Leave Cthulhu Alone.


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Dec 12, 2010
ElPatron said:
Realitycrash said:
Parroting: Repeating mindlessly over and over, especially something that you have overheard but have no real experience with.

Yeah, it means exactly what I think it means.
Except I was talking about internet meme.

Hint: it doesn't mean "expression used by everyone and their mum on Reddit"
meme (play /ˈmiːm/; MEEM)[1]) is "an idea, behavior or style that spreads from person to person within a culture."[2] A meme acts as a unit for carrying cultural ideas, symbols or practices, which can be transmitted from one mind to another through writing, speech, gestures, rituals or other imitable phenomena. Supporters of the concept regard memes as cultural analogues to genes in that they self-replicate, mutate and respond to selective pressures.[3] - From Wikipedia.

Yeeeaah..I think it is covered. And also, I said: "Parroting INTO an internet meme", meaning that if it keeps up, it will soon BECOME one (and I would argue that it actually is already, though not as popular and well-known as Yo-Dawg, etc)
Aug 1, 2010
As others said, the memes got me into Lovecraft and I haven't stopped reading since.

And while I [i/]sort of[/i] want his other stuff to have more popularity, I also quite enjoy it being obscure as it makes me feel like I'm part of some kind of secret nerd cult.

I say let Cthulhu be the sellout who turns up dead in a hotel room from a drug overdose and the rest of the cast can keep being awesome.


New member
Jul 18, 2011
Realitycrash said:
Yeeeaah..I think it is covered. And also, I said: "Parroting INTO an internet meme", meaning that if it keeps up, it will soon BECOME one (and I would argue that it actually is already, though not as popular and well-known as Yo-Dawg, etc)
Except the fact that mentioning Cthulhu is not "memetic" behavior. It's part of the pop culture.

I have heard about Cthulhu for almost 2 decades and it never reached the status you are complaining about. Like mentioned before, it's present even in a Metallica song.

It was what it made H.P Lovecraft books stand out in bookshops, other wise I would have never bought them.


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Dec 12, 2010
ElPatron said:
Realitycrash said:
Yeeeaah..I think it is covered. And also, I said: "Parroting INTO an internet meme", meaning that if it keeps up, it will soon BECOME one (and I would argue that it actually is already, though not as popular and well-known as Yo-Dawg, etc)
Except the fact that mentioning Cthulhu is not "memetic" behavior. It's part of the pop culture.

I have heard about Cthulhu for almost 2 decades and it never reached the status you are complaining about. Like mentioned before, it's present even in a Metallica song.

It was what it made H.P Lovecraft books stand out in bookshops, other wise I would have never bought them.
Well, I disagree. I think it is starting to get annoying and memetic. But feel free to, of course, disagree with my disagreement.

The Diabolical Biz

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Jun 25, 2009
I came to know of Cthulu partly through pop-culture, and partly through the Roleplaying game Call of Cthulu, because a friend of mine DMs that game awesomely.

I got the Necronomicon, and have been reading it on and off since - much like with my edition of the complete stories of Edgar Allen Poe.

All in all, some of his stories are awesome and disturbing, whilst some are iffy. He can be over the top from time to time, but he some passages are spine-chillingly macabre, and have serious repercussions while I'm trying to get to sleep.

I guess all in all, I get your point and his name is overused as a by-word for 'weird shit' a little too often.


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Mar 31, 2010
Realitycrash said:
In short: Shut up, read more books, and stop throwing around a mythos you know nothing about (especially considering that Cthulhu isn't even the most frequently mentioned Great Old One, not by far).
First off: That's a lesson EVERYONE should agree too and follow.
But then shouldn't most people on Earth not be allowed to say anything about any non-physical/non-factual beings?
Cause frankly, I'm kind of sick and tired of idiots who have yet to understand a single religion posting memes of everyone else's gods, criticizing and making fun of these religions for practices and hypocrisies that aren't taught by them.


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Dec 12, 2010
Gunjester said:
Realitycrash said:
In short: Shut up, read more books, and stop throwing around a mythos you know nothing about (especially considering that Cthulhu isn't even the most frequently mentioned Great Old One, not by far).
First off: That's a lesson EVERYONE should agree too and follow.
But then shouldn't most people on Earth not be allowed to say anything about any non-physical/non-factual beings?
Cause frankly, I'm kind of sick and tired of idiots who have yet to understand a single religion posting memes of everyone else's gods, criticizing and making fun of these religions for practices and hypocrisies that aren't taught by them.
You mean like

Yeah, I find them rather tiresome and old too.


New member
Aug 28, 2009
yes but he's the most well-known. also he's the easiest to draw when it comes to incomprehensible things.

.... and ignore my screen name, i made it when i just discovered hp lovecraft and i thought i was referencing a lesser known thing.

wow, i'm kind of a hipster.


