JOKER trailer discussion


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2017
Here Comes Tomorrow said:
Looked interesting, I hope its more of a character study than an bish bosh comic film. I'll probably not see it in the theatre cause the wife won't care to see it but I'll definitely watch it.

The weird backlash about it being a white male incel fantasy is also hilarious.
Who is saying that? A Google search is not producing any tangible results and I've heard zilch of this backlash.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
TheIronRuler said:
Casual Shinji said:
I can kind of understand some of the frustration. Not the 'white male incel' part, but more the 'society punished him, therefor he'll punish society' vibe I'm getting from this trailer. Apart from it being kind of an indulgent fantasy for the socially awkward that have a chip on their shoulder, it's just a very overused villain trope.

I would've found it more interesting if this character was a succesful business man with a loving family who just goes crazy/gives into an insanity that may have always been there. Sort of in a similar vein as American Psycho.
Try watching 'Falling down (1993)'. Could be a good fit for what you're looking for.
A little bit, but it's still about a guy who's been dealt a raw deal and decides to take revenge on society. I want to lean away from the Joker as the (maybe somewhat justified) rebel against the established order, and have him just be an insane guy who one moment wants to gas a bunch of people, and then the next moment tries to patent fish.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
TheIronRuler said:
Casual Shinji said:
Here Comes Tomorrow said:
The weird backlash about it being a white male incel fantasy is also hilarious.
I can kind of understand some of the frustration. Not the 'white male incel' part, but more the 'society punished him, therefor he'll punish society' vibe I'm getting from this trailer. Apart from it being kind of an indulgent fantasy for the socially awkward that have a chip on their shoulder, it's just a very overused villain trope.

I would've found it more interesting if this character was a succesful business man with a loving family who just goes crazy/gives into an insanity that may have always been there. Sort of in a similar vein as American Psycho.
Try watching 'Falling down (1993)'. Could be a good fit for what you're looking for.
I don't like the idea of this, but anything I don't like can be make to be so good that I'd give it a chance and watch it. This looks like something I'll give a chance and watch.
Remember when people were saying that Heath Ledger doesn't have the acting chops, that he looked like an idiot, didn't smile, no one liked the scars, that Jacl Nicholas is the only Joker and Batman Begin actually sucked?

Because that was a thing. I don't really like anyone going around trying to tank things based on trailers. I like to see the movie before commenting. Seems like you have similar sentiments.

Also, best part of Falling Down was, "Wait, am I the bad guy here?" Just sums up the whole movie
Oct 22, 2011
Looks alright, i guess? Putting some hope into Joaquin Phoenix being casted. Otherwise, we'll see.

PsychedelicDiamond said:
Honestly, this looks like a feature length apology for Leto.
Really? Cause i got the exact opposite impression. That it's a middle finger to Leto, just like Gunn's "THE Suicide Squad" is a middle finger to the last SS.
Oct 22, 2011
Casual Shinji said:
I dunno. Then you may replace another loner revenge fantasy with another depiction of mental illness where a person is just a time bomb, waiting to become a supervillain. All a matter of execution.
Besides, Bateman never "just went crazy". You could tell there was something wrong with him from the first scene, where he introduces us to his morning routine.
Nov 28, 2007
MrCalavera said:
Looks alright, i guess? Putting some hope into Joaquin Phoenix being casted. Otherwise, we'll see.

PsychedelicDiamond said:
Honestly, this looks like a feature length apology for Leto.
Really? Cause i got the exact opposite impression. That it's a middle finger to Leto, just like Gunn's "THE Suicide Squad" is a middle finger to the last SS.
They said apology FOR Leto. As in "We're so sorry we let Leto be The Joker. Here, have an entire movie focused on someone else playing the Joker to make up for it." Basically, same kind of idea you have, just put into different words.

ETA: My thoughts on the trailer? It looks pretty good. I'm getting a lot of Killing Joke graphic novel vibes. As in, the parts told in flashback, not the main thrust of the story. If they take those concepts and flesh them out, it could work. Plus, Joaquin Phoenix is an amazing actor, as anyone who has watched "Walk the Line" can attest to.
Oct 22, 2011
thebobmaster said:
MrCalavera said:
Looks alright, i guess? Putting some hope into Joaquin Phoenix being casted. Otherwise, we'll see.

PsychedelicDiamond said:
Honestly, this looks like a feature length apology for Leto.
Really? Cause i got the exact opposite impression. That it's a middle finger to Leto, just like Gunn's "THE Suicide Squad" is a middle finger to the last SS.
They said apology FOR Leto. As in "We're so sorry we let Leto be The Joker.
Ohhh... Yeah, that makes sense. My bad.


Wild at Heart and weird on top
Jan 30, 2011
Here Comes Tomorrow said:
Looked interesting, I hope its more of a character study than an bish bosh comic film. I'll probably not see it in the theatre cause the wife won't care to see it but I'll definitely watch it.

The weird backlash about it being a white male incel fantasy is also hilarious.
Is it? Is it really? Because let me tell you, it's a movie that's been done so often from the exact same angle and it's an angle that I find highly... it it cliche to say "problematic"? Am I finally becoming the living stereotype I was alwas afraid of being? Going around complaining about how "problematic" a superhero movie is?

Fuck it, hear me out. That story, the story of the alienated lower middle class man turned spree killer that Taxi Driver did and King of Comedy did and Falling Down did and God Bless America did and Super did and, sorta, Fight Club did, it had it's place, once upon a time, when these were isolated incidents of a small number of individuals that lended themselves to be fictionalized and serve as character studies of a specific type of person. From a modern perspective it's a best a highly sensationalist and unapologetically cynical portrayal of mental illness and at worst a reductionist view of social alienation and the stress it puts on peoples mental health. And adding onto that an additional layer of artifice, by making it about a comic book villain, as if to say "The only way to get people to care about this story nowadays is to make it about a literal cartoon villain" makes it even more frustrating.

There's nothing quaint about a downtrodden loser seeking catharsis in violence anymore, that story has run its course, stopped being fun a decade ago. Just once I want to see a movie about a bitter, lonely, mentally ill man at the edge of poverty getting help from a society that cares about him and feeling loved and appreciated. How's that for a "white, male, incel fantasy"? Not nearly as sexy as the story of yet another "tragic villain" lashing out at a world that has always treated him with indifference.

Or, hell, you know what was a good movie? A Clockwork Orange, though god knows it wasn't any less cynical. Alex is yet another violent teenage psychopath, an absolutely nasty person, a robber, gang member, a rapist and a murderer, certainly not a sympathetic protagonist by any means, but instead of focussing on how tortured he is, the movie serves as a showcase on the society that created him. And desite it's campy, psychedelic late 60s visual style that, ironically enough, makes it resemble the 60s Batman show on occasion, it still an incredibly potent portrayal of the social conditions that beget violence and cruelty.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
This looks like it's going to be either really good or really bad.

Probably gonna watch it, cuz Joaquin Phoenix is kind of great.


Phone Poster
Nov 10, 2009