Hi everyone, I'm 22 yrs old and have a very very bad ability to just get on, work and get on with life. I used to be dynamic and on my feet doing loads of little jobs and getting on with life to a not bad, but insufficient degree.
But at the age of 18 i got clinically depressed, anxious and joined the UK benefit dependency culture (society). I really want to go to a work camp: a camp or retreat or placement or voluntary internment work live-in life. One of the reasons I got depressed was not being proactive enough, not having a good enough work ethic, doing very little productive things like work, not going out enough, having a very soft single parent mum, getting very little pressure from people to do things, not doing my school homework, not being told to do chores, watching too much TV, having my own PC, having friends who enabled me in a way to be tlike this.
So overall I've had a life which has been enabling me to not do work, to get a lot of help and support from other people, to be self-centred, to be inept at everything. I now have demons of reluctancy to do anything, depression, anxiety, neurosis, over-eating, bed sores, feeble physical health, hypochondria and the list very sadly goes on.
After 6 years of being completey and unconditionally dependent on others, I finally believe the only solution is for me to go to a Brat camp of some sort, which focuses on work discipline, with little rewards, no luxuries, basic small diet, pressure to have the correct demeanour, dress, etiquette, politeness, hygeine and nothing like cigarrettes, junk food, alcohol, and no leisure.
Unfortunately after 2 hours of frantically searching the internet I cannot find anything like a proper brat camp for adults anywhere, there is absolutely loads for kids up to late teens (19 yrs), but nothing for people older than that. Unfortunately I wouldn't be accepted for entrance to the UK armed forces for my mental health history, my feeble physical, my complete social ineptitude.
So I'm desperately seeking to find somewhere which I can go to very soon which is all about work discipline, with no leisure, enjoyment satisfaction factor like usual voluntary work camps, and that will make a small allowance for my feeble physical health (knee problems, shoulder problems, annd several other minor ailments).
So I'm posting this all to primarilly ask for help from people, and secondly to tell you all that work discipline camps for people of all ages, including middle school/UK junior school kids are a very effective solution to many problems.
How does the old saying go. Idle hands let...the devil have his way with you. It's kind of along those lines.
I would massively appreciate any input no matter what it is, from anyone, and I would want to reciprocate by doing anything for the inputter, if they would like that.
PS I receive loads of help from my local mental health team and have had extensive support over the years to no avail. I obviously will ask my support workers for help and input with this, but I don't it will result in much at all.
Thanx so much, Joe (South of England)