Liking ZP gets me mocked.


Spice & Wolf Restored!
Feb 19, 2009
Aby_Z said:
You ignore their opinions? If you like something enough, other people's opinions shouldn't weigh over your own.
This. It matters what you think. Like you what you want to like, not what other people tell you to like.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Scarecrow 8 said:
I like Zero Punctuation, but when I talk about it, people call me a game hating troll. They think that Yathzee is a hack and the worst person to ever live, and that by watching him, I must be a idiot. How do I deal with people like this? Are they right? Tell me what you think. And don't tell me to punch them.

Edit: I fixed up my spelling mistakes.
Punch them.

jk, but if they feel that way, make fun of them in Yahtzee fashion. Or tell them that in a day and age where game reviewers are baught off to five high scores to largely sHit gAmes, having someone Like Yahtzee tO put the fuck-ups of th3se games in the spotlight.

Broady Brio

New member
Jun 28, 2009
Buy a gun and murder their faces for not liking ZP.

Ignore them. They can't mock you if you don't care.


New member
Jun 23, 2008
Scarecrow 8 said:
I like Zero Punctuation, but when I talk about it, people call me a game hating troll. They think that Yathzee is a hack and the worst person to ever live, and that by watching him, I must be a idiot. How do I deal with people like this? Are they right? Tell me what you think. And don't tell me to punch them.

Edit: I fixed up my spelling mistakes.
See, it depends: If you just think his videos are funny, you're in the clear. Explain that you don't take them seriously.

If you do take them seriously-

Well, that's the real problem. Yahtzee isn't a real critic. He's more of a professional troll. Trying to present him as the best reviewer out there because 'he really says what he thinks' or such should get you mocked.


New member
Jul 12, 2009
Lost Cause said:
solidsnake101023 said:
ellistoner said:
All of your friends probably own Wii's right?
or play JRPGs xD
i like jrpgs and i still find it funny watching him make fun of them
Ditto; I fit both criteria, yet I still like to watch. I don't necessarily agree with what he says, but it's still funny.

I first guy was kidding!


New member
Mar 12, 2010
ZP is great, don't mind your idiot friends, well you can also mind them and punch them as well.


New member
Jan 19, 2009
dathwampeer said:
Have sex with all of there mothers (preferably at the same time) and record it. The next time they start mocking you for liking ZP play the recording and point out all of their mothers technique flaws.

Or just say they don't get the fucking joke and laugh at them menacingly for taking ZP literally. Calling them morons and talking to them really slowly, as to give the impression you think they don't understand you might help too.
You: Yeah Bob look how bad your mom is at cow girl, and joe your mum is such a starfish.
Joe sobbing: oh god, you monster... My mum has been dead for two years.


New member
Aug 22, 2009
Anything popular inevitably gains hate from people who want seem cool and different when really they're morons. Sure, if I took ZP seriously, I'd hate it. But I know it's about 50-50 entertainment and actual factual reviewing. At the end of the day, what you enjoy is what you enjoy, other people's opinions on that don't matter, especially on the internet.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
you're not alone mate i like zp and get mocked for it as well but i just tend to do my average thing of ignoring all negative comments made as i know i will probably never have contact with that person or group again and personally think yahtzee's work is great(mog world, games and zp) i also know i am not the only one to think this. remember only your opinion should matter to you.

(my opinions about mogworld come from the chapter on amazon and the part posted on the escaist)


New member
Jun 24, 2009
Easily Forgotten said:
If they can't see that this is satirical, you may want to look into getting some smarter friends.

And don't waste time trying to explain. Actually, punching them feels like a more worthy alternative :p

Lost Cause

New member
Nov 18, 2009
liamwazhere said:
Lost Cause said:
solidsnake101023 said:
ellistoner said:
All of your friends probably own Wii's right?
or play JRPGs xD
i like jrpgs and i still find it funny watching him make fun of them
Ditto; I fit both criteria, yet I still like to watch. I don't necessarily agree with what he says, but it's still funny.

I first guy was kidding!
I guessed. I also don't care.


New member
Jun 27, 2010
IxionIndustries said:
Why not make fun of shit they like?

They like Halo? Call it a fucking cookie cutter piece of shit that spawned many generic clones, and killed the FPS genre. That ought to piss them off.

They like Blizzard? Say that they are hideous sellouts who, after WoW, simply saw their consumers as ballsacks full of money, waiting to be punched.

They like some other game reviewer? Say he's a pathetic ass-kissing fanboy who gives great reviews to his "model company", and shit reviews to all others. Also he has a bad voice.

Hit them where it hurts. Say completely biased things, and spawn a miniature flame-war within their minds.

...Or punch them.

Note: I meant nothing with those statements above. They were simply there for show. Nothing I say should be advised; I am a dangerous lunatic.
I try that, but when I do they say that I'm just quote Yahtzee and have no opion of my own. I'm just going to give up on talking back. The next time they insult me, I'm just going to punch them in the face. Thank you people for all your help.