Jimquisition: Only The Lonely


New member
Feb 26, 2012

Jim, I loved the intro and outro to this week's episode. It reminded me that you should do a dramatic reading of this piece of art from way back whenever.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Multiplayer should be optional. Online Multiplayer should be optional. If a developer wants to give people that option, great. But don't force me to deal with SSJGoku_GanjaKing_87 when I don't want to.

And Jim, don't be so modest.. you are better than God or Jesus.


New member
Jul 8, 2011
Thanks Jim, your opinions about lonliness were interesting, still your theologically bulletproof arguments were what made this video great.

Thank God for you, and hopefully the all powerful one will keep you around, funny and cleaver for a long time mate.


New member
Jul 25, 2012
PunkRex said:
I think im the only person on this bloody site that enjoyed Bioshock 2's multiplayer. Don't get me wrong, I see the flaws and plot holes present in the single player (F*ck Sofia Lamb, how dare they try to insinuate she was at the same level as Andrew RyaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!) but I generally enjoyed the frantic-ness... if thats a word, of the multiplayer. Sure I suppose using the money for it on the single player may have lead to a better single player product but I don't necessarily hold that against the multiplayer experience.

OT: Man I miss Dungeon Keeper...
You're not alone. I loved Bioshock 2's multiplayer. I don't see why everyone bangs on it all the time.


New member
Jul 16, 2012
i play tf2, left 4 dead 2, counterstrike, and Borderlands 2 with no one. i join random games, or play singleplayer(l4d and borderlands 2). never has it crossed my mind to ever make friends with anyone i meet in those games. I just love playing games were i have no allies. Its just more fun.

Nalgas D. Lemur

New member
Nov 20, 2009
Waaghpowa said:
Part of the problem is that it's viewed as unnatural to want to be alone. Humans are considered social creatures and when someone doesn't want to be social, there's clearly something wrong with them.

The reality is that some people, myself included, are introverts. They're more comfortable being alone with their own thoughts and in some cases need to be alone in order to think clearly.

This idea that seclusion is a bad thing is what's translating into games. All this social connectivity is ok for certain games and in small doses, but not for everything.

Honestly, I think devs are using this social crap as an excuse to put online drm into their games.
The difference between introverts and extroverts is one of the main things that I thought of while watching too. Our society acts like it's weird to be introverted and like it's a tiny minority of people who are that way, when it's really rather common. It's just that people are encouraged to act against their nature and implicitly shamed for it or made to feel like there's something wrong with them.

The other thing was that "loneliness" isn't quite the right word. It was a good starting point, but what the video was about seemed more to be "being alone" or "solitude". An extrovert might feel lonely when they're alone, but an introvert needs periods of that interspersed with their social interaction, either as a chance to recharge or to let them relax and focus without being overwhelmed.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
I am with you 100%. I prefer the single player game and the type of immersion that can be brought on by playing a Dark Souls or Skyrim with no disractions. I don't get how some people want to play those games in the same room as others. I like Resident Evil 5 a lot but never played co op and I beat it on every difficulty.

If your game is really good you can keep multiplayer and that immersion. As seen In the souls games and Journey. More thoughtful multiplayer like that please, less tacked on deathmatch.

Dr. Mongo

New member
Oct 31, 2011
Thank God for you, Jim. Listen to Willem, that guy knows what he's sayin'.

Oh, and Sim City multiplayer can go to hell, as much as I'm concerned.
Next thing they're telling us will be that they are working on a new Solitaire-game that requires a constant internet connection, because seriously: Who on earth wants to play Solitaire ALONE?!


New member
Mar 6, 2012
LMAO +1 for all the bible thumber rage he just induced, keep up the good work Jim.

Also agree with him. Where did this (single player is a bad thing) trend come from? I grew up with single player, when I was a kid playing Mario the idea of multiplayer/ co-op was usually waiting till our friend died so you could have a turn. Why is it when ever I hear publishers talking about how great multiplayer is instead of single player it's always some idiot publisher who doesn't even play games "cough EA %%^$ cough"

Sometimes it's not even about loneliness, have these people never watched a TV show or movie alone? RPGs are usually about story and you don't need other people around to enjoy a good story, who's ever been in a movie theater and thought

"Man this movie's great, but it sure would suck if there weren't all these other people here making background noise"

Sometimes it's not even about that, sometimes it's just about you and the machine and beating that &^%$#%& thing. It's a stupid notion to think you need multiplayer for everything, in fact the best kind of multiplayer is the multiplayer that isn't forced down your throat or taking away from the single player game like Demon Souls. Simple easy and completely optional. Than you have multiplayer like Dead Space 2 which was just wasted disc space.


New member
Apr 21, 2009
I just love how I can't watch anything gaming/comic/movie/geek culture in general without eventually getting some sort of diatribe about the presenters beliefs, or in the case lack there of. I honestly don't give two shits about Jim's beliefs, Christ complex (be it real or satirical). The reason I watch his stuff and Moviebob's well we're at it is because I find there work pertaining to geek culture interesting. Not because I want to hear about Christ or how Geeks should be worshiping at the First Church of the Spider-man.

As for the episode it's self; fine work as usual.


New member
Feb 27, 2012
One related thought that I've considered before: competitive multiplayer is generally a zero-sum game, one side has to lose for the other to win. That's fine for some people, but I like the small sense of accomplishment that comes from succeeding in my games, and it's not fun for me to play an online game where I can only expect to win 50% of the time, assuming I'm as good as the other players (probably not a valid assumption.) So good single-player experiences are pretty important to me.

