Jimquisition: I'm Going To Murder Your Children


New member
Mar 12, 2012
Caramel Frappe said:
The writer quit due to fear and feeling bullied to the brink thus she'll always be very worried about her children now. Jeez, this actually boils my blood just thinking about the situation overall.
No, No she didn't.

Jennifer Hepler said:
I am moving on from BioWare now to pursue other opportunities that let me return to be closer to family in the United States after a wonderful eight years in Canada. I have no intentions to leave the game industry ? I love the work that I have done and the reactions from the vast majority of fans and look forward to continuing that work in other venues.
Jennifer Hepler said:
No, leaving Bioware was for family reasons. I am going to be working on a text book on narrative design among other game-related freelance projects."
source 1 [http://metro.co.uk/2013/08/16/bioware-writer-quits-after-death-threats-to-family-3925970/]
source 2 [http://www.polygon.com/2013/8/15/4622252/plague-of-game-dev-harassment-erodes-industry-spurs-support-groups]


Mages Rule, and Dragons Fly!
May 2, 2011
United States
Jodah said:
This just in: People are fucking retarded fuckwads who need to be fucking smacked upside the fucking head with a fucking dragon dildo. Fuck.
-_- Indeed. Some people aren't so very good. :/ To bad games are so darn likable.

:) Oh well. The good games we get are worth the trouble. Not that we need or should have to deal with trouble to get them/make them.



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Mar 12, 2012
Bara_no_Hime said:
wulf3n said:
What is the most recent shit?
The killing children threats. What this entire thread is about. That most recent shit.

She was being harassed originally quite a while ago.
She was only being harassed originally quite a while ago. There's no new incident of harassment. She left to pursue her own projects, and some tabloid journalist tried to make it look like she was leaving because of the harassment.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
Trilligan said:
generals3 said:
You seem to have missed my initial point. I was actually annoyed at Jim's use of "we gamers" when talking about the actions of said tiny minority, as if the actions of said minority in any way represent anything about "gamers". I'd rather not be associated with those people and I find it rather tasteless for Jim to try and get people involved by linking them to those idiots.
It's like bell pointed out - the actions of that minority reflect on that minority, but the reactions of the surrounding majority are what establishes the character of that community. For instance - you say that talking about it over the internet is not going to affect change, and yet you are taking time out of your life to come argue at people that they specifically shouldn't be yelling about these assholes. This tells me two things.

1) You DO in fact believe that talking can affect change, else why would you be talking?

2) You would rather spend your efforts changing the people who want to make the community better instead of changing the people who want to make the community worse.
See now you're comparing apples with oranges. Unless you believe I put Jim on equal footing as idiots who send death threats your point is moot. I don't tend to believe in "one size fits all".

generals3 said:
And now please tell us what we actually should do?
Choose your battles better. Choose to make it clear to everyone what is and is not acceptable behavior from the community in which you find yourself. If a minority of assholes are being assholes, make sure that they hear that they are assholes, loudly and clearly, and immediately. Don't permit that minority to be the most vocal part of the community. Don't whinge about how pointless the effort is - make the effort anyway. Take the energy you're spending trying to argue with people who want things to improve and use that to argue against people who are being shitheads.

Say to those assholes: "Your behavior is unacceptable." Say to those who agree with Jim: "Keep fighting the good fight."

You have a voice, use it. What's more, use it to do what's right.
All I was saying is that it is wrong to put everyone in the same sack. And I'm sorry but I really don't have the strength nor will to be louder than those idiots who think it's all right to spread heinous speeches. I happen to be active on this forum so I will indeed talk when someone here says something I don't like. I will however not go in the far corners of the internet to find crapbags just to tell them they're crapbags. Not only won't it change a lot but it's also a lot of efforts for little. If people think that "gamers" agree with such attitudes just because we don't go through enormous efforts to achieve little to nothing than they are idiots. The internet gives people the ability to talk shit with little to no repercussion and these idiots obviously don't give a shit about what people think. That's what makes it so futile in my eyes. If you want to spend efforts pushing a brick wall just to show "we're not all like that" fine. But that doesn't excuse people like Jim, allegedly a gamer, to somehow pretend that those idiots are representative of us all.


Dec 24, 2011
So someone somewhere in the vast trenches of the internet said something stupid and now we all have to hear a rant about it, as if this is something we're all a part of. I'm not trying to downplay the horrendousness of the threat, but I think the Jimquisition should cover controversial topics that have lots of debate, not ones 99.9% of us already agree on.


