I dropped LoL like the bad habit it was a long time ago, but unless things have changed a lot, how is a roaming support a good thing for LoL lane composition? Unless the carry has an amazingly reliable escape mechanism that could be used repeatedly, the second the enemy team realizes Bard is gone they will jump all over that lone carry. Part of the point of a jungler is that someone can roam to areas that need it without leaving any lane open to being pushed or harassed. The spammy nature of spells in the game means that the heroes could sit by creep line and the hero Bard left solo would get nothing done since approaching for a last hit would lead to them getting their teeth kicked in. Again, it's quite possible that things are different these days and roaming is fine. But the mechanics of LoL never seemed to be friendly to it.
As far as the hero himself goes, not overly impressed. The portal spell is cool, that's about it. Pretty bland hero otherwise.