Jimquisition: Solving the Sexism Situation


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Dudes, Escapist, I get it... he's supposed to be the asshole alternative to the smart shows for comedic effect.

Problem; it's just not funny! People don't find MovieBon and Extra Creditz funny because they're intelligent... they're funny because they are funny.

If it's been the same guy who green lit this and Game Dogs; fire them!


Dad, I'm in space.
Mar 10, 2010
This guy keeps getting worse and worse.

I think I'll give up trying to give him a chance now.


New member
Dec 15, 2009
Ok, that was a lot better than last week...

- Didn't sound as condescending.
- Actually made me chuckle a few times. The 'More half naked man!' with the clip show actually made me laugh :).

- Again, old issue that's been touched on a lot by much better people. Sorry Jim. The whole 'Dick Wolf' debacle is several months old by now, on the internet, that is ancient history.
- The crappy ms paint drawing really don't add anything. In fact, they detract from the show. I don't mind the swearing, but the crude and vulgar and poorly done drawing annoy the hell out of me...

Still, unlike the first one, I actually got some enjoyment out of it.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
Is it bad that I agreed with everything he said?

Still not funny though.

Also, I think I may have been agreeing with the parts that were supposed to be jokes. Is that bad?


I can smell sausage rolls
Dec 6, 2010
like the other ep, i didn't mind this. there are better things on the escapist by far, but overall not too bad, gave me a few chuckles at least.

Serving UpSmiles

New member
Aug 4, 2010
"Men like to look at tits"?? really? I need to consult my parents about this.

Neogeta said:
So the show sucks, but people will click cuz the picture is of boobs. Stay classy Escapist.
Just like the last one where he had "lesbian" on the thumbnail? also check the comments for the God of War 3 sex scene article.


New member
Jan 7, 2011
MatsVS said:
A different, perhaps more radical, solution:

How 'bout we objectify no one, and only place men or women in revealing clothing when it is tangential to exploring their character and/or fits their cultural/geographical background. You know, as in good storytelling that is inclusive and realistic at the same time.
ninjas man, get you every time ;)

Thanks for being one of the few people to actually notice the point though. you are 100% correct.

Lenny Magic

Hypochondriacal Calligrapher
Jan 23, 2009
Well I suppose in terms of equality that makes sense... But there is a reason why people in the dark ages didn't run around in thongs.

Not sure what to make of these videos tbh


Senior Member
Mar 25, 2010
First of all, this is me voting for the Escapist NOT to kill this show. If that even matters. Secondly, Jim's right. Nobody makes men sexy in gaming, and when they do they make them more than just a nice body. It's like how in Dragon Age 2 Isabella is nothing but a two-dimensional character with big breasts, while Anders has his whole "sexy tortured look" with an interesting story and complex personality.

So, two step plan for developers:
1) make all game characters foxy
2) give everyone deep personalities and amazing storylines.
3) figure out where to keep all your GotY awards


Scandinavian Jawbreaker
Jul 22, 2010
You know I like listening to/reading people analyzing or over analyzing games as much as the next gamer, but can we please get rid of the nudity? It adds nothing to the the video, and makes if feel more childish. So can we please get rid of it? Please?

Else, it was okay. He did not fumble his lines as much as last time (from what I could tell), and he did provide an interesting perspective on a situation that has gotten a lot of attention from nearly every major game commentator in the last 10 years. I will watch #3, that is all I am going to say...


New member
Sep 26, 2008
Well, I did enjoy this vid more than the first one, I actually thought some ideas presented were somewhat mature and thinking...

...But does hurling images of dicks and generally acting like someone that plays on xbox live? Eh...I think I'll watch the less frequent Game Overthinker instead.

You make good points yes, but do you think famous speeches are filled with dick jokes?


New member
Jul 17, 2010
yeah... Sarcasm.

i guess its good issues, but his attitude turns me off to him. If someone else was doing this stuff (like, you know, how extra credit does, and how the extra punctuation does) then I think it would be a bit more bearable.

Probably should post something relevant to subject material. I dont find sexual things in gaming a bad thing. I've far enjoyed the practical clothed women (Hildegards) to the impractical (Ivys), but that doesnt mean the impractical bother me. I dont know, to me it seems stupid to get bent out of shape because someone (man or woman) is under dressed in games when you can find any number of "gentlemen's clubs" ads in the local paper, or on billboards, or TV, or radio.

Hell, on most the days the news where I live is more violent then the hardest core M or AO game (but then again we have people who get shot or jumped and beaten to a blood pulp, of the latter I've been a part of a few).


New member
Apr 23, 2008
This episodes is better. But he needs a co-worker or cat to yell at. He has this televangelist vibe because he shouts directly into the camera. I figure it would come off better if he were yelling at something (even a tree) to the left.

You know what if he spent his time yelling at a random thing each week (tree, can of pesi, cat, baby, water fountain) I would piss myself laughing.

PS I am funnier and more opinionated give me a show plz.


New member
Jul 4, 2006
The only part I enjoyed was the use of music from FFIX.

He swore a lot less in this episode than last week, but I think he was attempting to be satirical in this one.

It's not that I think it's a bad show as such, I just don't take anything away from it...


New member
Mar 11, 2011
Wow. Every time this show goes up on the Escapist, the site's credibility goes down another notch. What did he even say, what points did he make? After watching it a second time it still seems as though it was a 3 minute set up for one mediocre joke that he then explains for the remaining minute. In addition, the crooked podium, blatantly meant for shock value visuals and still wonderfully dodgy recording quality makes me wonder if the podcast itself isn't the joke. I'm starting to believe this person is either working a genius level of meta humor or the Escapist crew enjoys watching a good trainwreck just like the rest of us. It's amazing to me that they are letting him post these embarrassing things on their website when there are loads of other people that are more talented that could fill his slot.

PS: Stop using Final Fantasy music as your soundtracks, you're making them dirty.


Gone Fonzy
Jun 9, 2010
hmmmm, more crudely drawn penises for penis sake, a rant I couldn't watch all the way to the end, and no redeeming value. Yeah, I'm done with him.