New member
Mar 12, 2012
Caramel Frappe said:
wulf3n said:
Caramel Frappe said:
The writer quit due to fear and feeling bullied to the brink thus she'll always be very worried about her children now. Jeez, this actually boils my blood just thinking about the situation overall.
No, No she didn't.
I always appreciate a good debate even if i'm proven wrong... but, if I may ask- please express why she wanted to leave. Telling me "No she didn't" and that alone isn't enough for any discussion to carry over lol. Though I do believe you anyways.
Did you not read HER QUOTES as to why she left?

Caramel Frappe said:
Still, as Jim stated... who would want to take her place with all the harassing by people anyhow? It's awful.
I'm sure she would take her own place if she didn't want to pursue her own projects. In fact she's moving to write a text book about narrative in games, the very thing she was abused for.


New member
May 16, 2010
Being criticized and attack is the expectation of any artist of any medium, which is why even the creator of the most lousy piece of junk offers the world something of more worth and meaning than any troll throwing insults. The courage it takes to overcome this reality as well as any good creators own personal insecurities cannot be understated, especially in the few that offer themselves to public scrutiny by interacting with their audience.

I really do not see the point in objecting to any particular insult hurled, as it gives those who throws such insults too much credit that their hate speech had any real content and the successful outrage of a particular taboo matter only encourages would be trolls to hit the same mark in the future. It is a free enough world to say anything you want, even if I don't care to hear it and plan to block out your voice like an unwanted ad banner, I still would not wish to take away you right to think and say even the most stupid and offensive comments I could imagine. Perhaps it is because I have faith that you will grow up, and this atrocity you committed, like all bully every person ever engages in, will be something you regret and learn from. By being the idiot now, maybe you can grow into something wiser later. I have no problem forgiving you, for who among us has ever gone a full life without saying something we regret?

Now as for devoting so much attention to a few ill remarks I would have been ignorant of, well it seems rather silly. This is just stating the obvious to have us all reaffirm our own opinions are correct: indeed threating to kill a helpless stranger is wrong, aren't we all so enlighten for thinking so? Sigh, and let's blame the gaming community for this, it makes about as much sense to single them out as say kids, or Republicans, or hey how about we say this is another false comment planted by a game publisher it will protest and later use that protest as an example of its moral superior over the gaming community.

Gaming news on the Internet just loves to bring up any hateful scenes it can complain about, cause it knows it will inspire an endless mass of counter comments either hating the hate or defending it. We really need to get past these sensational news and focus on the basic facts of what is happening in the game industry the audience of gaming news wants to hear; informative news. You want to complain that the Internet is too hateful, there are better places to make that message, the Escapist is not the hateful audience your hoping it change.


New member
Jul 8, 2008
generals3 said:
You seem to have missed my initial point. I was actually annoyed at Jim's use of "we gamers" when talking about the actions of said tiny minority, as if the actions of said minority in any way represent anything about "gamers". I'd rather not be associated with those people and I find it rather tasteless for Jim to try and get people involved by linking them to those idiots.
....Maybe you should watch the video, like, 5 more times. I gave it 3, and NEVER got the impression that Jim, while throwing quite a few 'fuck you's' around, was never pointed at the majority of his audience (notice I say majority, because they pricks who've done this very well could be part), but to those who made the threats.

But really, I'm sad to say I had you pegged from your first post. Of course you're annoyed that you get lumped in with those idiots. Even if they are not part of your gaming experience, or this false 'gaming community', I, 'gamer', do not want to be associated with 'those gamers'. And I MUST say something about it.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
Saltyk said:
Who in their right mind would want to be a part of an industry where you can only be abused? Have your family threatened over a game?
And this is exactly what I feared some people might take from this Jimquisition. What you just stated is based on no facts what so ever. The people who 'get harassed to the point they leave' are in the smallest minority. As of right now, I am pretty sure it just consists of Helper and Fish.

What we should be asking is why Helper and Fish were singled out... even though it should be obvious.

You want to make games and not get such excessive negative comments or attention? Do the same thing you would do in any industry to avoid that outcome: Don't be a dick to everyone! This should be common sense I would think? Helper and Fish would have likely gotten chased off by internet threats even if they worked with movies or TV shows as well. They would have still had twitters, and still turned any negative feedback they got into drama. If this is an industry where you can only receive abuse, then please explain to me why the creator of Dust doesn't seem to have this problem? https://twitter.com/NoogyTweet

He recently jumped into the fray of gaming as well, and he's very much in public view. He's also probably not threaded daily or anything, either, even after making (what 4chan claims is) "a disgusting furry game". It's amazing but it is possible to make games and not be attacked constantly (as hundreds of other devs, writers and programmers will tell you).

It's as if being a nice person means people are nice back to you! Holy crap :eek: :eek:


New member
Mar 12, 2012
xPixelatedx said:
Saltyk said:
Who in their right mind would want to be a part of an industry where you can only be abused? Have your family threatened over a game?
And this is exactly what I feared some people might take from this Jimquisition. What you just stated is based on no facts what so ever. The people who 'get harassed to the point they leave' are in the smallest minority. As of right now, I am pretty sure it just consists of Helper and Fish.

