do wish I could just skip to the next part of the story. e.g Instead of watching a Lets Play I would've loved to have owned Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite instead if I could handle 1st person POV anything and/or cared about shooting in general. I almost didn't get The Last of Us when all I wanted was the story because shooting is a foreign concept to me and the only game I've played that even had the option of shooting in it was Deadpool, and because the Let's Player that I follow likes to do games in 2-4 hour live sessions that are set days-weeks apart so followers can have the chance to support these games and finish them themselves (it works).

V8 Ninja

New member
May 15, 2010
Deadagent said:
I didn't know this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QLz0CqtMVc] still had to be passed around.
That video doesn't excuse behavior that involves threatening the lives of someone's children. I'm all for criticism, but outright hatred has no place in critical analysis nor any place in the reaction of said analysis.

Moving On: Do people really do this? I understand that people can get attached to works of fiction, but do people really feel the need to threaten the creators? Can't the displeased people say "I don't like this, I dislike the creator/writer" in a somewhat mild manner and move on? It's not like we're talking about politics or government policies.


New member
Oct 29, 2011
ShirowShirow said:
Mr_Terrific said:
Yeah...should have went with the DLC episode as this is completely pointless since she got a book deal.

I also find it funny that Jim will jump down our throat for the Hepler thing but won't say shit to Marcus Beer or any of his peers who fuck up this industry just like the dipshits that threaten children.

Speaking of children, some loser threatens to murder a school full of children receives the support of damn near everyone in gaming because he was "joking" but when multiple people do it to Hepler, it's clearly serious threats and they all should be imprisoned.

I want my damned DLC episode....dammit.
Dude did a whole episode on the Phil Fish fiasco. Go look for it.
Yeah and he didn't say shit about Beer. No fuck you's or any of what he's saying in this video. He's not going to attack his peers.


New member
Oct 25, 2012
Jim said, this episode had to be made, but why? The last couple of episodes have been rather pointless. Making deaththreats on the internet (or in general) is stupid and wrong? No shit.
I find the delayed DLC topic far more interesting.


New member
Jun 26, 2008
You know I had no idea this was still going on the Hepler front.
Also don't lump all of us with them.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I'll quote myself:

"I have never felt so distrusting, annoyed and disturbed by the video game community in years reading this. With regards to the death threats of the Call Of Duty developers, while it's absolutely wrong they got death threats thrown at them, I could at the very least numb myself with the possibility that maybe it's just what that type of game audience brings. However, Bioware, a developer of RPGs, has inspired scorn in the gaming community so much that she's recieving death threats towards her, the rest of her team and her family? Not even for doing anything bad or may have an effect on the game. I can't help but believe more than ever that the gaming community deserves companies like EA and Activision. The type of company that exploits and belittles their fan base. Just because they deserve it for acts like this. They deserve Fox News giving ill-informed opinions of activitys, and they deserve Anita Sarkeese to exploit people for money. They deserve every negative thing at this point in my eyes."

I'll admit this was written before it was revealed that she left to write a book rather than due to the threat, but the point still stands. As someone who feels passionate about equalities and despises inter-group judgements, it's incredibly hard for me to now care about the plight of gamers. This entire incident has left me with a part of myself dead inside. A small part, but it's so very dead. At least groups like PETA, Westboro Baptist Church and the KKK aren't self-entitlted brats.


New member
May 5, 2011
Well, this is sick and disturbing. Harassment and threat of violence isn't the way to go when you don't like something, I agree. However, while I feel Hepler deserves to be defended on the level of people threatening her life, and harassing her, I need to put something out there:

I didn't like the writing on projects/portions of projects she was associated with. I didn't like the writing in her book. And, as to her daring to be creative, I don't agree that she was. The actual writing she produced was on the same level as the generic romance nonsense my mother reads, and admits to only reading because it's brainless, stupid and [bad] - her 'junkfood' that's not good for her brain, but she likes it now and then anyways while wholly considering it bad at the same time. I view Hepler's writing in very much the same way. I suppose you can still consider it creative, on a certain level, so maybe I'm alone in finding it absurd to defend her 'creativity' . . . which I suppose it fine. Again, she deserves the full force of the law in defense of her safety, and her children's safety. She deserves our support for sticking it out, and for continuing to work for some time despite the negative feedback, but I'd still never defend her creativity and I don't care who we're talking about. I won't defend bad work. I will defend a person against harassment whose work I don't like.

I also didn't like her commentary on wanting to skip gameplay. It's not that the idea is bad, it's that there's an entire genre of games that already do it (visual novels with choose your own adventure aspects) that she could have gotten involved with instead. My issue was as simple as that, "if you want to skip gameplay, there's an entire genre that already does that." It really did just sound like she wanted to be working on another kind of game entirely, and that's fine. She should have been working on another type of game entirely, I can't help but think that would have made her and many of her critics happier. Visual novels, from what she described as her preference, would be a format of game she'd enjoy writing for, and there's definitely an audience out there for visual novels (many of whom seem to enjoy writing styles very similar to hers, writing style I don't personally like, but hey . . . there's an audience for that in the visual novel genre).


New member
Apr 15, 2011
pointless episode... This stuff is not done by "gaming culture", but by some crazy fucks that are stupid.
They don't watch your episodes and if they do, they won't get your point because they're, well, crazy.
This Episode was like a newspaper headline: "Eating babies is BAD!"