New member
Dec 12, 2010
Gunjester said:
Realitycrash said:
Yeah, I find them rather tiresome and old too.
exactly, I could find more but there's no point right?
People find them funny, for whatever reason. I chuckled the first time, but now it's done. Still, I guess there's always a "first time" for everyone to see a particular meme.


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Dec 12, 2010
cthulhumythos said:
yes but he's the most well-known. also he's the easiest to draw when it comes to incomprehensible things.

.... and ignore my screen name, i made it when i just discovered hp lovecraft and i thought i was referencing a lesser known thing.

wow, i'm kind of a hipster.
I am fairly certain that Nyarlototeph is easier to draw (a bald, tall, egyptian-looking man), but yes, most well known..For odd reasons, since he is one of the least mentioned (though he does have his name in one of the novels, which is more than can be said of any other).


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Mar 10, 2010
Carbonyl said:
brandon237 said:
Realitycrash said:
instead of parroting Cthulhu into yet another internet-meme.
Now you know why people do this.
Now you also know why they will never, ever ever totally stop doing it.

Just look at the damn page for TvTropes Cthulhu Mythos! [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CthulhuMythos]

Remember these words or Cthulhu is gonna come for us all.
[small]That was kinda mean, I'm sorry.[/small]
[sub]But Cthulhu won't be...[/sub]

.....My captcha is "face the music".
Time for my lab report.
If I am going to lose a whole chunk of time there looking up just how wide-spread the Cthulhu phenomenon (I really should not be so proud that I spelt that correctly the first time, but I am ^.^) is, then so must all of the Escapist >:D
Again, I say, that was mean of me :p

Good luck for the lab report.

Trololo Punk

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May 14, 2011
DJ_DEnM said:
What I'm currently reading:

Wow, I also recently bought that collection. Seems like you, I am not very far.I am about half way through "Herbert West?Reanimator".

Really, I bought it so I could really get to know the whole Cthulhu mythos, but am enjoying his other works included.


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
I'm a Lovecraft fan, (can't claim fanboy status, I don't get butthurt over little things like this meme) and I don't see the problem. I throw Lovecraft refrences around, but I can only use most of them around other Lovecraft fans (like most of my friends.) But elsewhere (like wider audience conversations and internet) only Cthulhu (a refrence I use for squid or squid like things) is going to be understood. Random folks don't get Cthugha fire refrences, refering to mobs in games as Migos, and the Shaft like "shut your mouth" when about to make a refrence to Hastur. (yes, I typed it, I just said it out loud like five times... It's fiction folks, it's not even actual Lovecraft)

Or, I don't see someone make a common refrence and think "I know more than they do, only I get to use that refrence" just because they have not read a couple of the thousands of books that I have. I read a lot, but there's plenty out there that I have not read. I just assume that's true about everyone. And unless you claim to have read every book ever, my assumption is right.


New member
Mar 1, 2011
Damn hipsters getting butthurt because their latest "discovery" turned out to be mainstream all along (talking about the OP, not you cthulhumythos). I hope you're just trolling.


New member
Apr 22, 2010
Now imagine how the Lord of the Rings fans must have felt when the movies were made.


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Mar 7, 2008
Now imagine all Tolkien fans going off on a rampage every time LotR is used for a meme or witty reference somewhere.

Death and destruction.

Seriously though, the only reason I can think of for arguing against making the mythos more popular is pure good old-fashioned elitist snobbery. "I wish to remain the only one knowledgeable in this thing I know so much about."

Korak the Mad

New member
Nov 19, 2010
Quaxar said:
Ye blind idiot, ye noxious Azathoth shal arise from ye middle of ye World where all is Chaos & Destruction where He hath bubbl'd and blasphem'd at Ye centre which is of All Things, which is to say Infinity....

DJ_DEnM said:
What I'm currently reading:


Now I'm not too far in, but I do believe there are better stories than the Call of Cthulhu, like The Cats of Ulthar. One of my favorites so far.
Hey, I've got that on my shelf as well! Haven't read it yet though since I own most of Lovecraft's work as various single books anyway but it's nice to have it collected in one too.

But I have to disagree with the Cats of Ulthar, I really did not like that story much at all. To me it was a tad bit confusing and not really scary. Now Shadow over Innsmouth, that was a truly frightening piece of literature, I actually didn't sleep well due to mild paranoia for weeks after that.
I have that book as well, I didn't like "The cats of Ulthar", but I did find "The Shadow Over Innsmouth" quite odd. I thought the story "The Dunwich Horror" was creepy. Yet my two favorite stories in that book are "At the Mountains of Madness" and my all time favorite "The Shadow out of Time". I was never able to finish "The Dream-Quest for the Unknown Kaddath" it's just a little too abstract for me. It's like Lovecraft's version of "Alice in Wonderland".

I am a major fan of H.P. Lovecraft, and I've actually introduced his works to a few of my friends, and they've fans of his work.