Least Favorite Features in Video Games


New member
Feb 20, 2008
These don't have to be common features. They can show up in a few games, or everywhere. What features do you wish video games didn't include.

Countdowns in Shooters
Thankfully rare, countdowns in shooters give you a limited timespan in which to complete a certain task. I get that the idea is to provide pressure. The problem is, in nearly every case, there is already pressure from trying to not get killed. If you want to get the player to complete the job quicker, make it so that the chance of getting killed increases over time - add more enemies or threats.
My case study is the final levels of Halo 1 and Halo 3. Both are similar in that you have to get to your ride off-world. You have a vehicle to do so. There are enemies around trying to kill you. And staying put is lethal.
But the way they do the last part is different. Halo 1 has a timer in which you have to get to the destination before dying. The trouble is that a ticking clock isn't much pressure at the beginning, and near the end, you may think that it's hopeless.
Halo 3 does it differently. Pieces of the landscape explode, creating pits. This creates immediate pressure - stay put and the landscape beneath you will explode, and you will die. But there's no chance of dying as you drive happily along because the timer ran out.

Incidentally, countdowns in strategy games are different. In strategy games, total defeat isn't easy. The enemy has to destroy your entire base - which is a difficult prospect for a human. A computer is even more limited in options, and rarely launches massive waves that can overwhelm you. Turtling is a viable option. Timers require the player to focus on offense, to build quickly.

Static loading screens
One problem I have with loading screens is that it's not easy to tell if the game is frozen, or just taking a while. This is a big issue, because the number one location for a game to get frozen on is during a loading screen. Most games provide a loading bar to show progress. If the loading bar hasn't moved for a while, it's a good sign that the game is stuck. But some games have screens that show no activity. You are staring at a static screen that doesn't change until you're done.

As an addendum, I'd like to suggest an improvement to loading screens. Loading bars do not continuously move, they move in jumps. My request is that loading screens provide some other indicator of activity. Strategy games could show dossiers of random units that change every so often. This could be somehow tied to the loading indicator, so if the loading process is stuck, the dossier doesn't change.


New member
Oct 17, 2007
Thank you for making this topic. Let me say this here. For everyone and everything to hear.
Let it be known, let the word be known...
Motherfucking. First Person Shooter. Wolverine. Healing. Factor.
God... I hate this in games. So very much. Walking over medkits really IS more realistic than sitting in a corner and waiting to get better when shot repeatedly.

In real life, use of medical equipment means you're likely to get better. Heavy use of amphetamines and painkillers even means you can get right back in the battle (but it'll probably off you afterwards, but that's beside the point).
In real life, the fucking super-idiotic dickhead who sits and waits for the bleeding to stop BLEEDS TO FUCKING DEATH. That's what happens. So how come every single goddamned superpowered FPS space marine-y character always has this fucking wolverine healing factor? Why do FPS developers feel that knowing your health is a sign of weakness? AUGH! I don't need further incentive to sit behind cover like a fucking turtle. I already do it to not get my skull blown off, having to sit around with my thumbs stuck up my rectum until my screen stops being red doesn't add anything to gameplay, it just slows me down and annoys me!

That's just my opinion though, of course.


New member
Mar 4, 2008
Problem: Artificially lengthening things by making them hard.

Dear game designers: The difficulty slider is there for a reason. If I am playing a game on easy I do not want to be killed every three fucking seconds. That's what the hard setting is for. I understand that dying a lot makes the game longer, but a) the constant re-save and re-load fucks with immersion something chronic (except when it's done imaginatively, eg Prince of Persia) and b) if I felt like dying a lot, I'd play on hard. Also Portal has prove that we don't give a shit how ridiculously short a game is as long as it's good, fun and cheap, so try working on those instead of making the game longer by making us replay the same fucking bastard level twenty times.
Nov 28, 2007
I agree about auto-healing. My main thing though...forced stealth sections in action games, and forced action sections in stealth game. I just killed a guy with bullet-proof armor all over his body and a flamethrower, but I cannot walk casually into this convention...right...(extra points if you can guess which game I am referencing)


New member
Mar 19, 2008
1. Loading screens without progress bars.