What we should be asking is why Helper and Fish were singled out... even though it should be obvious.

You want to make games and not get such excessive negative comments or attention? Do the same thing you would do in any industry to avoid that outcome: Don't be a dick to everyone! This should be common sense I would think? Helper and Fish would have likely gotten chased off by internet threats even if they worked with movies or TV shows as well. They would have still had twitters, and still turned any negative feedback they got into drama. If this is an industry where you can only receive abuse, then please explain to me why the creator of Dust is a happy person? https://twitter.com/NoogyTweet

He recently jumped into the fray of gaming as well, and he's very much in public view. He's also probably not threaded daily or anything, either, even after making (what 4chan claims is) "a disgusting furry game". It's amazing but it is possible to make games and not be attacked constantly (as hundreds of other devs, writers and programmers will tell you).

It's as if being a nice person means people are nice back to you! Holy crap :eek: :eek:
Facts are important.

Please explain how HePLer was being a dick to everyone?


New member
Oct 30, 2008
Brian Tams said:
I'm going to make another post because on another topic, somebody is really pissing me off with his lame excusees for his inaction.

If you are angry about gamers being generalized from the vocal minority, don't just sit back and say "I'm not one of them." This does nothing to stop the vocal minority. The only ones who can stop the vocal minority are the silent majority.

If you are pissed that Jim decided to cast a wide net, then how about you stop voicing your displeasure to him and start getting on the cases of those who make us look like homicidal maniacs? We all (well, most of us) have the one guy on our friends list that likes to spew hate filled tripe online. Wade into the troll filled pools that poison the Steam community. Get your hands dirty. Don't just say "Its not me, man." Fucking DO SOMETHING TO HELP.
You've told us to help. How exactly are we supposed to stop these people from threatening people? Do you really think we're going to change hearts and minds by telling these people that they're wrong? That we can shame them into stopping this behavior? Can you point to a single case where this sort thing worked? If you can, I would love to see it.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
wulf3n said:
Facts are important.

Please explain how HePLer was being a dick to everyone?
I don't remember much from the original Drama, but I recognized her name because of it.

Back when she first became well known on the internet, she made her stance on games and her ideas on storytelling known. I (personally) found it interesting, even fascinating someone like her was actually in charge of a game's narrative. A lot of other people didn't, though... Which is fine. She can have her opinion, they can have theirs and Yes, some of them were childish about it and that was totally uncalled for. Thing is, she went right back at them. Things then got kind of heated back and forth between these people and Helper. It was pretty mean spirited on both ends, to.

I certainly don't think that scenario means she deserves what she got (and has likely been getting since then) but I will say that it could have easily been avoided just by handling the situation better. The internet is a pretty nasty place, and the whole (never forgive, never forget) mentality of anonymous teens is frightening, to say the least.


New member
Mar 12, 2012
xPixelatedx said:
Thing is, she went right back at them. Things then got kind of heated back and forth between these people and Helper. It was pretty mean spirited on both ends, to.
Ohhh, source?

Where did Hepler respond? what did she say?


New member
Oct 30, 2008
grey_space said:
Good episode Jim. Speaking as a man who has had his life and family threatened, I can't agree with you more. It's never ok, and it should always be pointed out repeatedly until anyone who indulges in this behaviour is vilified. too often in this society does this not happen.

Nobody deserves to have their family threatened.

As for guys who are so desperately trying to turn this into a misandry/double standards/sexism thread;

That is so not the point guys. People threatened to kill her CHILDREN.

Think about that for a minute. I mean really think.


This whole topic is so not about your (imagined) issues.

Do you really think vilifying people will somehow stop these nutcases? If these people are unhinged enough to think that the best course of action is to threaten the lives of family members over a game patch, or any other reason, that if I say "Hey now, that's way to harsh. You are scum for even saying that" that these idiots will somehow stop being idiots? I just don't see how that would work.


New member
Feb 7, 2008
It is *exactly* because of shit like this from idiot people that I'm glad I'm not in the games industry anymore. I did take my skills somewhere else, and now have a better paying job with more stable hours, better benefits, and other assorted perks. The games industry can be a scary place.


New member
Aug 20, 2013
jluzar20 said:
IKWerewolf said:
jluzar20 said:
Is it just me, or has Jim's episodes been less and less entertaining and more brow beating over time? Nothing better than being called a "sick fuck" when this was the first I've heard of the Dragon Age lady thing.

