Just another glorious day here in Off-Topic


Elite Member
Apr 30, 2016
Elvis Starburst said:
ObsidianJones said:
I guess they didn't want to keep a violate forum open without moderation support.
Then why didn't they just hold R&P to the same standard as everywhere else? That would've required 0 extra work and been a lot better for everyone else who want to keep politics out of their sub-forums
Personally i always assumed that R&P was moderated exactly like everything else. I thought that the "laxer rules" thing was just a rumor mostly shared by people wo never visited the place.

But if Gethsemani says there really was less enforcement based on lacking moderator motivation instead of rules than that is probably true.
Not that i could say that i noticed harsher enforcement under Gethsemani as mod.

But then again i have only been here for three years. Completely missed the time of the really nasty controversies all the oldtimers talk about.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Lil devils x said:
Pshhh.. Wherever gamers go there is complaining. Wherever people go there is complaining. Wherever you go there is complaining. :p
Wherever there's complaining, there's people complaining about the complaining. And yes, I am complaining that people are complaining about complaining, and you'd be within your rights to complain about my complaints about complainers complaining.
Sep 24, 2008
I just want to point out that Forums only exist to share opinions. Opinions about many things. There is not subject in life that doesn't have political ties. People choose to see them, some others don't want to be bothered. I understand that.

Gethsemani said:
R&P has always been a contentious forum, both among users and among moderators. When I was moderating last year, most moderators had given up on trying to enforce rules for anything but the most extreme infractions (death threats, porn, malware linking etc.) because the idea that R&P operated on its own laxer set of rules was pretty ingrained and a lot of people there would pick a fight anytime someone got a warning. It took a lot of extra work to keep R&P to the standards of the rest of the Escapist, mostly because a rather large subset of R&Ps population actively resented any moderation that fell on people they agreed with. As another comparison there was maybe 2 or 3 people in Gaming Discussion and Off-Topic that would actively insult other users repeatedly, for the first few months of me moderating the same number was around 10 in R&P.

I like to think that R&P was a better place when I stopped being a mod, partially because I tried my best to get it actively moderated again and partially because the revival of the Escapist meant that it got both a sense of a future and that someone was actively watching again. With that being said, it was till a contentious forum and the archaic infrastructure of Escapist v1 can cause all kinds of trouble, so I wouldn't be surprised if this is a move to make it easier or even possible to acquiesce a move to a new forum infrastructure.
For the life of me, I honestly can't understand why people can't bring up opinions, ideas, and thoughts without the express need to insult one another.

Literally, I do not comprehend how someone think they are serving their opinions by actively not presenting themselves as representatives of their opinions or stances. It does nothing but make others think "... God, is that how they all are?"

While I take your point and agree with it, just for total clarity, may I ask the numbers of people who would post in R&P and people who would post in Off-topic at any given day? Was there higher traffic in R&P than Off-topic, or were they about the same?


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
crimson5pheonix said:
Saelune said:
crimson5pheonix said:
Elvis Starburst said:
ObsidianJones said:
I guess they didn't want to keep a violate forum open without moderation support.
Then why didn't they just hold R&P to the same standard as everywhere else? That would've required 0 extra work and been a lot better for everyone else who want to keep politics out of their sub-forums
Because the people there would complain. And they're really good at complaining.
You know you're in a topic about complaining, right?
Wherever R&P goes, there is complaining.
And there will be you complaining about people complaining.

I think people SHOULD complain, it actually leads to fixing things, not complaining certainly doesn't. My problem are people who complain about the idea of complaining as if they aren't themselves complaining. I believe the term is 'hypocrite'.

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
Gethsemani said:
R&P has always been a contentious forum, both among users and among moderators. When I was moderating last year, most moderators had given up on trying to enforce rules for anything but the most extreme infractions (death threats, porn, malware linking etc.) because the idea that R&P operated on its own laxer set of rules was pretty ingrained and a lot of people there would pick a fight anytime someone got a warning. It took a lot of extra work to keep R&P to the standards of the rest of the Escapist, mostly because a rather large subset of R&Ps population actively resented any moderation that fell on people they agreed with. As another comparison there was maybe 2 or 3 people in Gaming Discussion and Off-Topic that would actively insult other users repeatedly, for the first few months of me moderating the same number was around 10 in R&P.
That just sounds like it needed a heaping tablespoon of "fucking deal with it, learn to express your opinions in a constructive and non-passive-aggresive manner. We let you into our house, you obey our rules." And if everyone wanted to be pissy about that, then in my opinion, no, they didn't need to be around posting at all and any warnings/bans would have been deserved.

If what you say is true, and I have no reason to doubt it is... I'd believe that the moderators becoming lax on the firmly stated TOS they're supposed to be enforcing means that they are an equally proportionate part of the problem as to why R&P was the disaster pit it was. I say that as someone who has no personal experience with the place though, and I can't speak for how it is on the moderator's side. But, I've learned over time that if the rules are going to be the rules, the rules need to be equal for everyone


New member
Oct 1, 2009
ObsidianJones said:
While I take your point and agree with it, just for total clarity, may I ask the numbers of people who would post in R&P and people who would post in Off-topic at any given day? Was there higher traffic in R&P than Off-topic, or were they about the same?
More people posted in Gaming Discussion and Off-Topic then in R&P. I am not sure about the actual numbers, but a quick guesstimate (and yours is as good as mine) makes me say that the number for R&P was maybe a quarter or a fifth of GD or OT.

