Jimquisition: Let's End the FPS Sausage-fest


New member
Oct 28, 2010
It's really odd that Aliens: Colonial Marines doesn't have female characters for multi-player. Sigourney Weaver is 6 feet tall, so it would have been easy to put an accurate character model of her in the Aliens game while still keeping the same hit box size as the male characters.


New member
May 7, 2011
I mean for all of the "realism" these games propose to present the lack of women on the battlefield is strange, considering it is the 21st century. But at the same time, the way that politics have been lately, with scapegoats and villains dominating issues (rather than the issues themselves) and all of the back peddling on so many issues we've been making it would not, in the slightest, surprise me to see a future where women are broodmares to provide soldiers to the state to go off and fight our many, pointless wars for our corporate overlords.

I suppose if you have as much "faith" in mankind as I do the very fact that colonial marines suggests that humans are even still alive a few thousand years in the future makes it utter fantasy while the aliens, cryo-sleep and other sci-fi elements are entirely plausible.

I'm not saying any of this makes any of it ok, mind you. I actually hope that having more women as main characters could lead to some new styles of narrative, rather than all of the crappy, military revenge porn we see these days. Ideally something more mature than "She almost gets raped because she's weak and pathetic and nothing like the old, ass kicking take on the character so you want to protect her and help her escape the island."


Gone Fonzy
Jun 9, 2010
Zachary Amaranth said:
Lord_Gremlin said:
Funny how old games like Unreal, Aliens vs. Predator 2 etc. had female characters in multiplayer... Modern games are a step down in many directions. Look at Duke Nukem 3D level design for example.
Games have become about cutting as many corners. the relative cheapness of the FPS is one of the reasons it is so prevalent.

So it's no shock it trickles down to the naughty bits.

Ariseishirou said:
Speaking as a woman who likes shooters, I agree. It would be nice to have the option, at least. And the lack of a female option has led me to not buy at least one game. (Brink - because seriously? Over a quadrillion customization options and not one of them is female? Because it would have cut down on the options available? Could you not have not half a quadrillion male options instead? I don't think anyone would have been unsatisfied.)
That's also a more general problem. People always look at someone else being given an option as them having an option taken away.

Bato said:
Why is it a thing that women have to be petite and short?
They have body sizes that differ as much as men do, sure they have less natural muscle than men do, but that doesn't mean they all have the physique of a 16 year old with two watermelons duct taped to them.
To be fair, a 6' woman is up there on the curve.

Then again, in games populated by hulking refigerators of men, I think the argument that there are too many tall women is kind of...What's the word I'm looking for...Ridiculous.

Bobic said:
While that was the example I was thinking of, I can't get past the fact that it's throwing up an easy target for the militant feminist, who will no doubt point out that the fact that the one female's sole purpose is to be rescued isn't all that much of a step forward.

Still, a woman in CoD is a woman in CoD.
Is she playable in either single player or multiplayer? Because that's the crux of the issue here. Jim may have started with the lead-in that you might think women don't exist, but the main thrust here is less about NPCs and the like.

Also, if you think that's "militant feminism," I think you're using both of those words wrong.
Your post has got me thinking... This is such a binary discussion. Why aren't there more male characters that use to be female chacters and vise versa?


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009
Waddles said:
Forgive me if I am wrong, but didn't Halo have some female marines?
While you couldn't play female Spartan's until Halo 3 (which was odd considering they established female Spartans a bit before they released Halo CE) there was female marines in Halo 2 and so on.


New member
Feb 4, 2011
SnakeoilSage said:
Team Fortress 2 has the Heavy and the Scout.

Any argument against scaling issues is invalid.
TF2 has a rock, paper, scissors class approach to it's game balance. Most shooters don't. Everybody is supposedly on the same level. your argument is invalid


New member
Mar 27, 2012
Mylinkay Asdara said:
Yup. It sucks to have to play dudes when you aren't one. It's not that you're playing a dude, so much, it's that you have to, because they didn't give you any other option. My fiancé knows I have 'dibs' on any female toons when a game has them, because there are usually only a few and they are mine because I have spent years and years and years in a male avatar across so many titles that when the option to play my own gender comes up, I'm doing it. Even though that sometimes forces me to play character types I wouldn't normally favor, if they are the girl, that's me. It's a little ridiculous that we're still in this situation, as players, where we have to scavenge for our own gendered toons.
When you say toon do you refer to games that let you create your character (Bioware games) or that offer different premade characters of different sexes? (Dead Island)

I don't like the argument that game forces you to play as Nathan Drake or Kratos. It's like saying a movie forces its protagonist onto you. Since games are becoming more like movies and made with that mindset, and AAA games are risk averse we always get our Michael Bay protagonists.

