League of Legends Makes Its Heavy Metal Debut With Pentakill

Steven Bogos

The Taco Man
Jan 17, 2013
League of Legends Makes Its Heavy Metal Debut With Pentakill

Pentakill, the in-game League of Legends heavy metal band, is getting a real-world album release.

Anyone familiar with League of Legends may have heard of the "Pentakill Skins" - a collection of skins for Karthus, Olaf, Sona, Mordekaiser and Yorick that transform them into the fictional heavy metal band of the same time. Now, taking a page out of Blizzard's infamous Elite Tauren Chieftain [http://www.wowwiki.com/Level_90_Elite_Tauren_Chieftain], it looks like Pentakill is set to become its own real-world band, with the "Smite and Ignite" album due out on June 3.

"You have seen the true voice of metal fall quiet, surrounded by the massed harmonies of your weak whispers. But listen closely to those whispers, and you shall find the seed of truth. Five Four voices. Five harbingers of destruction, waiting patiently for their time to rise. And on that chosen day, these five shall change your world forever"

You can check out the band's first single: "Lightbringer" above. While it draws its cues from the likes of Dragonforce and Metallica, it is actually a pretty good heavy metal song in its own right. I'm interested to see what the rest of the album has to offer, and more importantly, how Riot will distribute it (here's hoping it will be free!)

It's nice to see Riot play around with cool little side projects like this.

Source: Riot Games [http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/special-event/pentakill-rises]



New member
Jul 24, 2011
Being a LoL and not at all a metal fan of any strip, this is surprising tolerable to me... tolerable.


New member
Sep 16, 2009
It would be disappointing if this or another one of their songs didn't auto-play should all 5 penta-kill champs be on a single team during a game

pretty good metal song too which is surprising actually..i enjoy Blizzard's ETC but i would never consider them "good"

Nowhere Man

New member
Mar 10, 2013
This vocalist sounds like Ronnie James Dio especially during the chorus. Come to think of it, the whole song has a Holy Diver feel to it.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
A few of my friends genuinely like it, I am not one of them. Higher quality than Blizzards ETC but just as bad in my honest opinion. I'm not big on metal though so maybe it is good for what it is.


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
That's some pretty sick mix of power and classical metal. I'm a pretty big fan, I may actually buy the album.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
Nowhere Man said:
This vocalist sounds like Ronnie James Dio especially during the chorus. Come to think of it, the whole song has a Holy Diver feel to it.
Fuck, I was trying to think why it sounded rather familiar. I do think the singer took a few cues from Dio (...so sad...). As someone who has had nothing to do with LoL....meh. As a metal fan? It's pretty good. I'm not sure if I'd say they are entirely Heavy Metal. Still sounds a bit hard rock, but it's getting there. I would love to hear something heavier from these guys. And also a wee bit more complicated. The chorus and the verses sound a little...repetitive, instrumentally speaking.


New member
Mar 19, 2011
I dunno, I'm not too much of a fan of this kind of stuff. I honestly prefer the group Instalok, they basically just make LoL parodies (and some originals), like, one a week or something. Pretty cool stuff.

Still, I'll probably give these lot a few more chances. They're at the level of would listen but would not repeat nor play when I want to listen to music. It would only take a few good songs to convert me, I guess.

I'm kind of indecisive... I think.


snuggere mongool
Apr 3, 2010
Small typo: the first character's name you mentioned is Karthus, not Karthas.

I quite enjoyed the number. We'll see how to whole album turns out ^^


New member
Nov 19, 2008
Just for reference, it has been confirmed by a Riot employee on their forums that it will be released as a free download.

Source: http://www.surrenderat20.net/2014/05/red-post-collection-pentakill-album.html

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
I really liked it. I do like metal so obviously I would but i'm surprised Riot actually did something metal not like some hard rock passed off as metal thing. Of course some people will tell you something's not metal enough no matter what it is so opinions will be split.

Totally downloading the album as well, Smite and Ignite. Someone locks a jungle with Smite/Ignite you know he's either going legendary in 10 minutes or feeding super hard. Such a metal set of spells.


New member
Oct 2, 2010
That... was surprisingly better than I expected. I got used to ETC and the super-cheese stuff they do (which is fine, by the way), but like people have said, I'd never have called them "good" in any real-world context. I could actually make the uneducated statement of saying this is decent.
Oct 20, 2010
The Wykydtron said:
I really liked it. I do like metal so obviously I would but i'm surprised Riot actually did something metal not like some hard rock passed off as metal thing. Of course some people will tell you something's not metal enough no matter what it is so opinions will be split.

Totally downloading the album as well, Smite and Ignite. Someone locks a jungle with Smite/Ignite you know he's either going legendary in 10 minutes or feeding super hard. Such a metal set of spells.
Sounds pretty good I agree, I doubt it will replace 3 Inches of Blood as my go to gaming Band though. Seems like you know what I mean there Wykedtron. :)


New member
Feb 3, 2009
Nowhere Man said:
This vocalist sounds like Ronnie James Dio especially during the chorus. Come to think of it, the whole song has a Holy Diver feel to it.
I thought that straight away. I'm glad other people heard that too.

OT: Decent song. I don't listen to much metal generally speaking, but this was enjoyable. Although I might be more familiar with who those champions are if I hadn't started playing LoL very recently.


Is not insane, just crazy >:)
Jan 5, 2011

Lovin' it, as I am a fan of heavy metal music. Thankfully, I wasn't the only one who noticed the singer sounded like Dio - he has an awesome talent.

I'm not a fan of MOBAs in general, but I don't mind good music no matter where its origins are. Definitely piqued my interest in this band; I wanna see what more they are capable of. Their single was an incredible piece so, hopefully, their album is just as good.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
ZeoAssassin said:
It would be disappointing if this or another one of their songs didn't auto-play should all 5 penta-kill champs be on a single team during a game

pretty good metal song too which is surprising actually..i enjoy Blizzard's ETC but i would never consider them "good"
I was thinking that too, shame I don't know anyone else who has Pentakill skins though :(

ETC are pretty fun, though I gotta say Terran up the Night is pretty bitchin' live, so's Power of the Horde. I mean they're just there for a laugh and even though neither is exactly "classic" material, I still reckon ETC would be good fun to see live at a proper gig.

The song itself was...okay, it was nothing special, but it wasn't bad either, it was fun and I'm glad it wasn't some whiny metalcore dodginess the kids listen to these days. I was actually expecting something a bit more "deathy" or thrashy considering Karthus the DEATHsinger; an undead lich is supposed to be the singer. I'll certainly check out the album when it comes out though.

Also, good for you people who don't like metal, good for you. to balance things out I'll go find some article on a new hip hop single and then tell them I don't like hippity hoppity music.


New member
Aug 30, 2010
... Huh. I mean, given the response they got after "get jinxed" I shouldn't be surprised they went ahead and did more music, but I wasn't expecting a whole metal album. And it's not bad either! It's hardly going to convert anyone who doesn't enjoy the genre already, but quality stuff nonetheless.

June 3rd you say? I'll mark my calendar.