Liking ZP gets me mocked.


New member
Jun 27, 2010
I like Zero Punctuation, but when I talk about it, people call me a game hating troll. They think that Yathzee is a hack and the worst person to ever live, and that by watching him, I must be a idiot. How do I deal with people like this? Are they right? Tell me what you think. And don't tell me to punch them.

Edit: I fixed up my spelling mistakes.


New member
Nov 2, 2008
You ignore their opinions? If you like something enough, other people's opinions shouldn't weigh over your own.


New member
Dec 1, 2009
Don't bring up something you know they will mock about. Bringing it up is only asking to be insulted.


New member
Aug 5, 2010
I know it feels like people matter now, but you'll realize that peoples opinions are flawed and that these people don't matter to your happiness. If you like Zero Punctuation, shout it out loud! There are many others like you! (like me!) They are not necessarily right or wrong, they just are entitled to their own opinion. Their opinion is not fact.


Dapper Fellow
Apr 21, 2010
I introduced my friends to ZP a while ago.

Half the time they watch it before I do, nowadays, heh.

Find different friends?

Bat Vader

New member
Mar 11, 2009
Scarecrow 8 said:
I like Zero Punctuation, but when I talk about people call me a game hating troll. I think the Yathzee is a hack and the worst person to ever live, and that by watching him, I must be a idiot. How do I deal with people like this? Are they right? Tell me what you think. And don't tell me to punch them.
The best way to deal with people like that is to ignore them. Getting mad and firing back with an angry message usually just starts a flame war and those never end well.

No, they are not right. In their opinion they hate Yahtzee and in your opinion you like Yahtzee.

Are these people you talk to on the internet or in real life?


New member
Aug 6, 2010
I showed some of my non gamer friends and my gamer friends ZP. I had mixed results. Most found him hilarious but some absolutely hated. Some of the gamers who actually agreed with him didn't like the style of the video, the fast talking and short animated clips he has, they're the type that can't analyze it fast I guess and were constantly pausing it while I showed them so they could look at the funnies. The group that liked it, gamers and non gamers, liked the fast talking and didn't need to keep pausing it.

Don't care about what other people think, just enjoy it if you enjoy it.

Mr. Grey

I changed my face, ya like it?
Aug 31, 2009
Well... if you do bring it up and they question his legitimacy as a critic, just tell them that he's a satirist. Otherwise, just ignore the whole thing if you can, nothing good can come out of it they hate him on a seething level. You're only hope is if they aren't frothing at the mouth that you can explain why you believe him to be a satirist and why you enjoy his sense of humor in that regard. And yes, he is a satirist.

Imagine how many people got upset at the "Modest Proposal" before realising it was all made in jest. I bet they felt the fool.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a baby that needs to be put in the oven.


Jan 4, 2010
This. Is. Not. A. Review.

This topic, would be more suited in the Off Topic area. You can ask a mod to move it to there, although I don't know if any are on right now.

OT: Ignore them. Flip em the bird. They are idiots for thinking that way, and they are the true trolls.


New member
May 14, 2010
Scarecrow 8 said:
And don't tell me to punch them.
Fine, then I guess I won't say anything. But seriously, get better friends with senses of humor.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Scarecrow 8 said:
I like Zero Punctuation, but when I talk about it, people call me a game hating troll. They think that Yathzee is a hack and the worst person to ever live, and that by watching him, I must be a idiot. How do I deal with people like this? Are they right? Tell me what you think. And don't tell me to punch them.

Edit: I fixed up my spelling mistakes.
Who are these "people"? Are they random people on the bus or friends in class or what?

1. Explain satire

2. Explain humor

3. Punch them

4. Make sure to work ZP into every conversation

5. create the ZP roll (rick roll is old and should be put down anyway)

6. Worst person to live... have they forgotten Stalin, Hitler, Judas, and the first puritan?

7. If these fail, ditch them and find real people

2fish has spoken!

Lord Devius

New member
Aug 5, 2010
If they can't see that this is satirical, you may want to look into getting some smarter friends.

In all seriousness, some of my friends don't like him because they find his voice grating, and some of my friends don't watch satirical reviews of things. They find 5 minutes better spent on a review that doesn't just bash and bash and bash the bad things. It's a matter of preference, but if they mock you for that, I wish you luck.