Jimquisition: Rise Of The Exclusivity Wars


New member
Jun 10, 2014
Who's the people defending unethical game companies as "vidya games r biznesses & they dont have 2 like u"?
That's true, obviously, but in what world does that mean people aren't allowed to talk about or, or have to accept it? That sounds truly masochistic to think like that.


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Sep 8, 2008
TiberiusEsuriens said:
Ben's original article makes several very valid points. Key is that without the Microsoft cash influx into this game, it would most likely not exist at all. Unfortunately we're likely to never get the full story, because "We don't have faith in this game by itself" and "We needed outside funding to pull it off" are terrible things for a marketing team to say. If this industry only had more transparency, I don't think we'd be complaining about it. (nearly as much)
C'mooon man, don't listen to the defenders. This is good for noone, not even SE.

The key point though, which you and Ben have missed out on is: this is Square Enix. SQUARE FUCKING ENIX. They're fucking huge, one of the biggest publishers in the industry, a sequel to TR was inevitable, not only because it's Tomb Raider and going to fucking sell, but because SE announced that there would be a sequel aaaaages ago. Then, at E3, Rise of the Tomb Raider was officially announced with no indication that it would be exclusive, only a few days ago were we told this was the case. Showing that they either neglected to tell us that it was exclusive, or they've had a paycheque in the meantime.

This isn't a little company like Platinum, where they needed the funding in order to make Bayonetta 2, or a publisher to the standard they're capable of, Square Enix ARE the ones with the money, they're not hurting for cash, they didn't need an influx of money from MS, they're just greedy. Greedy and fucking stupid.

TR2013 was deemed a failure after selling 6 MILLION copies, even though it's on route to being the best selling entry in the ENTIRE franchise. Now, I don't know how much Microsoft gave them, but chucking 2 thirds of your potential customer base out the window is terrible as far as a business decision goes. Presumebly if MS did part fund it, they get some of the sales money. Meaning they're already down on potential profits having to pay MS back, let alone not being able to sell it to PS4 and PC owners at launch. It's a short turn cash grab that hurts them in the wallet and in the public eye.

It's not even a true exclusive, it's timed, and unless they're really really thick, they'll bring it out on PS4 and PC next year, meaning they also lied at Gamesconn.

PirateRose said:
But hearing the news about it being only on the Xbox One, tells me it's probably just going to be another Crystal Dynamics game. It'll be the return of fun time gore arena's where you try to kill as many men as possibly, as quickly as possibly, and in the most brutal way possible. Cause you know, blood and gore is more morally acceptably than stonking great tits and solving puzzles.
What has it being XBONE exclusive got to with anything regarding story and gameplay?

V TheSystem V

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Sep 11, 2009
Zombie Badger said:
Is it just me or does it look like Enix is modelling Lara off of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo?
Oh God...if they are, then are they gonna have the whole sadistic rapey therapist thing? Is the bear in the trailer a metaphor for the therapist, do you think? The first one was lambasted when it looked like a guy was sexually assaulting Lara, going the whole Lisbeth Salander route will only end in tragedy.

I think I took that comment a bit too seriously...sorry.


Queen of the Edit
Feb 4, 2009
I am generally excited for Bayonetta 2 ... I've been kinda angry at Nintendo for the last three consoles, in that I never needed to look for value in the N64. But In order to play a Zelda or Metroid game, I kinda needed a nintendo. I bought a Wii for Zelda and Metroid (And Monster Hunter Tri, oddly enough), and that's all that it got used for. I bought a Wii U To have access to the new Monster Hunter, and that's all it gets used for. That and the Okami Wii remake ... I had that on PS2, but admittedly it's better with a wiimote.

Nintendo do seem to be actively supporting various game companies that I'm personally invested in. Dreamfall Chapters will likely get a console release on the Wii U, if only because Nintendo went out of their way to provide the game company everything it needed and offered then some in the form of further technical development. And I fucking love The Longest Journey and Dreamfall ... probably the only, really good, female characters in any video game. With a fantastic story, wonderful presentation, and amazing level of emotional investment (actual, good ol' fashioned artistic integrity).

