Khan May Actually Be In Star Trek 2

Hungry Donner

Mar 19, 2009
raankh said:
That's it. Star Trek Is Dead.
I think you are being entirely too optimistic, just wait until Kirk rides a Klingon Bird of Prey, Major Kong-style, through fluidic space while chasing Cardassians with horns.

Hungry Donner

Mar 19, 2009
rembrandtqeinstein said:
There are so many good star trek enemies to play with, khan is just one. V-jer from star trek movie 1, tholians, the giant cone thing, the pizza monster.

I really liked the reboot, I thought it was super fun. The trek "fans" hated it but I assume that was because there wasn't 2 hours of old men in makeup sitting around a table talking space politics.
Tholians would be an excellent choice, they haven't shown up too many times but they're still well-established.

I didn't like the movie because it just didn't make any sense. There is no good reason given to have all of the classic character together during their academy years, so instead they need to contrive reasons to end up with this situation . . . why not just set it later, or keep the core three (Kirk, Spock, and McCoy) and introduce other character in later movies? Funny enough I think this problem came about because they didn't want to alienate old fans . . . but they certainly didn't avoid that did they? :)

I have no issues with the fact that it leaned heavily towards action rather than something more atmospheric and cerebral. Here again much of the action felt forced, as if every ten minutes they were supposed to have a fight scene or something to keep it punchy.

Rebooting the series instead of starting fresh with something new probably was a good idea, even if I would have preferred the latter. In most regards I think they even managed to pull this off well, Pine's Kirk did nothing for me but Urban was great as McCoy and Quinto did a good job as Spock. But in the end, in terms of the story and pacing, the movie just didn't do anything for me.


New member
Mar 1, 2011
I saw Wrath of Kahn once, ages and ages ago. The only thing i remember about him was when he put the mind control beetle into some characters head (don't remember who or why). Someone give me cliff notes as to why he's a big deal.

Personally i think the Klingons would be cool, seeing as we've always been told their this huge rival to the federation, but we've never actually seen them do anything in the films. Least the ones i've seen.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
Hungry Donner said:
But in the end, in terms of the story and pacing, the movie just didn't do anything for me.
I thought as an origin story it did really well. Two parts could have been scienced a bit better, 1 is the red matter being plotdeviceium and 2 is nimoy showing up to pass on the ears. The roMMAulans I could take or leave, but they were fine as far as enemys go. They really didnt need to do the whole bug in the ear thing, that was a little too much pandering.

I thought losing vulcan was a great start of the series since vulcans are basically space elves and all good elves need a tragic history to give them somber weight rather than just being srs-bizness better-than-humans.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Ugh. Don't try to recreate Wrath of Khan. It's the one and only truly awesome Star Trek movie; a genuine work of Sci-Fi art. (the others might not be bad, but none of them come anywhere near the depth of Wrath of Khan).

The direction of Star Trek into Action-Schlock wasn't all that bad (I like most of J.J. Abram's action-filler film), but lets not start pissing all over specific gems just for quick, cheap nostalgic exploitation designed to cater to the lowest common denominator.

When you do that, you end up with Michael Bay's Transformers movies or Indiana Jones 4. Profitable, yes, but they're ultimately insulting to the audience, pathetically inadequate compared to their source material, and VERY unnecessary.


New member
Mar 1, 2011
Hungry Donner said:
Pine's Kirk did nothing for me but Urban was great as McCoy and Quinto did a good job as Spock.
See i felt exactly the opposite. I thought Chris Pine was a lot of fun, and for me the guy who played McCoy was the worst part of the whole film. OK maybe tied for worst with Eric Bana (never liked him in anything). I thought he was wooden and dull, but it probably didn't help that i couldn't stop cringing at that ridiculously forced accent.

I do agree though Spock was awesome.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
Lets just get this out of the way *ahem*...
Ah, that felt good.

Hungry Donner

Mar 19, 2009
rembrandtqeinstein said:
I thought as an origin story it did really well. Two parts could have been scienced a bit better, 1 is the red matter being plotdeviceium and 2 is nimoy showing up to pass on the ears. The roMMAulans I could take or leave, but they were fine as far as enemys go.
An alternate timeline is a clever way to bypass the problems with past canon that Star Trek: Enterprise had, and in the long run it removes a lot of restrictions they'd otherwise have. But I felt it was handled sloppily and shouldn't have dominated the storyline. It also resulted in a movie that was 90% setting the stage for future movies - I want to see the crew of the Enterprise doing something, I don't care about a convoluted origin story.

If they wanted everyone together they should have started the film that way and given us a productive story with the full cast. If they wanted something about Kirk's wild academy days focus on that. But this movie tried to do both and, in my opinion, handled neither well. Granted I'm not of fan of origin stories to begin with, but I still think this movie did a particularly bad job in this regard.

walrusaurus said:
See i felt exactly the opposite. I thought Chris Pine was a lot of fun, and for me the guy who played McCoy was the worst part of the whole film. OK maybe tied for worst with Eric Bana (never liked him in anything). I thought he was wooden and dull, but it probably didn't help that i couldn't stop cringing at that ridiculously forced accent.

I do agree though Spock was awesome.
Urban's accent was silly but the performance overall reminded me of McCoy. Pine's Kirk didn't remind me of Kirk.