2. Unskippable cutscenes. (Seriously...I know the back story if I've played it before. While i appreciate the chance to get up and get a drink or stretch for a quarter of an hour I'd rather get on with it.)

3.Unhelpful quest text. If you aren't going to give me a clear idea of how to complete the objective, why bother with pages of it?

4. Abilities that you only use once somewhere around the middle of the game in order to move on involving a lengthy side quest. If I work hard for it, let me use it again...otherwise don't put it in the damn game.

5. Overly complicated inventory/character information screens that are organizationally challenged.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
Crap_haT said:
I hate minigames in full games. I don't know why, but the idea of a crappy little puzzel in a game angers me.
really? As long as it doesn't feel gimmicky, I don't mind things like that. It helps the pacing of the game in my opinion.

Also, as much as everyone hates that ladder section, I loved it XD I thought it was a very "cinematic" moment. EVEN though all you did was watch snake crawl a ladder for 5 minutes lol.


Escort Missions. Last thing I want to do is worry about some NPC's survival instead of mine.

Auto-Lock missiles: Its lazy. Just clicking when i hear the lock on button and going about on my way isn't immersing at all. I like the rockets you gotta judge where to hit ahead of time or use the reticle to steer.

Level Guides: Things like way points and the like. Unless they go with the theme of the game, then its just lazy level design *cough* army of two *cough*


New member
Feb 28, 2008
1. Wolverine healing factor

2. "Open-ended" gameplay in a game with a linear story.

3. Wii controls that have nothing to do with the action you're performing in-game.

4. Ridiculously high amounts of HP in RPG bosses. Seriously. High HP does NOT make the boss any harder, it just makes it more boring. (Case in point: Yiazmat in Final Fantasy XII).


New member
Feb 14, 2008
Impossibly hard license tests in racing games.(I'm looking at you gran turismo)
I have a save for GT4 from when it came out, about 400 cars and close to finished, and I don't have my S class license because the tests are too fucking hard.

My racing style is far from refined, I use the grass, I cheat when I can and I use the wall to brake.So having a series of tests where I have to run essentially perfect laps to get anything close to the needed time for a medal is not only a pain in the ass, it's the quickest way to get me to tell the game to fuck off and stop playing.

The Reverend

New member
Jan 28, 2008
Im gonna second forced stealth sections. Often they creep up on you in games like a lump on your prostate. In games that have no business with stealth, this is an exercise in foolishness.
I don't have a problem with the "Wolverine" healing system, though it could stand to be improved , for example devs could mix it in with the use of a healthbar.. say you could pick up medkits and such, but your max health goes down when you take damage, and resting increases said max health.
Autosave. It makes games far too easy nowadays. As soon as there's a hint of a "dangerous" section, the autosave button is pressed. You kill an enemy, its pressed. Don't know if you can jump that gap? Autosave, and make the leap of faith. Where's the difficulty? I'd rather a game was mercilessly hard than ridiculously easy.


New member
Feb 23, 2008
Bits where you have to do some mission, quest, event whatever. Then if you fail the last bit, you go back to the end and you HAVE to do it over again. I'm referring to unlocking characters, namely Toon Link in SSBB. You play all the way through Classic mode, then fight a super fast short big headed loser, and die. Now I'm not saying making it easier, I love Contra 4 for instance. I'm just saying let me fight the kid again with out going through classic again!

Sorry if that was cryptic.

And as for the "Wolverine" healing thing, I really think a bar that can only auto-heal to selected points would be cool. So you have either 1/4, 1/2 3/4 or max health after you heal.