Technologically it's not currently feasible to have the choice of playing as Nathan and Natalie Drake since the Uncharted games for instance are highly cinematic (Have plenty of pre-rendered cut scenes) and disc memory wouldn't be enough to fit all the content for the male and female protagonist plus the game's budget would skyrocket.

Of course this doesn't mean that there shouldn't be the choose your sex option in any game, only games that aren't highly cinematic, of which they are many.

Another option is doing it the JRPG way and have both men and women in the party without a clear protagonist among the group. Like Final Fantasy VI.


New member
Mar 27, 2012
Imp Emissary said:
ex275w said:
Come on Jim, you shouldn't have thanked God this time, thank Mother Gea, when dressing a feminist womyn, you don't need to thank a phallocentric Male God, thank a female one, for Gea's sake.
:) You're practice futility friend! God is omnipotent, and beyond comprehension. Only nothing is omnipotent and you can't see nothing. That means he, she, it, and they are all "correct" and "incorrect" pronouns to use on God. God is a woman, a man, a genderless thingy, and a group of creatures all at once and yet not at all.
<_< But I can't picture that in my head, let alone describe it.
;) So, lets just say God in lady form looks like Oprah.

Also, so we stay with the topic; Not having playable women in shooters is crap, realism is a poor excuse (especially when we have soldiers fighting unmaned four legged walking tanks), and strangely Jim is a pretty lady.
Doesn't the Bible refer to god as a He and as the LORD (The male version of a lady, though Fire Emblem has female lords so...) and as creating Adam in his image, meaning chest hair, beard, and a dong. Or was this all additions made by the King James version?

I guess if you want Dog to look like Steve Buscemi or Salma Hayek you have the right, I was just going by what I know from the Bible.

Also why do games use realism to justify laziness? Realism is supposed to add different mechanics and not remove options from games. As long as it's believable (doesn't break the rules the game sets) I'll think God of War is real.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Bindal said:
sideshow said:
Terminate421 said:
You forgot Halo! Look at the difference between Spartans!


..........................WHAT DIFFERENCE?!?!?!?
Kind of the point - those two models are ALMOST the same (female has a slightly slimmer hip and bit sexier butt - but that's only noticeable when they are next to each other in idle).
gotta ask, hows that a bad thing? the spartan armor is designed to be functional (for that universe) not sexy


New member
Jun 5, 2012
Bravo, I usually yell "poppy cock!" at these types of points but you have a talent for broadening my perspectives.

Ladies are totally in on the FPS genre and I always remember them being there... since the Quake days at least. My ex fiance played Bad Company 2 with me all the time and she was very good. She too would complain some times about having to play with a male model. On Black Ops I totally got my ass handed to me over and over by a certain female. I was even thinking then, that it would have been cool if the model matched the voice that was talking all that shit to me. The point you made about Alien is spot on for sure. The only Alien game I remember playing a female, that being Ripley was in Alien 3 for SNES.

Last Note: Killzone 2/3 would have been bad-ass with female models.


New member
Dec 9, 2009
(This is a long one so grab some water)

Speaking as someone who was in the U.S. Army, and on top of that, in a unit that had women serving in a front line combat capacity (MP Combat Battalion, every female soldier, and male for that matter, in my Company had a CAB) I can say, at least in "Modern" FPS's (Call of Duty and it's ilk) that women have absolutely no place as a player character.

Fact of the matter is, almost all of these modern setting FPS's involve the player being part of, or something there equivalent to, a Special Operations Troop. There are no special operations troops in the world that employ women in Combat roles. That's not conjecture, that's a fact. Women DO serve in U.S. Army Special Forces, MARSOC, NAVSPECGRU, as well as many foreign Special Operations Units such as English SAS and SBS, however only in clerical or administrative positions. Even the Russian military, who has historically been the most open to allowing women to serve in "traditional" male roles (Russian being one of the few countries to have multiple female fighter Ace's, EXTREMELY proficient snipers, and female chiefs of staff) To put it simply, women do not kick down doors in Special Operations. And, for the foreseeable future, they won't.

