Kevin Butler Returns for "PS3: It Only Does 256 Players"


Apr 24, 2008
256 players... 128 enemies...

I'm sorry MAG, but if you think my every respawn will not be a glorious, screaming, bullet spewing death-run then you do not appreciate the beauty of what you have created.


New member
Jul 22, 2008
I hate Sony, but if they're giving Kevin Butler work... I can deal with it. Commercials are hilarious.


New member
Jul 19, 2009
John Funk said:
Kevin Butler Returns for "PS3: It Only Does 256 Players"

It's hard enough to get a 12-player team to work together to assault the RED stronghold in TF2, or a 15-player team to actually coordinate to win Arathi Basin in WoW. Personally, I can't see 128 vs. 128 as being anything but a raging clusterf*ck.
I couldn't have put it better myself. It should prove interesting to see how this all works out, but methinks immaturity, lack of cooperation and raging egos are going to screw the whole idea up.


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
Baby Tea said:
John Funk said:
It's hard enough to get a 12-player team to work together to assault the RED stronghold in TF2, or a 15-player team to actually coordinate to win Arathi Basin in WoW. Personally, I can't see 128 vs. 128 as being anything but a raging clusterf*ck.
I'm glad I'm not the only person who thinks this.
Don't get me wrong, I'm sure the game will be fun.
But to assume that anyone will be 'working together' as one massive, is naive at best.
128 players per team is very awesome, but at what cost?
At what cost??
So long, team work.
Actually, apparently the way it'll work is through a hierarchy. So, presuming that everyone low on the ladder follows orders, and those giving the orders communicate/are effective, the sense of being part of an army is actually possible.

Oh wait, that's right: this is online multiplayer we're talking about here. That means that no-one will follow orders, the ones supposed to be giving orders won't have mics/will suck at what they do, and the whole thing will be a fantastic clusterfuck.

And that's presuming that lag doesn't kill everything.

Still, Kevin Butler does a mean commercial.

Ph0t0n1c Ph34r

New member
Feb 25, 2009
Baby Tea said:
John Funk said:
It's hard enough to get a 12-player team to work together to assault the RED stronghold in TF2, or a 15-player team to actually coordinate to win Arathi Basin in WoW. Personally, I can't see 128 vs. 128 as being anything but a raging clusterf*ck.
I'm glad I'm not the only person who thinks this.
Don't get me wrong, I'm sure the game will be fun.
But to assume that anyone will be 'working together' as one massive, is naive at best.
128 players per team is very awesome, but at what cost?
At what cost??
So long, team work.
As wierd as it sounds, the game us organized in a way that makes that kind if teamwork possible. The players are divided into (in the beta at least) 8 mm squads with thier own objectives determinded by your OIC and Squad leader, with XP insentives for following orders. Every game I played on the beta, people where actually working together as a team.


New member
Jul 29, 2008
You would think that 128 vs 128 would be one giant shooting dustcloud, but I've played the beta and I must say that it's very organized. Your divided up into several squads and a squad leader tells you which target your squad should attack or defend. Once you sit down and play it, it makes sence.


Premium Gasoline
Jun 23, 2009
128 vs 128 Ultimate Rage Troll Smackdown

And that is why I had the biggest blast playing the MAG beta: this never happened.


New member
Jun 5, 2009
sunpop said:
Kevin Butler is the best thing to happen to commercials ever. Kevin and whoever writes these ads needs to be payed more right now.
Kevin Butler is the best thing to happen ever, period. Try one-upping my statement now!

I don't get why would he be worried about losing the position of FPS relations VP, though. Why not call shadow cabal dudes from R&C commercial to sort this all out? :p


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
Reading through this thread, most of the people seem to fall into one of two categories:

1. Those who didn't play the Beta and are bashing the game based on assumptions.

2. Those who did play it and liked it, testifying that the assumptions of the first group are unfounded.

Soooo... why is group 1 still whining?


New member
Sep 10, 2008
cheywoodward said:
I love both Microsoft and Sony's consoles but the new PS3 ads with Kevin Butler blow any ads Microsoft has done out of the water and then eat them with a spork and side of lemon dressing.
However I have played the MAG beta and it sucks. What is wrong with regenerative health? Why do we need a health bar, it turns the game into one big Easter egg hunt for the supply caches and once you find it you just camp out there and defend the base. If you even get there as a sniper is ALWAYS around the corner waiting to kill you.
I'm glad there are no auto healing in the game, makes you feel like you're in a war and you can actually die, as for health that's why you become a medic, that shot you give yourself is ridiculous, it freakin' recharges faster than you can reload. Take two shots and you're healed 100% but yeah, MAG does suck.


New member
Oct 23, 2008
Kollega said:
sunpop said:
Kevin Butler is the best thing to happen to commercials ever. Kevin and whoever writes these ads needs to be payed more right now.
Kevin Butler is the best thing to happen ever, period. Try one-upping my statement now!

I don't get why would he be worried about losing the position of FPS relations VP, though. Why not call shadow cabal dudes from R&C commercial to sort this all out? :p
Okay I didn't want it to come to this but now you forced my hand. Kevin Butler is the messiah of the gamers and will lead us to the holy land as promised in the good book.