The Potato Lord

New member
Dec 20, 2007
-Achievements for playing core parts of the game, I hate when I get a new game and look at the achievements list and all of them are just free points given to you for just playing through the game. Achievements are supposed to be inventive! Dead rising and The orange box did them well by making you do unusual things like killing an enemy with a toilet, or knocking ten zombies down with one bowling ball throw.
-Difficulty settings in RPGs, some people might enjoy playing Oblivion with a sixth of thier regular abilities and enemies six times stronger but I feel its highly unnecessary because you're supposed to be assuming the role of a warrior or a mage or things like that not playing to show how l33t you are by playing the hardest way possible, leave that to shooters.
-The Cheapness of difficulty settings, i hate how the only difference between normal and hard modes on games is an increase on enemy health and giving them pinpoint accuracy on me while i have reduced health, it's stupid I'd prefer if enemies did smarter things like use covering fire or flanking rather than giving all of them terminator strength and nuke-launching automatic sniper rifles.


New member
Feb 23, 2008
Can I add something else? Fragmentation grenades that have the damage of a fire cracker. Cod 4 is the only really recent shooter I've played thats gotten it right. Halo 1-2-3 and CSS, and several other I don't care to name have weak nades. Why does a bullet to the leg do more damage then a hail of sharp metal objects hitting you in the chest and face?


New member
Nov 27, 2007
I'd have to so the only one I really dislike is having unlikeable characters. If I don't like the people I'm playing as or the people I'm trying to protect, I find it hard to be motivated to survive.


New member
Feb 12, 2008
There are a few things that I could really do without. First, any FPS that features a M249 SAW as a weapon. Nobody gets it right. They are always a "pile of ass and recoil" when in real life, they are far from it. Far Cry probably does the best job I have seen. Black did an outstandingly terrible job with it.

As far as other things, online multiplayer. Now before people start flaming me, let me explain. Far too many developers are taking shortcuts. They are neglecting the single player/story mode in favor of the the online component. If you are going to make an online multiplayer, do it, but don't screw over the single player mode ala Halo 2, Halo 3, Call of Duty 4 and a host of others that have done an injustice.


New member
Jan 4, 2008
Reverend, do you mean Quicksaves? Autosave is when the computer does it at a set point. If so, then I (mostly) agree.

My pet peeve, as a dedicated pc gamer -

Games that insist on installing to a publisher's folder. I do not care if Ubisoft, EA or Egotrip 2k made my game. Given that I normally try to have only a few game shortcuts on my desktop, I would like to be able to find a given game without racking my brain trying to remember who released the fucking thing.

Normally I would 'custom install: for advanced users only' because I am indeed so very computer literate that I can find another folder, rename an existing one, or even use a different hard drive. But sometimes I can't be arsed.

Many moons ago, there was a time when I had three different Ubisoft folders, because UBI apparently couldn't decide on how it was going to name it's own folders.

Rant over.


New member
Jan 2, 2008
fucking guys in fps's (like bond games) that can tell EXACTLY. WHERE. THE. FUCK. YOU. ARE. JUST BY ONE FUCKING SHOT.


New member
Feb 20, 2008
I did try to keep my games organized by developer. When I got America's Army, I put under "Department of Defense".

Anyway, I've given up since then. Especially now that I have Steam, and more and more of my games will be downloaded via Steam (which is EXTREMELY useful when you don't know where the nearest game store is).


New member
Mar 7, 2008
Bad camera angles

First person view...one reason I don't play most shooters.

No health indications (doesn't need to be a bar)

Timed jumping puzzles. I suck at judging distance

Rhythm puzzles. I have no rhythm

Cut scenes that can't be skipped

Escort missions

Not having auto lock on options (turn on or off depending on skill)....I have very bad aim and usually end up killing the person I'm supposed to save instead of the one who took them hostage.

Unnecessarily long boss fights.

Oh yeah, and not being able to adjust background music/sound effects volume . Especially for bad and annoying background music.