... Now if only it would come out already...


New member
Jun 21, 2010
He, off-topic: What was that one clip from of the guys shooting at and then chasing that woman in a red feathery looking cloak then sending mutated hyena's after?


New member
Oct 22, 2013
EvilestDeath said:
This guy is cute he thinks he is special because he can use simple logic to predict retarded shit the industry will do. I predicted the sun would rise every single day for the past 20 years and shall do for ht enext few thousand. Behold MY godly power!

I also predict there will be hurricanes and tornados this year that destroy thousands of lives one hurricane will have the strength to make it from Florida all the way to Cannada at least the rain and some of its winds will which will happen next year.

Jim shall lose some weight and nobody will have noticed by the end of this year.

The escapist will continue to allow Zero Punctuation to post troll like reviews similar to how Duke Nukem had three different videos only one being legit one of which shall appear by this time next year.

Although having out a new model as of last year the Xbox 360 will slowly die off next year due to lack of support eventually turning the way of Nintendo and having its online functions cut.

Speaking of Nintendo they will dominate this console generation simply by its extensively growing list of exclusives.

Nintendo will also find a new way to piss off gamers by the end of this year with whatever issue they introduced like more copyright nonsense or cutting features from older Nintendo systems. Caint wait for my Nintendo Wii to lost online functions...wait bit late on that.

Also Battlefield Hardline will release next year at a time compeating with another shooter at the time and it will be the superior product unlike with the Call of Duty Ghosts/Battlefield 4 release. This time the game will function as an FPS, still remaining fairly borken in areas requiring a patch week 1.

This time next year I will be quoted at least by myself to brag about how any of these predictions came true. Thank God for Jim Sterling and thank Evolution for me.
Nintendo already announced the cut of online functions for the wii in late may 2014. I however have to admit that you can still use some of the channels that do not require an online function (anymore). (I love the fact that nintendo still gave the wii a slew of Neo Geo titles by the end of may 2014. I guess it was one of the few consoles that had some great final games coming out for it.)


New member
Oct 22, 2013
immortalfrieza said:
DataSnake said:
Imagine, for a minute, the reaction if any other industry tried this shit. How about the film industry. What if a cinema chain reached out to Marvel and said "if you airbrush Black Widow out of Avengers 2 for everyone else, so that we have the exclusive version of the movie, we'll give you some cash"? That shit would not fly. Or what if DVDs worked that way? "Want to watch Guardians of the Galaxy? Your DVD player better be manufactured by Sony, it won't work on competitors' players!" Or what if auto manufacturers started abusing the adopt-a-highway program and only let people driving their brand of cars drive on "their" roads? Or, what if Apple made a deal with Pizza Hut that says you can only order delivery if you call on an iPhone? Somehow, I don't think that would go over very well.
For some reason the video game industry is allowed to get away with countless blatantly obviously exploitative business practices that with any other industries would cause them to fall if they tried to pull the same crap at least openly, exclusivity is just one of them. If you can think of a bad thing for an industry to do short of outright crime, chances are the video game industry has done it, is doing it, and will continue to do it and getting off scot free while flaunting the fact that they're doing this and giving their customers the middle finger all the way. This is the direct result of the endless streams of blind fans and casuals that buy up anything the video game industry spews out without care for how they are being screwed and keep popping up 10 more for every one that wises up.

What needs to happen is a least one if not several big time companies need to go under as a direct result of pulling this blatantly exploitative crap and send a message to everybody else that's left that this crap IS BAD in BRIGHT SHINING NEON or else this kind of thing is just going to keep happening and keep getting worse.
Criminal stuff the video game industry is not doing (right now):
1: Underpaying its employees: People who work at the video game industry gain around 2000$ per month.
2: Create wars to create demand: For obvious reasons.
3: Avoiding government taxes with bribery: Again, for obvious reasons.
4: Forcing underage people to work for them because they cost less: Ironically, that (together with 1) used to be a thing in the computer game (and software) industry in the 1980's. I do not know why they have stopped it. It probably is so because the companies that are still left think a lot about the employees that work there

The best part is that those practices are done in some industries.


