Jimquisition: Nintendo of America


Sane among the insane.
Sep 12, 2010
Fullmetalfox said:
Guys this is actually a good thing!
Remember when Sega released the SegaCD/MegaCD and refused to support their system, and then nobody gave a fuck about the Saturn and the Dreamcast? Remember Sega had to leave the hardware business and focus only on games because they couldn't afford another console?
Well same here. People are gonna remember this stupidity and refrain from buying the Wii U, as a result Nintendo is gonna have to drop the hardware business and we will finally have Donkey Kong on the PS4.
It may piss you off now, but when you don't need to buy another console only to play the next Zelda/Mario game, you'll be happy.
Good times ahead!
Thank you Nintendo of America!
Hey, I'd actually would be happy if that happened. I'd love to play a Zelda game, but there is no way I'm going to buy a $150 paperweight to play those games. So I'd love to play a Zelda game on other platforms.

Honestly, I wouldn't expect it anytime soon, but I do think Nintendo is expecting too much from the Wii U. Its a next generation console that is as powerful as the PS3 and 360 (allegedly), but will likely be going up against the PS4 and 720 before long. Sure the Wii U will be able to play games like Dark Siders 2 and others, but we can already play those games on the PS3s and 360s we already own. Why would anyone buy a Wii U for those?
That's just my two cents, though.


New member
Jun 29, 2009
Lost Odyssey is one of my favorite games this GENERATION, so to say I was a little hyped for The Last Story is an understatement. And I'm not gonna be able to get it now.

Fuck you Nintendo. I was considering getting a 3DS but now I'll see how the PS Vita is just cause you're a bunch of twats.


New member
Mar 27, 2011
Wow best episode yet, my jaw dropped when he talked about animal crossing not being released in the UK because I didn't know Nintendo did that.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Great show Jim!

At this point I think Nintendo knows that the people who grew up playing their NES and SNES are now old enough to import games for the current generation. This may be counter to your mention of how Animal Crossing was blocked for import however, at this point I can think of 3 websites off the top of my head where I can import games and have actually imported to play the games NoJ wouldn't let me have (to be fair: Fist of the North Star was never popular in the U.S. and, JUMP Ultimate Stars would have been a legal nightmare)

At this point there are more Japanese exclusive 3DS games (example) that I want than U.S. releases. Not to mention the fact that the foreign systems are finally releasing new console colors (and always have had more color options) and it would seem to me Nintendo is encouraging people to get online and import.

Once again Jim, great show! Keep it up.


New member
Nov 3, 2008
Don't worry guys Nintendo still loves and cares for you, they'll release Orcarina of Time and all the games you bought before on the Wii U, all at the low low price of a brand new title.


New member
Apr 16, 2011
As much as I like Nintendo for what they've done for the industry, they will forever infuriate me with their nonsensical, even wilfully self-damaging decisions. Release these games Nintendo, hell, localise all games! You never know what will become a cult classic or a runaway success unless you try.

Also, it's strange that we in the UK are getting these games and not America. It used to be the other way around: I remember having to import Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 6 and Secrets of Mana from the US because NoE just eternally dragged their heels over them.

NoE?s poor localization policy is one of the main reasons Sega did better than Nintendo in Europe. The other, is advertisement... why have I heard nothing about these 3 games??


New member
Apr 3, 2010
My first Jimquisition and whaat? You may make some good points but I won't be a regular follower for the totally childish way you express those points. I can't help but think you sound like a spoiled brat, like, say, Dudley from Harry Potter. It also feels like you may have ignored totally valid reasons Nintendo may have for not bringing out their games elsewhere.


New member
Aug 13, 2010
winter2 said:
Jimbo needs to get back in the suit and tie combo he used to have. Looked much more.... inquisitorial then...

For some reason I expected him to do some 'rasslin moves at the end there when he walked up to the camera all WWE like. :D
"this is what happens when i don't wear the coat, people stop thinking i"m a super hero."
- Harry Dresden, Proven Guilty, a novel of the Dresden Files.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
I wasn't really a fan of Jim at first, he's been pretty hit and miss for me, but I wanted to watch this one and...well...it was a good episode. I laughed, I thought about stuff, I had fun watching it, and it compelled me to write this comment.

I don't even care about these three titles and I'm still in support of them being released. And I know what it's like to fight for a game like this (I'm one of the wee crowd currently fighting for Ace Attorney Investigations 2) so yeah. Good episode, I hope things work out in the end.

...fucking clit giraffes?


New member
Mar 2, 2011
They obviously just want casual gamers and kids, not ardent fans that have grown up with their systems. It will be the demise of the company because I'm sorry NoA, the Facebook devs are blowning you out of the water in that regard.


New member
Oct 16, 2010
now that speech had some spank in it
love it

though i don't have this problem since i live in europe and don't even have a wii
but i could make the exact same rant for games that are not coming to ps3 although they belong there


New member
Aug 13, 2010
ok can i just add this seems more like a japanese thing in general? they way i see it this is no different than the manga and anime industry that love to not release 90% of the manga that come out of japan, i meant really this happens a lot where good games manga and anime made in japan never see a western release and there are no explanations really available to give the fanbase over here.


New member
Oct 4, 2010
I missed the mic drop. I always preferred Jim holding the mic just standing there to the podium. Glad to see it again.


New member
Oct 10, 2009
... I'll have to remember that one. Not quite as good as douchecanoe, but still...

O.T.: Reminds me of Patapon. I remember when I was a youngin' to the internet, I only really went to a very small forum with a handful of members. There was one time where we were talking about the upcoming release of Patapon, and I said I thought it'd do crazy well. One person noted the Japanese numbers and said he doubted it'd do much better here in the US, but it ended up outselling God of War: Chains of Olympus for some time.


New member
Sep 19, 2010
i have the exact same problem with monster hunter freedom 3 which i'll have to wait a year for the POSSIBLE eu/na localisation either that or we'll get a giant fuck you in a similar style to frontier or g