Kick it Like It's 1995 With These New Transparent 2DSs


New member
Dec 13, 2008
I have one of the transparent purple GBCs so I kinda want one... I've already got a 3DS though, and my mate has a 2DS and it's a piece of crap. He has to use an elastic band to hold the cartridges in it can take 5 minutes to turn on sometimes. I'd love a purple transparent 3DS though... that would be radical, man.

Stats ^1

New member
Aug 28, 2014
A really poorly written article, especially the last part. You do realize that they're releasing these for the new Pokemon games, right?

And you do also realize yhat the reason they're 2DS exclusive is because there're already new Pokemon editions confirmed for the 3DS.

Let's also not forget that these aren't aimed at the same audience as the new 3DS. These are cheaper and bulkier so that they're more affordable while also being less prone to breaking when around children.

Finally, the reason that these are paired with Pokemon is to increase sales among the younger audience, it's the exact same move that they pulled last year and it worked extremely well.

Maybe Steven Bogos was the wrong person to be writing this article.
Sep 14, 2009
*sigh* if only they had the 2DS in a clam shell shape and had it upgraded to the new hardware...

then they would have a purchase out of me.

This is cool nostalgia, but not enough to warrant a purchase for it when the new 3ds is around the corner.