Was anybody expecting more than a single season? I wasn't.
I was. I thought Netflix would consider this a bigger deal. In the past when they'd setup to do these kinds of things they usually plan at least 2 seasons so they can cover the material. I doubt it'll hurt their margins, but I can see Netflix putting people off on this one. It would be one thing if this were some experimental deal where they were just testing to see if anyone would want to see a show like Black Summer for instance, but this is Bebop. This is arguably a bigger deal than adapting pretty much anything else out there. I have to guess they got a measurable amount of signups for this alone.
I think its a big miss for Netflix especially after Jupiters Legacy which pathetically was like a 5 issue comic and they couldn't even manage that. I think they fucked up bad, I wouldve have considered coming back and finishing it if they righted the ship or even if they at least completed out the story. This show was perfect for a netflix adaptation because its so short. Easily could have knocked it out in 2 seasons which is supposed to be the goal post.
Id have to look it up, but I wanna say netflix came under new production management a couple years back I suspect this new "fuck it, canceled" attitude is new management. Before they'd have shows going dormant for 2 or 3 years before wrapping up the last season.