Kid Rings Up $1700 Xbox Live Bill, Mom Blames Microsoft


New member
Oct 22, 2008
I think microsoft is partly to blame. They don't make it clear anywhere that they will keep your credit card number. You have to go to some trouble to have a card removed. I am usually pretty careful about not letting companies keep my info, but xbox live managed to do it.


New member
May 27, 2009
sounds like someone is trying to gain sympathy points from the public to win back some of the lost money.

also, i said this before, but i am seriously impressed 1 kid can spend that much in only 6-months on just xbla material. map props kid. it took me almost 3 years to spend that much on video games in general.


New member
Sep 23, 2009
Actually I was setting up a xbox live account for my 13-year old sister recently and because of the age I had to assign her under my "parent" account. By default she couldn't download anything from XBLA, so I had to go to my account and choose from the list what she is and isn't allowed to download and what kind of game ratings are allowed. So I can't really see how this is a case of "I paid for his subscription and he bought a ton of other stuff as well," as from my experience the process is complicated enough for you to notice what are you enabling your kid to do.

Also as other said, if money was so tight, how can you not notice $1,700 missing from your bank account over 6 months. She even said it was a debit card, so the money was deducted from the account immediately after the purchase, so there must have been tens of transactions every week.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Meh, post redacted.
Another user, right above me, described that what I was advocating for actually exists.


New member
Jan 10, 2009
"It is impossible to monitor everything your children do. These companies should take some responsibility. They take advantage of vulnerable people."

But it's perfectly acceptable to assume Microsoft can monitor every single user 24/7 to make sure they aren't spending someone elses money. Yet another parent placing the blame on someone else for their childs actions. It's the kids fault for buying so much and her fault for letting him.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
goldenheart323 said:
Icehearted said:
I can see how a kid and his parent might be confused because of the MS Points guff, which as I understand it was designed for that purpose.
I always thought that was the secondary reason for MS points. I thought the 1st was to make it impossible to buy just one game or DLC.

They always make you have extra MSP left over. They require the purchase of 1600MSP to buy anything, but most things cost 400, 800, or 1200MSP. That means you almost always have some points left over. Then, you start thinking, "I have these left over MSP. I might as well use them," & then you buy stuff you wouldn't normally bother with. (How else do you explain people actually buying items for their avatar???)
True and true, except that they changed how you can buy them a while back so leftover points were no longer an issue. 4 looks better than 5 to a consumer, as does 8 seem better than 10. 1600 points for a game? That's actually $20, but most people are easier about letting those points go because of these numeric manipulations.


New member
May 14, 2010
Once her credit card information went on the account, common sense would dictate she should pay attention to what?s going on. She?s probably the type who'd send funds to a boyfriend in Nigeria so he can escape the country.

The Hive Mind

New member
Nov 11, 2010
Woodsey said:
"Sadly, nobody has figured out yet how to make parents automatically default to "pay attention to what your kids are doing.""

You know what? Fuck that.

MS have been charging me for XBL on a monthly-base, without asking permission and giving the impression that I was only going to pay for a month before being asked again, and the only way to cancel this little fucking scheme is to go out of my way to call them.


How about the fucktits call me?

Woodsey's 'bout to get medi-fucking-eval.
lol, been there; my mum was continuing to pay for my xbl despite the fact I'd moved out and didn't even use the xbox.

They even charge you MORE than the regular price to pay monthly.


New member
Nov 13, 2009
Ha, I have to buy my own shit. I didn't get online until last year and that was with the prepaid card! Since I was ten I have had to buy my own games with allowance. There wasn't any of this "Put in on my card" Bull! If I had spent $1700 of my momma's money on videogames then I would have had to work every day of my life to pay off what I owed WITH INTEREST!

No, no, no. Skin that boy alive, metaphirically, and TEACH him the value of money. He was crying because he got caught in the act. He got on the online store and purchased map packs, avatar outfits, and ect and then realized, "Oh shit, mom won't be happy." Now he can just blame Microsoft. Grant it that they made the machine, but HE USED IT. HE BOUGHT IT AND HE SHOULD SUFFER THE CONSIQUENCES!

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Admit it lady, you screwed up and have no one to blame but yourself. You neglected to pay attention to what your kid was up to and now you have to suffer the consequences for it, that is not Microsoft's fault. It isn't Microsoft's job to manage your personal finances, that's up to you. If you were foolish enough to let your kid have free reign with your debit card info, then sucks to be you.

Jaded Scribe

New member
Mar 29, 2010
ironlordthemad said:
If the kid actually turned off his xbox by himself after learning what he had done, then he isn't a bad kid, just a bit thick when it comes too the cash.
^^This. Sounds like a good kid that fucked up.

But, how could the mother not notice ~$300/month going missing? With online banking, there's no excuse (if this had happened in the old paper-statement days, I could *maybe* see it going unnoticed for a month or two) to not have noticed this before it got out of control.

There is no reason she should have let it go unnoticed for that long. Yeah, she can't be home a lot and I know that's hard and it sucks, but she should have noticed a lot sooner. It takes all of 5 mins to scan your bank account online for funny activity.

She should have also talked to her son and said "No buying stuff online". Most kids will remember that by and large.


aka "Who?"
May 11, 2009
Firia said:
tomtom94 said:
Oh good, I heard this story yesterday and I was waiting for it to be Microsoft's fault.

I shall blame the mother for not noticing or checking at any point.
I'm not saying your wrong, but I will say that she is a single mother working two jobs. I don't feel like we're getting the whole story on how she handles parenting, but I think she has a point. Her payment information was saved into XBL, and that allowed her child- unsupervised for even a minute, to make a purchase. Since she works two jobs, that child probably goes unsupervised quite often. Working class women like this often can't afford sitters.
So you'd leave your credit card info somewhere where it could easily be spent without warning the child of the dangers?

I don't know how it can be anyone else's fault. These microtransactions are clearly advertised. And...$1700 in six months? That's, what, $300 a month? And she didn't ever check her bank statements


New member
Feb 27, 2009
"You can't put all that responsibility on a young boy..."

We don't. We put that responsibility on you lady.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
over 1,000 pounds is a shitton of money, I feel like microsoft should've looked at that as kinda sketchy


New member
Dec 17, 2010
Yup. It's all Microsoft's fault. Can't be hers...She'd have to take responsibility for opening her legs!