Elvis Starburst said:
If what you say is true, and I have no reason to doubt it is... I'd believe that the moderators becoming lax on the firmly stated TOS they're supposed to be enforcing means that they are an equally proportionate part of the problem as to why R&P was the disaster pit it was.
I wouldn't be too harsh on the moderators. The old site owners made it pretty clear back in the days (around 2015 or so, when You Know What was raging) they made it explicit that moderation would be more forgiving in R&P then in the other boards because people got so passionate about the topics discussed. When the old owners went away and The Escapist died as anything but a forum, no one was really all that interested in getting R&P back in line and the projection was that the forums would all just vanish one day anyway, so why waste the effort? That coupled with old contentions from 2014/2015, the tradition of passive-aggressive posting in R&P and a general feeling that nothing mattered since the forums would all just disappear when Defy pulled the plug all contributed to the bad mood that sometimes permeated R&P.


If it ain't broken, get to work
Jun 9, 2010
Hey Saelune, I don't think one of the biggest benefiters of laxer moderation alongside the usual suspects who are no longer here shouldn't mouth off about how the mods are all spiteful.

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
Gethsemani said:
I wouldn't be too harsh on the moderators. The old site owners made it pretty clear back in the days (around 2015 or so, when You Know What was raging) they made it explicit that moderation would be more forgiving in R&P then in the other boards because people got so passionate about the topics discussed. When the old owners went away and The Escapist died as anything but a forum, no one was really all that interested in getting R&P back in line and the projection was that the forums would all just vanish one day anyway, so why waste the effort? That coupled with old contentions from 2014/2015, the tradition of passive-aggressive posting in R&P and a general feeling that nothing mattered since the forums would all just disappear when Defy pulled the plug all contributed to the bad mood that sometimes permeated R&P.
Hm... I'll concede to that much at least. But I'm still not a fan of the "If it's gonna die, who cares" sort of mentality on principle. Though I don't exactly blame anyone for it

Silent Protagonist

New member
Aug 29, 2012
Of all the things Saelune has accused others of being on this forum, "spiteful" is apparently the one that finally has some consequences. Don't mess with the mods I guess. At least the forum will be about 80% less toxic for a couple days


Mandatory Madness!
Aug 31, 2010
Gergar12 said:
Sorry, I don't want to go into the echo-chamber that is Reddit.

Marik2 said:
omg saelune got suspended

im probably going to be next soon
I am next then.
My goal is to see everyone else eventually banned and me talking to myself in the void. Adding topics only I answer.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
People want to talk about politics, and people also get attached to their online haunts and are unlikely to just find another one.

Obviously this was going to happen, and neither R&P regulars nor Off-Topic regulars would be as happy. Closing the subforum was an awful idea.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
I always wondered if the mods were haunting the forums (not just checking on reported posts) and if they disliked me or not.

Silent Protagonist said:
Of all the things Saelune has accused others of being on this forum, "spiteful" is apparently the one that finally has some consequences. Don't mess with the mods I guess. At least the forum will be about 80% less toxic for a couple days
Two days is the suspension time for first red card?


Elite Member
Mar 21, 2009
United States of America
Silvanus said:
People want to talk about politics, and people also get attached to their online haunts and are unlikely to just find another one.

Obviously this was going to happen, and neither R&P regulars nor Off-Topic regulars would be as happy. Closing the subforum was an awful idea.
On the other hand, reversing a decision is awfully embarrassing. So it will be necessary to figure out a way to make what is essentially the old R&P forum but sufficiently novel to pretend it was the plan all along or even a bold new idea.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I would have preferred had they just kept those forums separate. The problem with Saulene statement on making more off-topic discussions is that it's hard to do when a lot are focused on making politic topics/constantly replying back and forth and whatever discussions are made get shoved in the background unless it's some big news, or topic that was made way before the R&P was removed. I still try, but I come to this side of the forum less often now, because of the merge.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Seanchaidh said:
Silvanus said:
People want to talk about politics, and people also get attached to their online haunts and are unlikely to just find another one.

Obviously this was going to happen, and neither R&P regulars nor Off-Topic regulars would be as happy. Closing the subforum was an awful idea.
On the other hand, reversing a decision is awfully embarrassing. So it will be necessary to figure out a way to make what is essentially the old R&P forum but sufficiently novel to pretend it was the plan all along or even a bold new idea.
Admitting a mistake, is only embarrassing to small people who have fragile pride that can't take the hit. To own up to one's mistakes is respectable. Certainly moreso than the opposite.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
I have a feeling whoever decided to remove R&P genuinely didn't expect people to just post political topic on the Off Topic forum. Their reaction to finding out must have been amusing.


Phone Poster
Nov 10, 2009
i thought suspension was at least a week

shes going to come in and say things about the mods when she comes back from the void