There are a variety of reasons, some range from as innocuous as ability for a special operations troop to blend in with their surrounding (a female soldier would stand out quite a bit more in Kandahar trying to gain intelligence from a local clan) to as extreme as WHY women are not allowed in front line infantry units. It is funny, even within the military it is not... often explained *why* women are NOT allowed in true front line units (In the Army's case that would be Combat MOS's in Combat Arm's branches (Infantry, Armor, ect). As far as the U.S. Military (and English Military although they have an extra reason) is concerned there are two critical reasons why women are prohibited from these positions:

1) Women, baring the rare exceptions, have grossly different physical and hygienic demands that are not conducive to a front line Infantry unit. If a male soldier goes 3 months without showering and at best changing/washing clothes once a week, in all likelihood he will be physically fine. Probably not happy, nor anyone catching a whiff of him, but he will not develop (baring open wounds or something of that nature) an infection PURELY from not showering/changing clothes (I can speak from personal experience on two tours on this). A female, without being overly graphic, cannot. They will develop specific infections that are unique to their gender due to lack of hygiene. Hygiene is important in the field, but to many degree's it goes by the wayside.

Additionally women, baring the rare exception, can't meet the same physical requirement. That's a data supported fact in the U.S. Military and the English military. Women even have separate physical standards in the U.S. Military that are VERY much different from the males (for example, on the Army APFT in the 17-21 age range, the female 2Mile run time of 15:36 is a 100% score, while the same time for a male equals a 64, just 5 points shy of failing the exam, what this is in essence saying is the absolute best score time for a woman in the Army is just BARELY passing for a male) These score discrepancies don't exist to make it easier for women, nor do women pass the APFT in a far greater percentage. In actuality, the pass/fail ratio is relatively similar between both genders. Women simply are not as strong as men. Period. We're different, what a surprise. However that degree of difference, while not a problem in everyday life, or even clerical/administrative duties in the military, both are a far cry from front line service such as infantry. NOW take it to the next point, given this is about games and games are almost always about Special Operations, Special Operations universally have DRASTICALLY higher physical requirements than any regular military. They in fact are SO high, that barely 1% (was like .96% or something last time I saw the statistic) of the U.S. Army, male or female, can consistently make the standard.

So in summation of that, not only can women not meet the "bare" minimum of standard physical requirements, there is in no way shape or form, that they could meet the physical requirements of a Special Operations troop.

2) This is the most unknown, but not hidden though, reason, and that is physiological, and not in the way you'd think. this ALSO is the reason there was resistance to repealing don't ask don't tell. Why no 4 star ever mentioned it in the press is beyond me as it is a fairly... logical reason to bar both homosexuals and women at least in frontline combat units.

Men have a natural urge to protect. This is a biological fact. Those rare individuals that don't are the exception, not the rule. In the military, this holds true. However the urge to protect a battle buddy and perhaps, someone you're attract too, are drastically different. In the military there is one thing held above all else; the mission. Absolutely nothing can come between the soldier and the mission. No danger, no person. Only a threat to the mission itself can cause pause. This is paramount and when you become an officer this is drilled home all the more clear. Personal relationships CANNOT be allowed to come between the soldier and the mission.

What this means is a soldier cannot allow himself to be in a position where they choose to save a friend/romantic interest over completing a mission. Period. End of story. Black and white (in this rare time, the world is no gray). Now a group of straight men, or for that matter, a group of straight women, this problem won't arise, however if you mix units, or have homosexuals involved, then a problem can ensue. We've all been attracted to SOMEONE at a job or school before. Can anyone honestly say that did not effect their work behavior and perhaps even how hard they worked a company or school goal? Even something as simple of skipping a class to be around that individual or rushed paperwork at a job to finish early or took an extra long lunch break, or even just being distracted. While... understandable (and even perhaps tolerable) in the regular world, this is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE in the military. As an MP, and our unit being COED, I saw how this *did* cause regular issues, both in and out of the field. It is a TRUE problem and MP's are relatively small units. I can only image the problems that could happen in a large Infantry battalion.

You couple this with the scientific fact that men have an urge to protect women, and there is a spell for disaster. To return to the idea of all women units, that in theory could work 100% fine in say a regular infantry unit, but keeping in mind the overarching theme here of women in the military IN games, this does not work. As said, even few MALES can attain the necessary physical skills, and qualifications to obtain Special Operations quality, and granting that the exceptional female may have that ability, there is not enough of either to attempt to have an all female special operations troop. The Russians tried that once with the NKVD, and I suppose the Amazonian guard might qualify (although I would question whether or not they were as qualified as say, a member of the British SAS, or German KSK)

So if you followed me through this, (long read I apologize) those are the two key reasons right now women are not allowed in "simple" infantry units. To make the next step to Special Operations is just impossible in the world as we know it now. Drastic technology or necessity is all that could change that at this point.

