Let's Look at Art

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
Daystar Clarion said:
I'll never understand how Pewdiepie is the hottest shit since the tail end of that really spicy chili I ate one time.

It's like, do I need to be stoned to enjoy it or something?
I believe this video does a pretty good job at explaining things...or at least trying to.

As for the comic...I'm guessing I'm missing a reference somewhere...


PS Thanks
May 29, 2009
Kurt Cristal said:
At least he makes sense between the screams of rage.
Michael's screaming is also (usually) more genuine. A large part of what's offputting about many LPers is that their overreactions are so obviously faked. Occasionally Michael has to do that too, but most of the time he is legitimately pissed off at the game he's playing.

P.S. Thanks

Andy Shandy

Fucked if I know
Jun 7, 2010
Incidentally, I thought of another YouTuber (who is nothing like Pewdiepie), Northernlion, when I saw the title, since "Let's Look at" is the name of one of his series of videos.

Also, it's become apparent that Atlus fans don't particular like PDP either...

Can't saw I blame them, to be honest.


New member
Apr 4, 2013
balfore said:
CriticalMiss said:
Actually The Game Theorists did an episode on Youtube about how Pewdiepie became successful, it's quite good and help you understand how Youtube works and how he blew up. I had actually never really known who he was until that video.
Given that TGT is unwatchable simply on the basis of how monumentally annoying the narrator (narrators?) are they should know.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
I'm sort of glad I can't imagine the guy screeching. I've never seen more than a minute of any of his videos. Something about his accent and his apparent comfort with English result in a sort of slurred speech that I find both difficult to understand and slightly grating. Nothing against the guy, it just makes his videos a chore to watch for me.

Good to know he's at least somewhat genuine with his reactions, though. Staged reactions are one of my biggest pet peeves with LPers. I even prefer the monotone ones to the actors.

Brian Tams

New member
Sep 3, 2012
Just wait until his obsessed fans crawl out from under the bridge that spawned them and threaten to rape and kill you for disliking Pewdiepie.
Just wait, it'll happen.

Amir Kondori

New member
Apr 11, 2013
Daystar Clarion said:
I'll never understand how Pewdiepie is the hottest shit since the tail end of that really spicy chili I ate one time.

It's like, do I need to be stoned to enjoy it or something?
He is popular because he comes across as a really nice, really sincere person. That coupled with the fact that the biggest Youtube audience is gamers and despite the lack of sophistication of his humor he is the most subscribed Youtuber. I am subscribed, I don't watch a ton of the videos he uploads, but he can be entertaining sometimes.


New member
Mar 7, 2011
Brian Tams said:
Just wait until his obsessed fans crawl out from under the bridge that spawned them and threaten to rape and kill you for disliking Pewdiepie.
Just wait, it'll happen.
No it won't. This is the Escapist. We always say stuff will when it actually won't. It's like a curse... or a charm if you wanna look at it another way.


Monster Befriender
Nov 19, 2010
This reminds me of that shitstorm that occurred over the SmoshGames thing. I never heard what came out of it.

Even so, did some recent event warrant a stab at Pewdiepie, or are you having a slow week?


New member
Jul 25, 2012
The Secret of the success of Pewdiepie by The Game Theorist

There's nothing really wrong with Pewdiepie himself, if you like him, good for you, if you don't like him good for you too.
I'm also subscribed to Pewdiepie and only watch videos/series that I want to watch. He's just simply entertaining and easy to follow.

My real problem with him is that he doesn't play many Scary games anymore, with only one new Series that just got uploaded to his channel which is "Deadlight".


New member
Nov 2, 2007
I watched the Neverending Nightmares video he did on the demo version. I think that's the only thing I ever saw of this guy. I don't want to see more, to be honest, really not my type of reviewer/LPer/previewer/YouTuber/whatever.


New member
Dec 18, 2007
Under_your_bed said:
It's funny because it's true.

Okay, I'm the kind of sick degenerate that thinks rape jokes can be funny. But fucking hell, every other word out of his mouth is RAPE this and RAPE that. I used to think PDP was just annoying and banal; now I see he's actually pretty fucking scummy.

Can we like, start a crowdfunding campaign to send Slowbeef, Diabetus, and Lowtax to Europe to track this fucker down and beat him half to death, catch it on video, and get Research Indicates to do commentary on it?

Steve Waltz

New member
May 16, 2012
Under_your_bed said:
It's funny because it's true.

Wow, this is pretty bad.

"Lets play" videos aren't my thing so I've never seen PewDiePie before, in fact, all I knew about him was that he has a lot of annoying fans and a lot of equally annoying haters -- Neither of whom will shut up about the guy. After watching this video I am devastatingly shocked at how many fans he has. The screeching is bad enough but it genuinely blows my mind how he can so casually joke about rape in this decade and get away with it. Man, if I thought you even insinuate rape in a humorous way you're going to get crucified, or does that only go for Microsoft at E3 conferences?

Laser Priest

A Magpie Among Crows
Mar 24, 2011
Brian Tams said:
Just wait until his obsessed fans crawl out from under the bridge that spawned them and threaten to rape and kill you for disliking Pewdiepie.
Just wait, it'll happen.
The best part is that they already have.

The second-best part is that the most insulting thing implied here is that PewDiePie *gasp* screams a lot.

FFS, even his fans have to acknowledge that he screams a lot.

Anyway, from what I know of him outside of his channel, he actually seems like a genuinely cool guy. But his channel... not so much. I'm not big on Let's Plays to begin with, and I just can't stand how he acts during his.

And a large portion of his fanbase is highly worrying.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Mahorfeus said:
Eh, Pewdiepie's not exactly my cuppa tea, but I don't hold his success against him or his fans.
Ditto here. I don't really like him- his voice and mannerisms grate on my nerves, seriously- but I don't hold some sort of grudge against him simply for being famous; it's not like he's somehow causing other videos I do like to not exist anymore or something. Plus I do have a basic level of respect for him for using his fame to promote charity.

I also don't like blaming him for what his fans do. There's a couple other Let's Players I do follow whose fans can be just as bad (a contingent of Markiplier's fans are like this) and will try to stir up hate even though the LPers themselves are actually friends. When your subscribers literally number in the millions, there's not much you can really do to rein in the outliers.


New member
May 5, 2010
I was going to say that PewDiePie is a symbol of everything that's wrong with Youtube, the internet, and humanity as a whole. But then...

Kurt Cristal said:
There's only one person who shouts at games that I'll watch. NSFW:

At least he makes sense between the screams of rage.
...I watched that and couldn't stop laughing. Fuck it, I'm part of the problem.