Kinect Prefers a Tidy Room

Baby Tea

Just Ask Frankie
Sep 18, 2008
Master10K said:
More reason why the average videogame player should not buy the kinect.
Right, because the average gamer is a slob, right? I mean, we all just have pizza boxes and mountain dew cans strewn about our tiny apartments. But that's OK, since the average gamer never even talks to a woman, let alone has her over so it's not like anyone is seeing the mess.

Yeah. The average gamer is a slob. This is stupid.

Now that the sarcasm is out of my system: Everything here, as the article suggests, seems like a 'no brainer'. I'll only, really, have to move the coffee table from in front of my TV, but I'd have to do that with a Wii as well, so that's not alarming. My place isn't even that big, and I'll have room for this.

I plan on grabbing one for Christmas for my wife, who isn't much of a gamer. But she likes simple fun games, and so do our non-gamer friends! So this is a perfect way to get her into my world, as well as have some fun with those friends when they come over! I'm looking forward to it!


New member
Aug 29, 2010
Some of my family have Wii's and that is their exact set up. When they brought their Wii to our house I had to move my bed to get everything correct.

So, it requires the same thing the Wii does in my mind.


New member
Oct 9, 2008
Such a picky device. Yup, this'll cause problems for most gamers, I'd imagine haha. Who has time to clean their room when they have all this gaming to get done. But ya, I see this being as successful as the eyetoy.

Uber Waddles

New member
May 13, 2010
I saw this on the Spotlight on XBL yesterday, and just kinda face-palmed.

DURR you need to clean your room for it to work properly. Its a camera that tracks you and your motions. If you have clutter, its gonna mess with the calibration. The fact that they have to make a video telling you everything that will be written in the instructions manual, all of it being common sence kinda stuff, just makes me sad in general.

I can has use brain?... Garden of Eden better be worth me chipping away my 9 month old gym sock pile and empty Pizza Boxes /stereotype


New member
Nov 2, 2009
uppitycracker said:
Such a picky device. Yup, this'll cause problems for most gamers, I'd imagine haha. Who has time to clean their room when they have all this gaming to get done. But ya, I see this being as successful as the eyetoy.
This exactly lol^

Having a controller device that is so fussy is not going to make people happy, especially with such a high price tag. If anything, it might end up encouraging people to stick to the Wii or get PS Move.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
Theorhetically, even if I wanted and was interested in Kinect, it would be respondedto with a resounding "FUCK. OFF." if it asked me to clean my room just to play it.

I don't see the point in these motion-based gaming systems,as Yahtzee said, the controller has always been a perfectly good means to connect man to game via thumb and now they're asking meto not only move around and be (Le gasp!) physical, but to clean my room as well!?? Cleaning my room would be a elephantine task as is, but to get me to flail around like a retarded bird that fell out of it's nest afterwards? Well, fuck you, motion controls, fuck you in the arse.


New member
Oct 8, 2009
Finally! A reason to use my extremely well-lit, empty white room!



New member
Dec 23, 2009
Even if I did tidy my room I still wouldn't have enough space to move around. Kinect also requires big house!

8-Bit Grin

New member
Apr 20, 2010
I'm an extremely clean individual.

I keep my room tidy, but not excessively so.

It's why the ladies love me.


New member
Dec 12, 2008
My Comfy Chair
United States
Microsoft Kinnect, Playstation Move, Nintendo Wii, it seems like game companies are using motion sensor gimmicks to attract casual gamers and a new audience of people of all ages.
I was just fine with games before all this bullshit. The Wii has ruined more then on game that would have been great on the GameCube. Kinnect is an overpriced experimental failure, and from what I've seen Playstation move is ripping off Nintendo so bad I'm surprised lawsuits have not come up yet. I can't wait for the day when all this shit goes away and we can get back to real games.

ssgt splatter

New member
Oct 8, 2008
Well, Kinect really didn't sit with me from the beginning anyway. I like the idea but I'm just not excited about it.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
Wow look, an article that gives more people reasons to bash Microsoft. Especially since it doesn't take much for people to already dislike anything that comes out for 360 it seems, here's another reason to go ahead and say just why you weren't going to buy it anyway.
I really don't think Kinect is initially intended for most of us hardcore gamers anyway so why is this such a big deal to most of you? why take this as another opportunity to bash a piece of hardware you don't even want? How does it affect you if you're not going to buy it?
At any rate, I'm pretty sure Kinect is also intended to have a lot of space to be used, such as in a living room setting. I also think its perfectly reasonable given the limits of a new technology such as this that having your room squared away isn't such a big deal. Seriously if you're complaining about having to clean up after yourself to play with your kinect, then you're really perpetuating the "dirty" gamer stereotype that most people hate on or hate being called...


New member
Aug 6, 2008
Unrulyhandbag said:
It needs a lot of space, I don't know how big the average floor space of an American living room is but I can see that being an issue for a lot of people in several countries.
Why is everybody assuming that every American household is perfectly laid out for the Kinect? I know for a fact that my house isn't, nor is my friends, or anyone I know who has a 360, as a matter of fact. Microsoft isn't being biased towards American living rooms, they're being ignorant of EVERYONE'S living room. So shut up. Thank you.