New member
Dec 2, 2009
cheywoodward said:
I love both Microsoft and Sony's consoles but the new PS3 ads with Kevin Butler blow any ads Microsoft has done out of the water and then eat them with a spork and side of lemon dressing.
However I have played the MAG beta and it sucks. What is wrong with regenerative health? Why do we need a health bar, it turns the game into one big Easter egg hunt for the supply caches and once you find it you just camp out there and defend the base. If you even get there as a sniper is ALWAYS around the corner waiting to kill you.
I'm glad there are no auto healing in the game, makes you feel like you're in a war and you can actually die, as for health that's why you become a medic, that shot you give yourself is ridiculous, it freakin' recharges faster than you can reload. Take two shots and you're healed 100% but yeah, MAG does suck.
I have no issue with health packs in games that are supposed to be simulations like Operation flashpoint: dragon rising but I want games like call of duty or MAG to make me feel like I am playing a war game not in a war because war is terrible in real life but awesome in videogames. I have not tried being a medic and I doubt I ever will as the beta is over and I won't buy it (unless everyone in the world begins playing it) because as you said, it sucks.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
sunpop said:
Kollega said:
sunpop said:
Kevin Butler is the best thing to happen to commercials ever. Kevin and whoever writes these ads needs to be payed more right now.
Kevin Butler is the best thing to happen ever, period. Try one-upping my statement now!

I don't get why would he be worried about losing the position of FPS relations VP, though. Why not call shadow cabal dudes from R&C commercial to sort this all out? :p
Okay I didn't want it to come to this but now you forced my hand. Kevin Butler is the messiah of the gamers and will lead us to the holy land as promised in the good book.
I'd dare say you've been one-upped good sir.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
I doubt you'll read this, but I can tell you the beta at least didn't support your fears.

For a large part of the battle you'll be working in little 6-12 man teams, you've got a leader and he's got abilities like setting waypoints and I found that people did start working together and helping each other. The maps are really well designed to force co-operation. I.e. If you all base camp then no-one is covering an area which has good sights down into the base, if you try to go it alone you'll be flanked. But they aren't designed to cluster you up. Even without mikes the map forces you to cover each other, yet there;s enough flexibility that anyone person can make a difference and lead his team forward.

However as the game progresses you join up with more and more squads and it gets more and more intense until by the climax you feel like it's a true battle. Yet even at these parts they make the objectives much bigger and give lots of side objectives (take out the AA guns to allow your commanders to use airstrikes etc) so it still doesn't quite clusterf***


New member
Oct 31, 2008
scotth266 said:
Baby Tea said:
John Funk said:
It's hard enough to get a 12-player team to work together to assault the RED stronghold in TF2, or a 15-player team to actually coordinate to win Arathi Basin in WoW. Personally, I can't see 128 vs. 128 as being anything but a raging clusterf*ck.
I'm glad I'm not the only person who thinks this.
Don't get me wrong, I'm sure the game will be fun.
But to assume that anyone will be 'working together' as one massive, is naive at best.
128 players per team is very awesome, but at what cost?
At what cost??
So long, team work.
Actually, apparently the way it'll work is through a hierarchy. So, presuming that everyone low on the ladder follows orders, and those giving the orders communicate/are effective, the sense of being part of an army is actually possible.

Oh wait, that's right: this is online multiplayer we're talking about here. That means that no-one will follow orders, the ones supposed to be giving orders won't have mics/will suck at what they do, and the whole thing will be a fantastic clusterfuck.

And that's presuming that lag doesn't kill everything.

Still, Kevin Butler does a mean commercial.
Except that didn't happen. I played (in Britain) on American servers with no lag, people obeyed orders because the maps and XP are set up so it makes sense. The game is brutal to people who aren't part of a team and it turns everyone into teamplayers hard and fast. The people with mikes seemed well balanced (but there wasn't enough of them). And health is low enough that run and gun isn't an option. You have to use brains.


New member
Dec 2, 2009
That was a good for a chuckle... but GAMES ARE SERIOUS BUSINESS.

I think mag will be good for a larf, but a competent tactical shooter? I think not.

Clusterf**k for sure.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
I think the way MAG works in beta now, it has potential.

But I think the people who are saying that it's hierarchy system will prevent clusterfudges from happening are forgetting one very important x-factor:

MILLIONS of new players who werent selected for Beta.

What happens when you add 5 million random gamers with random levels of bandwidth who DON'T really understand the whole "cooperation and teamwork are vital" aspect of the game concept?

I think people are imagining these well oiled squads all performing as a team.
I see 202 idiots on a battlefield coming straight from the well different gaming style of Modern Warfare 2 storming into combat like a.d.d riddled master chief wannabes turning the game into massive frustrating frag-fests, clogging up the mics with inane and offensive banter like the Xbox Live kids, and iffy internet connections committing friendly fire massacres on a scale never before seen in the history of virtual warfare.

Sounds like fun!


New member
Dec 15, 2007
It also depends on the map size - does anyone else remember that 64-player map for Quake II? Someone grabbed the first three levels and glued them together.

But hey, rather than one big cluster-fuck, it'd probably be a front-lines-style series of smaller, more localised clusterfucks. And hey, 2fort256 would be an awesomely huge level... :D