The Star Trek films rarely handle primary antagonists well. Looking at the TNG films, I think Malcolm McDowell and F. Murray Abraham did save otherwise poorly developed characters, but a good performance only goes so far when the character itself is uninteresting - neither character is going down in the annals of nerdom the way Khan has, or even getting an extended lease at life like the Borg Queen. Of course when an actor isn't talented enough to lift up a poorly designed character . . . . well I had to look up the names for Nero and Shinzon, I couldn't recall them.

Buzz Killington_v1legacy

Likes Good Stories About Bridges
Aug 8, 2009
octafish said:
Just had a thought, maybe instead of a Latino playing a Sikh, maybe we could get a actual Sikh or at least an actor from the Indian sub-continent?
You know who would make an excellent Khan in the Abrams timeline?



New member
Nov 6, 2010
If he does utter these exact words, I will officially complain in writing:

He tasks me! He tasks me, and I shall have him! I'll chase him round the Moons of Nibia, and round the Antares Maelstrom, and round perdition's flames before I give him up! Prepare to alter course!
Also if Kirk doesn't scream "KHAAAAN!!!" at some point I shall also complain.


New member
Aug 11, 2010
The Gentleman said:
The Borg always were more of a foe to Picard and Janeway. Putting them up against Kirk wouldn't make any sense...
I liked the reboot, but if they put Picard in the reboots I don't know what kind of violence I'll commit but I can't be held responsible.

Not G. Ivingname

New member
Nov 18, 2009
vansau said:
However, he was very firm on one thing: "We know what the movie's about, we know what the key relationships are, what the stakes are, who the bad guy is...or girl...or Borg. No Borg. No Borg. We can rule out Borg."
Thank god for that.

Really, possibly the best use of the Borg was in Deep Space Nine. They appeared ONCE in a flashback that set up Sisko's main internal conflict for the series. They came in, blasted the entire Federation fleet away, and then just moved on. They didn't care or notice how they just destroyed the meaning to his and many other people's lives as Wolfen 314.

THAT was how you made a villain you FEARED.


New member
Feb 21, 2011
The "reboot" was easily one of the best Star Trek movies I have seen. The science was a bit convoluted, but then again, compared to the BS plot of The Motion Picture and the goofiness of the fourth film, it was alright. I mean, hell, it's sci-fi for a reason.

I wouldn't mind Khan showing up. Destiny seems to be a prominent element in the series, so it would be interesting to have them meet up one way or the other. Having them be allies would be a cool twist, but only if there's some greater and more original villain posing a threat.

But if Khan sacrifices himself to save Kirk, rips off Spock's dying words from Wrath of Khan, and then Kirk screams "KHAAAAAN!" in anguish.... THEN I'd kick JJ in the nuts.


New member
Mar 1, 2011
Hungry Donner said:
If they wanted everyone together they should have started the film that way and given us a productive story with the full cast. If they wanted something about Kirk's wild academy days focus on that. But this movie tried to do both and, in my opinion, handled neither well. Granted I'm not of fan of origin stories to begin with, but I still think this movie did a particularly bad job in this regard.
The thing is the last time the original star trek produced anything was before much of this movies target audience was born. I'm in my 20s and I know for me at least when i think of star trek i think of patrick stewart. I know the names of some of the original characters and some of the plot outlines of the films which i saw when i was very young and thats about it. THe purpose of this movie was to introduce these characters to an outsider, and i think it did a pretty good job of it.

Hungry Donner

Mar 19, 2009
walrusaurus said:
The thing is the last time the original star trek produced anything was before much of this movies target audience was born. I'm in my 20s and I know for me at least when i think of star trek i think of patrick stewart. I know the names of some of the original characters and some of the plot outlines of the films which i saw when i was very young and thats about it. THe purpose of this movie was to introduce these characters to an outsider, and i think it did a pretty good job of it.
If the purpose of this movie was to introduce the characters why not set the movie a little later so everyone is already together, rather than giving us repeated "and here's how we're going to get XYZ involved" interludes.


New member
Sep 10, 2007
raankh said:
That's it. Star Trek Is Dead.
I've done far worse than kill you. I've hurt you, and I wish to go on hurting you. I shall leave you as you left me, as you left her. Marooned for all eternity at the center of a dead franchise.
Buried alive.
Buried alive. []


New member
Sep 14, 2008
No Borg? Well, wasn't the Borg mostly Star Trek: The Next Generation villains? And the new rebooted Star Trek movies are all about the classic series. So it only makes sense, to me anyway. As for Khan being in the next movie... Will they follow the Star Trek episode Space Seed, or skip right to Wrath of Khan because it's such a famous Star Trek movie?


New member
May 12, 2007
He has to be teasing with us as Kahn wouldn't really fit into the new Star Trek. Unless Abrams pulls a "Lost" on us and goes entirely different than the story


Mortician of Love
May 25, 2010
Not G. Ivingname said:
vansau said:
However, he was very firm on one thing: "We know what the movie's about, we know what the key relationships are, what the stakes are, who the bad guy is...or girl...or Borg. No Borg. No Borg. We can rule out Borg."
Thank god for that.

Really, possibly the best use of the Borg was in Deep Space Nine. They appeared ONCE in a flashback that set up Sisko's main internal conflict for the series. They came in, blasted the entire Federation fleet away, and then just moved on. They didn't care or notice how they just destroyed the meaning to his and many other people's lives as Wolfen 314.

THAT was how you made a villain you FEARED.
Deep Space Nine did a lot of stuff right. Hell, they were still cool in First Contact, too, because they were basically treated like a zombie infection with a formidable leader. Too bad they stopped being cool and just got boring in Voyager *grumble*