The Purple Fairy
Dec 8, 2009
The Exclusive DLC in game is what piss me off the more. How can they explain that i pay the same price for a game, but get less, for the same game?


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
Some people say that it makes sense for Crystal to release the PS4 version later than the XB1 version, because otherwise it would have to compete against Uncharted 4. It sounds like a good point... except that it doesn't explain why the heck they'll exclude the PC too! (and I'm pretty sure Uncharted 4 won't be released on PC)


Elite Member
May 12, 2011
hydrolythe said:
Criminal stuff the video game industry is not doing (right now):
1: Underpaying its employees: People who work at the video game industry gain around 2000$ per month.
2: Create wars to create demand: For obvious reasons.
3: Avoiding government taxes with bribery: Again, for obvious reasons.
4: Forcing underage people to work for them because they cost less: Ironically, that (together with 1) used to be a thing in the computer game (and software) industry in the 1980's. I do not know why they have stopped it. It probably is so because the companies that are still left think a lot about the employees that work there

The best part is that those practices are done in some industries.
That's why I said "short of outright crime". So far most of the video game industry is only doing legal stuff, but they're still doing terrible stuff anyway.


New member
Aug 13, 2010
Goliath100 said:
Jimothy Sterling said:
I cannot control the visions that come to me. Such is my blessing, and my curse.
Should we start calling you St.Jimmy?
What you did there. I see it.

p.s. did you just call him a "Figment of your father's rage and your mother's love?"


New member
Sep 14, 2008
Also, regarding the word "exclusive". I recall Ubisoft, almost proudly, proclaiming that the next Assassin's Creed will be available "exclusively" on Xbox One, PS4, and PC... In other words, it's pretty much on every console... but the Wii U. You know, you can't really use the word "exclusive" when you're referring to essentially three-fourths of the gaming industry...


New member
Jan 11, 2011
Precognition eh? Didn't call the Zoe Quinn debacle playing the victim for publicity. How about doing an article on the downright corruption of your games reporting industry that you can get manipulated so much.

You jumped firmly into the Zoe Quinn corner and decried any critics. Now you have to answer for your sins


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Jim is Love, Jim is Life. We all knew that Jim has become a god. Now we have hard evidence!

Exclusivity overall is a very bad thing, in any industry. It is holding games ransom in gaming industry. The only two reasons i accept for games being exclusive are thus:

1. The game cannot physically run on another platform. For example the game requires certain peripheral not available on other platform or the other platform simply cannot process the game - this means a lot of old consoles dont get ports and thats ok, they cant run it. you dont expect Atari2600 to run Crysis.

2. The company Lacks skill to port the game and the game did so poorly they cant afford to hire somone else. I can understand a company not going bancrupt over porting a game that did poorly. This covers a lot of Indies that simply dont know how to develop for consoles and dont have budgets to hire teams. The big industry has no excuse here though.


New member
May 5, 2009
MrBrightside919 said:
Well since i've indulged your blocks of bullsh!t...let me counter with my own block o' text...

1) Since when has console specs condemned a console to death? That way of thinking would mean that all other generations of consoles are retroactively bad because their specs aren't as good as the current gens. With that way of thinking, some of the most revered consoles of all time like the PS2, Wii, SNES, Playstation are now utter crap.

2) Having multiple control options isn't problematic at all. It gives players more choices. Don't like using a Wii remote? Get a classic controller and play your games that way. Got used to the previous console Wii remote and nunchuck? You can use them on the Wii U. Soon, there will be a Gamecube controller adapter that will let players use a Gamecube controller and soon after that, games will include the option to use that controller. The other consoles have multiple control options and there is nothing wrong with those so why is it only a problem with the Wii U.

3) Companies don't change their consoles CPU in the same generation.

4) Not every PS4/Xbone game runs at 60 fps. Hell, a lot of PC games don't run at 60 fps.