New member
Jul 10, 2009
Anybody who thinks this episode is unnecessary is lazy.

Anybody here who thinks they shouldn't hear this "because..." is freaking lazy.

YOU are the passive part of the problem. you are ENABLERS.

People who do this shit will no doubt not care for what Jim just said? Yeah. Fine. It's quite true. However, whenever that shit happens the larger group just perks their noses up and goes "Oh but i'm not like theeeeeeeeeem" "They are ANOTHER group entirely" "Oooooooooooh dont pile me up with THOSE guys..." fucking STOP THIS SHIT.

YOU get the community you enable around you. Just as much as the stupid kids that do the kinds of things Jim is talking about, many see and replicate. They just go at it and pile on, trying to make it a "thing" for the "lulz". What DOESN'T happen is the reverse power. What doesn't happen is people telling to cut that shit out. calling them on their bullshit.

Because as soon as this happens, the lazy ones start fanning themselves "Ooooooooooh its pointless to ague, i'll just let it be. i'm not like THOSE guys... no no no they are a complete different group. How unfair TO ME that i have to hear this that has nothing to do with ME"

Fucking entitled lazy babis, cut it out. It's because you lame it out, because you don't stand up for this stuff that we have these problems in the first place. You are ENABLERS. Passively allowing this culture that is beyond gender or race and it's just caustic to us all.

Stop defending yourself and justifying your self and finding a thousand different excuses to put yourself in your own little special bubble because you are not helping. you are not even being neutral, you are MAKING IT WORST.

if you see people acting like in the case Jim mentioned, CALL THEM OUT ON IT. Dont just walk way and look to the side.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
bells said:
Anybody who thinks this episode is unnecessary is lazy.

Anybody here who thinks they shouldn't hear this "because..." is freaking lazy.

YOU are the passive part of the problem. you are ENABLERS.

People who do this shit will no doubt not care for what Jim just said? Yeah. Fine. It's quite true. However, whenever that shit happens the larger group just perks their noses up and goes "Oh but i'm not like theeeeeeeeeem" "They are ANOTHER group entirely" "Oooooooooooh dont pile me up with THOSE guys..." fucking STOP THIS SHIT.

YOU get the community you enable around you. Just as much as the stupid kids that do the kinds of things Jim is talking about, many see and replicate. They just go at it and pile on, trying to make it a "thing" for the "lulz". What DOESN'T happen is the reverse power. What doesn't happen is people telling to cut that shit out. calling them on their bullshit.

Because as soon as this happens, the lazy ones start fanning themselves "Ooooooooooh its pointless to ague, i'll just let it be. i'm not like THOSE guys... no no no they are a complete different group. How unfair TO ME that i have to hear this that has nothing to do with ME"

Fucking entitled lazy babis, cut it out. It's because you lame it out, because you don't stand up for this stuff that we have these problems in the first place. You are ENABLERS. Passively allowing this culture that is beyond gender or race and it's just caustic to us all.

Stop defending yourself and justifying your self and finding a thousand different excuses to put yourself in your own little special bubble because you are not helping. you are not even being neutral, you are MAKING IT WORST.

if you see people acting like in the case Jim mentioned, CALL THEM OUT ON IT. Dont just walk way and look to the side.
And now please tell us what we actually should do? THis is the internet and most people hide behind anonymity. They don't give a shit about what you or I think. And the only possible thing they'd get is returning the favor towards them and troll them. But than you're not really any better than them.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
TreuloseTomate said:
Jim said, this episode had to be made, but why? The last couple of episodes have been rather pointless. Making deaththreats on the internet (or in general) is stupid and wrong? No shit.
I find the delayed DLC topic far more interesting.
Because the nature of the internet means you can pretty much do that kind of stuff without consequence. If someone who doesn't like it can introduce a consequence, even if it's something as small as irritating people and supposedly wasting their time by delaying an episode about an interesting topic for a week in order to make a so-called "pointless" episode that apparently no one really needs to hear? Well...

He'll take what he can get. People may think they don't need scoldings, but if they're still doing stuff that warrants scolding and are indeed getting scolded for it, then maybe we should start cleaning up our act as an industry. 'Cuz if people cared enough about stuff like this being "pointless," they'll stop being pricks so they don't have to hear it anymore. It's time we break the Ring of Gyges.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
This just in: People are fucking retarded fuckwads who need to be fucking smacked upside the fucking head with a fucking dragon dildo. Fuck.


I am the one who eats ants!
Jul 14, 2011
Don't feed the trolls, Jim. You're just giving them the attention they so desperately crave.


New member
May 5, 2010
uanime5 said:
LetalisK said:
Deadagent said:
I didn't know this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QLz0CqtMVc] still had to be passed around.
No, you're right, it doesn't need to be passed around, but because it's trite bullshit from a pseudo-intellectual asswipe.
Sounds like someone's upset because this video uses logic and reason to show that the abuse against Hepler was blown out of proportion by Bioware to hide how awful their games; along with show how stupid these white knights are. It also shows why Hepler is one of the reasons why Bioware has been in decline for some time.
I wasn't aware logic and reason involved disjointed conspiratorial navel gazing. At least he's got the "journalism" part of his name right, though.

Editted to be concise