Little Changes That Would Make The World A Better Place


Elite Member
Apr 29, 2020
United States
I don't know if I will completely change my answer, so I'll amend it.

Every society has to do two years mandatory customer service. And not when you're 20... When you're 35. Because I feel the earlier you do it, the more you feel removed from the experience that you might overlook it when you're 50 or so.

If you're 35 and you had to experience horrible people screaming at you that their cable doesn't work, that their new blender just happens to have a defect, or some soccer mom demanded to talk to your manager because you wouldn't give lessons to her son for free? Hell... I'd give that behavior two generations before it is stamped out forever.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
If you're 35 and you had to experience horrible people screaming at you that their cable doesn't work, that their new blender just happens to have a defect, or some soccer mom demanded to talk to your manager because you wouldn't give lessons to her son for free? Hell... I'd give that behavior two generations before it is stamped out forever.
Wouldn't hurt, but eliminate it altogether? Not a chance. It's different when it's me complaining. By comparison, something like a quarter to a third of all women seeking abortions in the US are anti-choice, but have decided they are somehow special.


Elite Member
Apr 29, 2020
United States
Wouldn't hurt, but eliminate it altogether? Not a chance. It's different when it's me complaining. By comparison, something like a quarter to a third of all women seeking abortions in the US are anti-choice, but have decided they are somehow special.
I should clarify. What I meant by stamped out that it would be shameful to do.

People will do it, but they will be instantly shamed if they are caught doing it.

Best example is that period of time where some white people were using the cops as their personal Bullies to force Black people into compliance. A few video recordings and you have a lot more people thinking about handling their business on their own instead of trying that aged-old tactic.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
A big clothing company in the US tried that in 2012, along with putting clothing at a "real" price (in the US, clothes are hugely marked up, and get sold at "real" prices during periodic sales). It's called JCPenny. Its strategy almost bankrupted the company, and has become a landmark study in the psychology of consumerism.
I think it's also to avoid certain consumer laws. For example, I know that there are various laws like "Any products valued at $20.00 or more, must *insert some FDA/Trade Regulation* in order to be sold to the public" usually some kind of standard of efficacy in the product or what not. But hey.....$19.99, is the absolute most you can milk someone while still falling below that regulation threshold.

I remember hearing a podcast talking about patents and the companies that horde the patents on things, and yank them out from under the people who made them, and then try and make a profit. It came up in a discussion of that I think.

But yeah I think that's mostly why they do that $X.99 thing.

OT: Can't really think of anything specific that doesn't just fall under the "Don't Be A Dick" category of behavior for humanity in general. I'm sure there are some thing I could name...but I'm currently drawing a blank on specifics.