Now to tie it all into the grander topic, in "modern" setting FPS's, women cannot be player characters. At least in any section involving the "classic" idea of what a modern FPS is suppose to be (kicking down doors, setting charges, special insertions/infiltrations)

That said you *could* have women in a modern setting FPS however it would not be like any other FPS as it would have to involve being part of a VERY different military group than Special Operations. For example in the case of the U.S. Military, for all intents and purposes (baring a few, isolated exceptions) the only roles women can take on that also tend to involve "true" combat are MP's (and their Air Force, Marine, and Naval equivalents) SeaBee's in the Navy, a few jobs for female's in the Artillery, combat pilots, and, at least in the U.S. Army, a few jobs in the Ordinance branch and Chemical Branch can involve combat operations (and said jobs are open to females).

And to be fair, a videogame about being an MP in Iraq would be interesting (and I'd buy it in a heartbeat, but it would be relatively boring as standing in/next to a Humvee for an hour then a small firefight then returning to FOB, rinse, repeat ad-nasum, would be a really boring game.

AND this is all assuming that whatever pretense of "realism" the developer is trying to maintain even cares about any of this to start.


New member
Mar 27, 2012
Vampire cat said:
ex275w said:
Well from what I know from religion God (with an uppercase), usually refers to the male Christian god, occasionally known as YHWH or Yahweh. While god (with a lower case) usually means gods like Zeus, Aprhodite or Artemis.
Still, he really should have referred to Gea, since apparently that's what some radical feminists do, and not referring to a explicitly female deity is misogynist and cissexist.
Why so? He's not roleplaying a radical feminist, just a (very sexy) female Jim! No reason he needs to go all radical on us =3.


So hot...
I would love Jim to go radical in my bed, together, naked. It's just that s/he reminded me of Andrea Dworkin, who was a radical feminist.

Still, maybe Jim should've had a woman present the show, only she would be speaking in Jim Sterling's voice, due to the power of video editing.


New member
May 13, 2010
ex275w said:
It really is a weird phenomenon, since I barely play any multi-player FPS's I hadn't heard about this issue. Still not putting any women is stupid in games that are supposed to have massive appeal or are in the future is plain lazy.

Yet I can think of a FPS that needs no female characters and that is Team Fortress 2, a game which still plenty of women play and has tons of yaoi for some reason. It would interesting to release a Team Fortress 2 esque FPS with only women in it and see how it goes.

Come on Jim, you shouldn't have thanked God this time, thank Mother Gea, when dressing a feminist womyn, you don't need to thank a phallocentric Male God, thank a female one, for Gea's sake.
They already have that. Final Combat. More of a rip-off than an actual game, it includes a schoolgirl Sniper. (Heave, gag)


New member
Jan 7, 2011
Wait a minute. Waaaaaait a minute. Women aren't allowed to be infantry? Has no one in the military seen fucking Aliens?


New member
Jun 5, 2012
RC1138 said:
(This is a long one so grab some water)

Speaking as someone who was in the U.S. Army, and on top of that, in a unit that had women serving in a front line combat capacity (MP Combat Battalion, every female soldier, and male for that matter, in my Company had a CAB) I can say, at least in "Modern" FPS's (Call of Duty and it's ilk) that women have absolutely no place as a player character.

Fact of the matter is, almost all of these modern setting FPS's involve the player being part of, or something there equivalent to, a Special Operations Troop. There are no special operations troops in the world that employ women in Combat roles. That's not conjecture, that's a fact. Women DO serve in U.S. Army Special Forces, MARSOC, NAVSPECGRU, as well as many foreign Special Operations Units such as English SAS and SBS, however only in clerical or administrative positions. Even the Russian military, who has historically been the most open to allowing women to serve in "traditional" male roles (Russian being one of the few countries to have multiple female fighter Ace's, EXTREMELY proficient snipers, and female chiefs of staff) To put it simply, women do not kick down doors in Special Operations. And, for the foreseeable future, they won't.

