John Carter's Mars Isn't As Red As You'd Expect


New member
Jan 4, 2010
Kahunaburger said:
Wow, that looks terrible. It's like every single modern medicore fantasy movie ever with "lol this is all on mars" tacked on to it. The green martian looked pretty laughable, the red martians aren't red, Mars looks like SoCal (go figure), the messed up the low gravity thing, and everyone walks around with a perpetual derpface.
Pretty much what it looks like. It's a shame because I thought the books were really fun as a kid. Also, modern Hollywood blockbusters are the only things capable of having worse female characters than old science fiction, so that's another thing to be worried about. I'm especially distrustful of the almost complete absence of green martians in this, however.

Xaryn Mar

New member
Sep 17, 2008
Hmmm, As someone said above the red matians are not red in the movie and I must say that they wear way too much clothes (They had no more than a loincloth and jewelry in the books).


New member
May 28, 2009
I first thought it read "John Carpenter's Mars" and thought ALREADY a remake?!

Never read the books, and looks pretty generic from the trailer. But hey, it can't be worse than Tron Legacy, right?


New member
Oct 31, 2008
JPArbiter said:
BrotherRool said:
I have to admit I saw a lot of red landscapes. Wasn't the first shot before he got transported?

EDIT: And isn't Mars surface a lot less red than people thought? To the extent that NASA coloured the first rover photos of Mars so people would believe it wasn't just earth?
not quite, but it is proven thanks to Rovers that Mars has a blue sky like on Earth (much thinner though) and the Iron Oxide rich soil is more of a deep Red Brown the the Crimson we see in telescopes.
Looked it up and it turned out only to be a rumour

The Telegraph is a middling okay newspaper, but they would happily report a rumour, since they've only reported it as that, a rumour.

It would have been a good story

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Wolfram01 said:
I read all 3 of the books in the not too distant past (within the last 2 years). They are so awesome. After seeing this trailer, I think that Disney pulled some pretty typical shit and are in no way whatsoever being true to the books. It looks like they just made up some stuff that is vaguely reminiscent of what was in the books. Of course I'll wait for final judgment when I see it - it could still be good. I suppose it's good they aren't calling it Princess of Mars since it seems that it will be quite different...
FYI, there are 11 books in the series. They do tend to tail off a bit, especially when the stories start focusing on other characters, but the first half-dozen or so are definitely worth reading. I think I lost interest around A Fighting Man of Mars, the seventh book, but of course YMMV.


New member
May 28, 2009
Apparently, this is what the books look that the artist to Conan who died recently?

WTF, why is this in the hands of nerfin' Disney?! This is from a Pixar guy too, I thought he'd have more freedom?


New member
May 16, 2010
I've read most of the books, save the ones that focused on his John's son and I admit the landscape seems a little lush for my recollection, but overall I haven't seen anything in the trailer that makes me cringe. Here's hoping it's a good flick.


New member
Oct 8, 2007
BrotherRool said:
I have to admit I saw a lot of red landscapes. Wasn't the first shot before he got transported?

EDIT: And isn't Mars surface a lot less red than people thought? To the extent that NASA coloured the first rover photos of Mars so people would believe it wasn't just earth?
yeah and a still living mars would be even less red than that most likely.


New member
Apr 19, 2008
Am I the only one who thinks the trailer looks a bit like a kid friendly Conan knockoff?

Logarithmic Limbo

New member
Mar 13, 2011
Xaryn Mar said:
Hmmm, As someone said above the red matians are not red in the movie and I must say that they wear way too much clothes (They had no more than a loincloth and jewelry in the books).
Dude, its Disney, whaddaya expect. I read the books a million years ago when I was a wee lad and I loved them. I hope they dont fuggit up too badly.

Xaryn Mar

New member
Sep 17, 2008
Logarithmic Limbo said:
Xaryn Mar said:
Hmmm, As someone said above the red matians are not red in the movie and I must say that they wear way too much clothes (They had no more than a loincloth and jewelry in the books).
Dude, its Disney, whaddaya expect. I read the books a million years ago when I was a wee lad and I loved them. I hope they dont fuggit up too badly.
Well I would have hoped for them to be faithfull to the source material. After all it is not a film for kids. I have never understood the (american) fear for nudity.


Migratory coconut
Oct 7, 2010
Ok, basically Yuck. It looks horribly generic and Dejah Thoris is wearing far too much makeup far too much clothing. Imo Disney are goning to either drop the ball on this badly and create a total flop or simply create a film thats only enjoyed by people who know nothing about the books and end up enraging the fans (like Disney will care about them).


New member
Sep 4, 2009
OK I totally misread that as John Carpenter and immediately thought of Ghosts of Mars

Where Ice Cube fights Marylin Manson


Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Veterinari said:
Seriously, I can't believe the amount of whining this thread already contains.
What you see as mystery and beauty, I see as over-reliance on CGI and continued pandering to the 3D fad. Hey, I'm willing to hope for the best and I'm definitely going to see it - and this is probably the first time I've said that about a Disney movie in a lot of years - but it's hardly unreasonable to have concerns.