5) So because the Wii U can do the same things as the PS3/360 (both good consoles), that makes it bad? Another extremely closed minded thing to say. The PS4/Xbone do the same things as the PS3/360 so I guess they are bad too.

6) Does the Wii U REALLY need every Xbone/PS4 multiplatform game that is released? No. Sure, it would be nice to get some of the games that are released, but it doesn't NEED them...just like the Wii didn't need every PS3/360 multiplatform game to sell over 100 million Wii consoles. Do the PS4 and Xbone suck because they don't have the Nintendo games? No. I guess, according to you, the PC sucks at gaming too because it doesn't have a lot of the games exclusive to consoles.

7) You don't like the tablet controller so that makes it bad. I quite like the controller and being able to play games from the screen on the controller or watch online videos from the screen on the controller. I guess my opinion cancels your opinion out.

8) Nintendo has the Nintendo Network ID. You can download, erase and re-download just like any other console. You can even save everything to an external hard drive and carry it around with you if you want. What is to worry about on the Wii U that doesn't apply to every digital distribution outlet out there?

9) Again, i'm not sure you know what you are talking about when it comes to Nintendo and HD gaming.

Looks pretty damn good to me. I guess it just isn't dark and brown enough for your liking. Also, I guess I missed that generation of gaming when all that mattered was graphics.
Practically EVERYTHING you've said is incredibly closed minded or you are flat out misinformed about things. Frankly, i'm not even sure you've ever touched a Wii U with your own hands.

You are sounding just like every other hater who has never even tried the Wii U...and if that is the case then i'm done talking to you because you spewing hateful crap won't stop me from liking the console or thinking it's "good".

You think the Wii U is bad. I think the Wii U is good. I guess we cancel each other out...

Found this just for you...seemed appropriate
1. No other console (save the wii, which pretty much had crap for good games outside a very few of Nintendo exclusives, most with mario in the title) had specs that were far closer to the last gen. With snes/genesis, ps1/n64, ps2/xbox/gamecube and ps3/ps4 they were all leaps and bounds ahead of the last generation, wiiU isn't, it's barely above ps3/360 in theory and practically it's done nothing better from a hardware perspective. If someone makes a multiplat for ps4/xbone they can't make it for wiiU because wiiU doesn't have the specs, I don't think there's a single multiplat on wiiU not on ps3/360 save for maybe some pc indie game.

2. Yes it is when you have to buy 5 different types of controller to play majority of games on the console it's a custer**** and just a waste of money not to mention is just confusing to people. If all (or atleast most) games were playable with all the controllers then it would be about choice.

3. That's my point, so wiiU is never going to get better in that regard so there's no wait for update or wait till later in the gen excuse

4. That's besides the point, if someone makes a game to ps4/xbone specs it's impossible to put it on wiiU.

5. Yep, if your pc could only do things a 7 year old pc could do, that you just bought brand new for more then the 7 year old pc costed I think you would consider it bad or atleast overpriced.

6. Yes it does... wii got 100 million because it launched super cheap and reached fad status, wiiU is neither. Nintendo games are solid don't get me wrong (rather lacking in story and are pretty much same old same old lately but still good solid games) but they don't have the resources to support a system on just their games I'm sorry. The droughts on the wiiU have pretty much proven this, they need to expand a lot more if they want to run a console successfully with no third party support. Not to mention alot of advertising comes from third parties and people like me who don't buy mutiple systems a gen aren't going to get a system without multiplats.

7. If the tablet controller was a good idea Nintendo would be using it in their games for more then a horn.

8. No it's not like any other console, do your research. Purchases are tied to the console not the account, and you need to go through consumer service to re-dowload on another console and are pretty much at their mercy, on psn/xbl/steam/every other thing like it, you just need to log in and possibly register the device you are on you don't need any assistance or mercy from someone on the phone.

9. They took forever to make them because they weren't prepared for HD development increasing the cost and time of their games and lowering overall output making it even harder to keep wiiU games coming with no third party support. I wasn't commenting on the end result that was your closed minded assumption.

Everything I said is true and an issue you just refuse to acknowledge it.