Yeah, I know he's not calling me a sick fuck personally, but white knights always leave a bitter taste in my mouth. Especially so when you chastise a crowd in order to speak to a few. Shoulda stuck to the dildo, Jim.
Unfortunately whether we like it or not, this vocal minority is the reason why gaming as an industry is not entirely taken seriously. We can attack the developers as much as we like about their decisions and how they are ruining the industry but there is this vocal minority that can dictate through threat and abuse the way people operate like school yard bullies, it is this sort of attitude that will force us back to this topic again and again.

I'm actually surprised Police forces have not made arrests; as far I was aware death threats are a criminal offence?
Freedom of speech. If no evidence can be produced that someone has both the motivation and means to execute their claim, the comment is disregarded under first amendment protection and is not to be prosecuted as a criminal offense. Internet comments especially are not given much weight since the gap between claims and action is so wide.

Fun fact.
First, so many answers in law are "it depends". Is such and such act an actionable offence? "It depends". I'm being threatened - what can I do about it? "It depends". The factors that the law must take into account to answer the simplest of questions can, at times, be staggering (often to a fault). A blanket statement like the one above is never sufficient to dismiss a legal concern out of hand. Nor is a like statement sufficient to pursue legal action a propos of nothing. It all depends in law - quite literally. There are a surprising number of posts from people that went to the school of Google Quick Legal Answers or Iheardsomewhere Law. The most significant material elements that separate threats made on line from someone making the same threat in person (all other things being equal), are the elements of distance and anonymity. There are so many variables to consider regarding each such statement, that anyone receiving such threats would be remiss not to alert the appropriate authority.

Second, the excuse of "amendment x permits action y" is as week as the internet balls these cowards strained to grow to make their threats. (Please be aware, I'm not singling out the person to whom I'm replying with this statement in reference to the 1st Amendent. I've seen a number of posts with this idea as their basis.) Our rights and freedoms are in a constant state of checks and balances one against the other. I have a right to flail my arms about as walk down the street and call it interpretive dance all day long. But the instant my flailing arms strike a person, I've offended that person's expectation of safety. If I caused them injury, they could sue me for their medical expenses. I could face misdameanor or even criminal charges. DEPENDING on a variety of considerations. I have the right to speak my mind, but if I gather a couple of people together and talk about how we are going to kill someone, those words could carry the weight of conspiracy before anyone even gets hurt. The Bill of Rights is not the blanket license to act that many assume - but rather the protection of civil right and liberty from being impeded by an interfering governing body, and from being infringed upon by the averse, inequitable, illegal, and otherwise harmful actions of other individuals and groups. The Bill of Rights is not an instument to use in a way that one hides behind their provision of choice, all others be damned. It is not a buffet. One can not choose the bacon and forego the pancakes. The document must be considered in full at all times in determining whether or not an act has trespassed the being of another in such a harmful way that the act offends the conscience, the protection of our civil rights and liberties, and ultimately the law of the land.

Third and last, the logic that the "amendment x permits action y" follows, seems to have ussured forth this idea that if a thing can be done under whatever element of a governing instrument, than the doing of that thing is sacresanct and should be free of consequence - whether or not the doing of that thing actually is. The greatest flaw in law is it's reactive nature. This has been true throughout civilized history; and it is more true now than it has ever been. There was a time where there was no law preventing "the unlawful killing of one person by another person". People were too thick to discover the societal harm this can do if left unchecked so a legislative body had to define the act, condemn it, establish a method of punishment for it, and position to quell it. So too does the law react with new kinds of actions that do or can harm others as technology progresses. But the law is slow to react, because of all the elements it must consider. So what is left to counter the notion that, if one CAN to a thing, than the doing of that thing is sacred? It is the notiong that, just because one CAN do a thing, doesn't mean they SHOULD do that thing. One CAN swallow a bag of broken glass, but one SHOULDN'T. One would probably find one'sself in the hospital, or a coffin. One CAN call a child with glasses names like "four-eyes" and make fun of the child - because, 1st amendment. But one SHOULDN'T. One would be a dick. And DEPENDING on the severity, frequency, reasonableness of the actor, etc. etc. etc., one could find one'sself in jail trying not to drop one's soap.

What is admittedly lacking as this relates to threats made online, is that where direct interpersonal reactions carry direct consequences - legal, or otherwise -- intended, or unintended - internet reactions are delayed, by time and distance, subject to context, opaqued by anonymity, go unreported, are incompetantly handled once reported, and are comparatively light on consequences. The law will never match pace with technology due to its reactionary nature, but it isn't without teeth in confronting threats (baby teeth though they may be in confronting on-line threats). It is then up to the reasonable community to break away from this idea of whatever right in whatever document is a sheild, whatever can be done - once done - is sacred, and the fantasy that internet balls are, indeed, actual balls.