That being said, I thought the quasi-mandatory multiplayer in Mass Effect 3 was annoying. But I tried it anyway and really liked it - enough that it got me interested in co-op shooters when I generally avoided shooters altogether before that. Not sure if the end justified the means, but it's almost enough for me to consider giving SimCity a chance. EA may be shoehorning multiplayer into traditionally single-player games, but at least they're shoehorning good-quality, enjoyable multiplayer in.


New member
Dec 29, 2009
agree completely. now there are some games that i enjoy playing with a friend but i cant think of a single game i dont want to play alone. even the games i enjoy playing with friends, i also want to just play alone sometimes. sometimes if im playing a game that doesnt really have much story or any dialog to keep track of, i like to watch tv in the background or sometime. maybe i want to eat dinner or lunch while im gaming. i cant really do that if im playing with someone. im playing a lot of torchlight 2 lately but i could never do a random multiplayer match with people i dont know because i like to clear out the entire map of an area before moving on, which people usually get annoyed with because whatever reason they just want to speed through as quickly as possible

and shooters, in my opinion, were much better before multiplayer because a focus. fps was my favorite genre once, but i find online modes of shooters to be extremely boring and that seems to be the focus of most shooters, so i rarely play them anymore


New member
Oct 27, 2010
Sylveria said:
Multiplayer should be optional. Online Multiplayer should be optional. If a developer wants to give people that option, great. But don't force me to deal with SSJGoku_GanjaKing_87 when I don't want to.
The option would be to not buy multiplayer games, nothing wrong with the likes of Team Fortress. I agree it's place in certain games is unwanted but it could still be the focus of the game if it's done right.

Mr. Omega said:
Slightly off topic: One other big problem I've been having with this whole "everything needs multiplayer" mentality? That they've also been cutting out couch co-op. I don't mind online multiplayer, but when my brother or cousins come over, I want to be able to play with them without each of us having our own copy of the game, console and TV.
Agreed, online multtiplayer has only served as a substitute for when my friends are to busy to actually meet in person, I can't think of a situation where I would say this co-op/vs game would be better if you would play it a town over and had no way to personally interact with me.


New member
Oct 3, 2009
I generally prefer single player games because, now here's a shocker, I don't like teaming up with random strangers online! I don't know these people! I don't like being forced to play with people I don't know. I rarely play L4D or its sequel unless I'm playing with someone I know in real life. Because when crap goes down, I have the person I know to depend on. I'll save a player I don't know, but it's more uncomfortable for me.

This is also why I don't like playing MMOs. Most of them have a focus on getting together with other players to do stuff. And I don't WANT to get together with other players. I don't WANT to have to be in a party to do a raid.

My friend, when we were trying to figure out what to do if I came over to his house, suggested that we play Journey together. I told him that that would defeat the POINT of the game. And I would rather not play it at all, than play it wrong.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Ehehe, imaginary indeed... and yeah, while I'm not averse to playing with people in some games sometimes, I most often enjoy solo play.

After all, you wouldn't want to have someone looming over your shoulder when you're enjoying a good book, and you don't always need to watch some TV or a movie with other people, the idea that the interactive nature of Video Games or the fact that they can be enjoyed with other people somehow precludes them from the solitary mental unwinding that entertainment media is strongly associated with is laughable.


New member
Jan 20, 2011
Hahahahaha Jesus no want you!~~~~~~

Personally, I DO like multiplayer games... but when I want to play as THE hero, in a game, well... putting it simple, there is ONLY ONE Dante (well... not any more...), ONE Master Chef, ONE doom guy, ONE JESUS. you can't have 1000+ savior of the world, When playing story epic games, I expect it to be single. my friends, can... well... just suck it up and watch me kick ass....

The Great JT

New member
Oct 6, 2008
I like this argument. When I want to play multiplayer in a game, it's there. When I want to play single player, that means I want all other potential players to piss off and leave me to my wanderings. I would actually argue that Mass Effect 3, while the system is potentially flawed in that they tied Galactic Readiness to multiplayer (even though it isn't required due to a rebalancing of required Galactic Readiness when they did the Extended Cut of the ending), the multiplayer, while "just a mindless horde mode" is still a fun mode. I have a few online friends and we still get a good time out of Platinum runs (even though I usually either volunteer for or get stuck on Volus duty), but when I don't want to play multiplayer, single player's there to slake my thirst. Or Minecraft, which lets you opt out of online games so you can play single-player. Either way, you get the idea.


New member
Dec 26, 2007
I have to agree with this, sometimes I sign out of teamspeak and steam, claiming I have to leave, only to read a book or play a singleplayer game.
I just don't want to talk to people all day.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I'm surprised Jim didn't talk about the obvious reason for the whole multiplayer in simcity, its just an excuse for a really annoying drm scheme. The reason that publishers love multiplayer is because it allows them to retain more control of the product. The new simcity is practically an mmo, it doesnt even store save data locally, being social is only their excuse, kind of like blizzards excuse for diablo 3 "multiplayer is the right way to play this so we dont have an offline single player."

The Artificially Prolonged

Random Semi-Frequent Poster
Jul 15, 2008
A good point Jim, sometimes doing things on your own is more preferable. Its like reading, nearly everyone reads something at sometime but while many may join book clubs or go to public readings the vast majority of people most of the time will just want to be alone to read their book.


Also if Jesus doesn't want you up there Jim it may be because with you down here he doesn't feel the need to come back himself, as you seem to have everything covered yourself :p