John Carter's Mars Isn't As Red As You'd Expect


New member
Jun 15, 2009
After hearing that Peter Gabriel was in this trailer, it instantly got +5 awesomeness.

Deacon Cole

New member
Jan 10, 2009
I don't like the trailer. The way it's made, it looks more like a boring melodrama about a guy dealing with his wife's drinking problem while the Mars stuff is just a fantasy sequence he uses to escape, which means that all the Mars scenes are already in the trailer, if such were the case.

The source of my above impressions is the Peter Gabriel song. Is Gabriel jealous that Disney got the other lead singer from Genesis an Oscar and now he wants one? Good luck, chubby.

Deacon Cole

New member
Jan 10, 2009
Veterinari said:
I'm happy with earthy-toned mars, it looks a lot better.
Indeed. Having other planets look as dull and boring as our own justifies all the NASA budget cuts.

Xaryn Mar

New member
Sep 17, 2008
Andy Chalk said:
I do take issue with your remark about the source material, however. The fact that it's "comically cliched" isn't relevant, or shouldn't be. If you're going to make a John Carter movie, make a John Carter movie. Make it true to the story, a swashbuckling tale of manly men and damsels in distress. Don't fuck around with it. I can put up with a lot, but my real fear is of a strong, empowered, sharp-tongued Dejah Thoris, fighting side-by-side with her man John Carter, proving that even on Mars, sisters are doing it for themselves!

I will weep. Seriously.
I agree. Make the action like the old Robin Hood, pirate and musketeer movies, you know true swashbuckling movies and I would be very happy.

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Veterinari said:
When it comes to fucking around with the source material I think some leeway should be granted to make sure it's a good film that people "get".
Some leeway is fine. I think the LOTR series did a fantastic job and I'm not ashamed to say that the changes made to the Watchmen made it far better, not just as a movie but as a story. It's a fine line and it's hugely subjective, but that doesn't prevent me having certain expectations from this movie, and concerns that it's not going to meet them. My remark about a modern-woman Dejah Thoris probably sums it up best, not because I hold sexist views toward women but because 19th attitudes toward women feature fairly prominently in the book, and I want that in my movie experience.

On a side note - I always interpeted "red" Martians as being "red" from the point of view of a 19th century southern gentleman, i e native Americans. Are you guys telling me I was supposed to think they were actually red?
I always envisioned them the same way, sort of a planet-wide "noble savage" thing. So the non-redness doesn't really bother me - but I do wonder how they're going to handle the First Born.

crotchdot said:
Wikipedia has lead you astray, I just finished the first book and Sarkoja played a small but important and recurring role.
You are quite correct, sir. I mixed up Sarkoja with Phaidor, Matai Shang's daughter.


New member
Jan 22, 2011
Woodsey said:
"Lynn Collins"

Seeing it.

Let's hope its rated EB, for exposed boobies.
Its disney.... dont hold your breath.

OT: it looks like an alright movie, nothing special.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
Logarithmic Limbo said:
Xaryn Mar said:
Hmmm, As someone said above the red matians are not red in the movie and I must say that they wear way too much clothes (They had no more than a loincloth and jewelry in the books).
Dude, its Disney, whaddaya expect. I read the books a million years ago when I was a wee lad and I loved them. I hope they dont fuggit up too badly.
All my worries in a nutshell.