Holy shit, not you too, Escapist?
"Oh no, cleavage! Surely this is nothing more than masturbatory aid and a lazy design!"
Are we forgetting Sniper Wolf, EVA, the B&B Corps? And how can we forget the girls-only model viewer (complete with underwear/swimsuit variant) in Peace Walker? Quiet is by no means the only 'sexy' character in this franchise. Hell, even the males in this series are sexed up (Raiden, Vamp, Kaz Miller, Solid Snake's sculpted ass, Naked Snake); in other words, this is nothing new, and I feel the backlash on her design is just people hopping on the feminism bandwagon.
There is a purpose for her design (looking at the trailer, she might have chameleon powers). The model has confirmed as much and if you can't accept that maybe showing a little skin could be used for more than looking good, I'd say you need to chill the fuck out and stop being so reactionary.
I'm getting real sick of this "don't offend me!" bullshit.
OT: That figure doesn't look very good, prototype or otherwise. Then again, I guess Play Arts Kai hasn't been the best at what they do [http://www.tomopop.com/ul/27662-tomopop-review-play-arts-kai-commander-shepard/IMG_7535-620x.jpg].