There are a variety of reasons, some range from as innocuous as ability for a special operations troop to blend in with their surrounding (a female soldier would stand out quite a bit more in Kandahar trying to gain intelligence from a local clan) to as extreme as WHY women are not allowed in front line infantry units. It is funny, even within the military it is not... often explained *why* women are NOT allowed in true front line units (In the Army's case that would be Combat MOS's in Combat Arm's branches (Infantry, Armor, ect). As far as the U.S. Military (and English Military although they have an extra reason) is concerned there are two critical reasons why women are prohibited from these positions:

1) Women, baring the rare exceptions, have grossly different physical and hygienic demands that are not conducive to a front line Infantry unit. If a male soldier goes 3 months without showering and at best changing/washing clothes once a week, in all likelihood he will be physically fine. Probably not happy, nor anyone catching a whiff of him, but he will not develop (baring open wounds or something of that nature) an infection PURELY from not showering/changing clothes (I can speak from personal experience on two tours on this). A female, without being overly graphic, cannot. They will develop specific infections that are unique to their gender due to lack of hygiene. Hygiene is important in the field, but to many degree's it goes by the wayside.

Additionally women, baring the rare exception, can't meet the same physical requirement. That's a data supported fact in the U.S. Military and the English military. Women even have separate physical standards in the U.S. Military that are VERY much different from the males (for example, on the Army APFT in the 17-21 age range, the female 2Mile run time of 15:36 is a 100% score, while the same time for a male equals a 64, just 5 points shy of failing the exam, what this is in essence saying is the absolute best score time for a woman in the Army is just BARELY passing for a male) These score discrepancies don't exist to make it easier for women, nor do women pass the APFT in a far greater percentage. In actuality, the pass/fail ratio is relatively similar between both genders. Women simply are not as strong as men. Period. We're different, what a surprise. However that degree of difference, while not a problem in everyday life, or even clerical/administrative duties in the military, both are a far cry from front line service such as infantry. NOW take it to the next point, given this is about games and games are almost always about Special Operations, Special Operations universally have DRASTICALLY higher physical requirements than any regular military. They in fact are SO high, that barely 1% (was like .96% or something last time I saw the statistic) of the U.S. Army, male or female, can consistently make the standard.

So in summation of that, not only can women not meet the "bare" minimum of standard physical requirements, there is in no way shape or form, that they could meet the physical requirements of a Special Operations troop.

2) This is the most unknown, but not hidden though, reason, and that is physiological, and not in the way you'd think. this ALSO is the reason there was resistance to repealing don't ask don't tell. Why no 4 star ever mentioned it in the press is beyond me as it is a fairly... logical reason to bar both homosexuals and women at least in frontline combat units.

Men have a natural urge to protect. This is a biological fact. Those rare individuals that don't are the exception, not the rule. In the military, this holds true. However the urge to protect a battle buddy and perhaps, someone you're attract too, are drastically different. In the military there is one thing held above all else; the mission. Absolutely nothing can come between the soldier and the mission. No danger, no person. Only a threat to the mission itself can cause pause. This is paramount and when you become an officer this is drilled home all the more clear. Personal relationships CANNOT be allowed to come between the soldier and the mission.

What this means is a soldier cannot allow himself to be in a position where they choose to save a friend/romantic interest over completing a mission. Period. End of story. Black and white (in this rare time, the world is no gray). Now a group of straight men, or for that matter, a group of straight women, this problem won't arise, however if you mix units, or have homosexuals involved, then a problem can ensue. We've all been attracted to SOMEONE at a job or school before. Can anyone honestly say that did not effect their work behavior and perhaps even how hard they worked a company or school goal? Even something as simple of skipping a class to be around that individual or rushed paperwork at a job to finish early or took an extra long lunch break, or even just being distracted. While... understandable (and even perhaps tolerable) in the regular world, this is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE in the military. As an MP, and our unit being COED, I saw how this *did* cause regular issues, both in and out of the field. It is a TRUE problem and MP's are relatively small units. I can only image the problems that could happen in a large Infantry battalion.

You couple this with the scientific fact that men have an urge to protect women, and there is a spell for disaster. To return to the idea of all women units, that in theory could work 100% fine in say a regular infantry unit, but keeping in mind the overarching theme here of women in the military IN games, this does not work. As said, even few MALES can attain the necessary physical skills, and qualifications to obtain Special Operations quality, and granting that the exceptional female may have that ability, there is not enough of either to attempt to have an all female special operations troop. The Russians tried that once with the NKVD, and I suppose the Amazonian guard might qualify (although I would question whether or not they were as qualified as say, a member of the British SAS, or German KSK)

So if you followed me through this, (long read I apologize) those are the two key reasons right now women are not allowed in "simple" infantry units. To make the next step to Special Operations is just impossible in the world as we know it now. Drastic technology or necessity is all that could change that at this point.

Now to tie it all into the grander topic, in "modern" setting FPS's, women cannot be player characters. At least in any section involving the "classic" idea of what a modern FPS is suppose to be (kicking down doors, setting charges, special insertions/infiltrations)

That said you *could* have women in a modern setting FPS however it would not be like any other FPS as it would have to involve being part of a VERY different military group than Special Operations. For example in the case of the U.S. Military, for all intents and purposes (baring a few, isolated exceptions) the only roles women can take on that also tend to involve "true" combat are MP's (and their Air Force, Marine, and Naval equivalents) SeaBee's in the Navy, a few jobs for female's in the Artillery, combat pilots, and, at least in the U.S. Army, a few jobs in the Ordinance branch and Chemical Branch can involve combat operations (and said jobs are open to females).

And to be fair, a videogame about being an MP in Iraq would be interesting (and I'd buy it in a heartbeat, but it would be relatively boring as standing in/next to a Humvee for an hour then a small firefight then returning to FOB, rinse, repeat ad-nasum, would be a really boring game.

AND this is all assuming that whatever pretense of "realism" the developer is trying to maintain even cares about any of this to start.
Awesome points for sure but I have to lean on games being made for fantasy. Even so called "realistic", "tactical" shooters are feeding you some fantastic stories to play in. A special Ops type of single player story that is based in the present is understandable from a male perspective but multi-player can be flexible enough to accommodate a female player. What about a game like Deus Ex? A female option would of rocked it.


New member
May 14, 2012
Lunar Templar said:
Bindal said:
sideshow said:
Terminate421 said:
You forgot Halo! Look at the difference between Spartans!


..........................WHAT DIFFERENCE?!?!?!?
Kind of the point - those two models are ALMOST the same (female has a slightly slimmer hip and bit sexier butt - but that's only noticeable when they are next to each other in idle).
gotta ask, hows that a bad thing? the spartan armor is designed to be functional (for that universe) not sexy
Never said it's bad - it's actually proving the point, that to make a female model doesn't require a serious change in model, just a minor one and maybe a slight different animation when idle and maybe walking (not running). A female model doesn't have to be "sexy" at all - just clearly more feminine than the male counterpart. And Reach shows, how you can do it without really spending much resources on an entirely new model.


New member
Dec 9, 2009
liam_whinery said:
Awesome points for sure but I have to lean on games being made for fantasy. Even so called "realistic", "tactical" shooters are feeding you some fantastic stories to play in. A special Ops type of single player story that is based in the present is understandable from a male perspective but multi-player can be flexible enough to accommodate a female player. What about a game like Deus Ex? A female option would of rocked it.
I was speaking purely on the concept of modern setting (that is to say, 1975-2012) FPS that take place in OUR world. Things like futuristic or even straight up fantasy (Bioshock comes to mind) is a whole different thing and WAY past anything I'm talking about.

Basically if the phrase "Call of Duty clone" (or CoD itself) is involved in a games general description then women *should not* be the player character.

Sir Shockwave

New member
Jul 4, 2011
el_kabong said:
Fantasy/SciFi shooters really depends on the franchise. I wouldn't be comfortable if some game company shoe-horned in a female Space Marine into the 40K universe (though I'd definitely welcome female characters from the Sisters of Battle or other factions). In Aliens, it's not only fitting that they're should be women, but a distinct step away from the franchise to not include them.
On that note, I should point out that a secondary charterer in WH40K: Space Marine was a Female Guardsman. Also, every Farseer I can remember in Dawn of War has been female, with no exceptions (though with the ridiculous voice synthesizer, I'm wondering if we should use the term for a Female Robot instead X3)

CAPATCHA: Fancy Pants. Clearly this is what the Capatcha thinks of Jim in this episode X3


New member
Jul 21, 2010
undeadsuitor said:
Terminate421 said:
You forgot Halo! Look at the difference between Spartans!



Is this supposed to be a bad thing? I kind of like it. The armor is made for duty, not looks. It would have been hilarious if female spartans lacked waste armor to show off their stomach because.....female
It wasn't intended to be bad at all. I only mentioned that Jim kinda forgot that Halo has been doing the female soldiers for a while, even in the first game. They started getting playable at Halo 3.