Little touches in games that made you smile


New member
Sep 23, 2010
In Fallout New Vegas, I found an old fridge lying out in the middle of nowhere. In it was a skeleton with a cowboy hat. A funny little reference to Indiana Jones.


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Dec 4, 2011
Dr Pussymagnet said:
I loved the amount of detail they put into Human Revolution in order to make the world feel like a place people actually lived in. Walk up to any desk or office in the game and you'd find dozens of little things like papers and coffee and photos of families.

I loved the open cans of bright yellow paint every 10 feet ^_^


New member
Jan 7, 2011
Mass Effect 3, Javik mentioning Joker wanted to call him "Prothy The Prothean". James Vega and Steve Cortez arguing about the merits of the mako Vs the hammerhead. The Shepard VI. Conrad Verner apologising if he said Shepard shoved a gun in his face when he didn't.


Robot in Disguise
Mar 22, 2010
There was lots of things in Batman Arkham City that I loved the developers for including.

-If you throw a batarang at Azael (the guy who you find around the city) he'll catch it like Batman does with the remote control batarang.
-Going to Calendarman on specific dates makes him tell you a story of something he did on that holiday. After you here all he's story's, his cell will be empty.
-You could find channels on the radio that were just lists of numbers. Decoding them revealed them to be messages from Scarecrow.
-The alternate ending with Catwoman

When you fight Joker, using detective vision shows he has no skeleton, just like Clayface if you looked at him in Arkham Asylum

I could go on but I won't. Seeing the detail put into this game really make me smile.


New member
May 7, 2008
Glover09 said:
TheMightyAtrox said:
There are plenty, but one I thought of was in Assassin's Creed 2: "It's a-me! Mario!"
I laughed for at least a couple of hours about that.

Another for the AC series, the intriquite attention to details, historically and structurally, that help pull me in atleast.

I have a few more:

GRID & DiRT games- these games have an extensive attention to detail. If you go into the replays after you pass a tire wall, You will see that the tires have different tread patterns. GRID and I think DiRT 2 also hade polished gauges, which gave a reflection of the surrounding enviroment.

DiRT 2- As a racing fan, I follow a range of series. I remember when Ivan Stewart was still racing. DiRT 2 pulls this history out of the cabinets more than DiRT 1 and 3 did, as not only did the RS 200 and Metro 6R4 return from obscurity, but also the Dakar pajero and Ivan's Toyota trophy truck. Add to that the bobbles you could put in the vehicles, the "working" radiator fans, and even stickers on the dashboards and consoles to mark your progress, and you have a game that show how much the developer put into the game. However, these aren't the best examples.

For those who don't know, the DiRT series we know are an extension of the Colin McRae rally games, to the point that DiRT 1 and 2 had the Colin McRae name included in the title outside the US. Colin McRae was a rally driver(duh), but he was much more. He won rallys, but he also ran at Le Mans, and ran the Dakar rally. He is arguably one of the most well known drivers in the world, even though he won just one championship, because of his personality, demeanor, and willingness to be on the edge at all times. You could race against him in DiRT 1, and he is one of your biggest in game competitors. Sadly, he died in 2007 while DiRT 2 was being made. From the moment you begin your experience in DiRT 2, you see what they did to honor him, as YOU are given HIS car. Travis Pastrana makes mentions throughout the game, and there are small nods here and there, but then you win the X-Games final. The celebration after the win is similar to his celebration after winning the WRC Championship. Then you get an invite to the Colin McRae Challenge. Not only do you race against Colin's father and brother here, but also well known drivers from other disipines as well. Upon winning, you earn the trophy 'For Colin'. All this was great to my mind, but they didn't stop. You are awarded a car based on his championship car with a tribute livery that looks awesome, and then at the point you would normally go to the map, the screen goes black. What follows that is possibly one of the best tributes to anyone in gaming history.

Yeah things like the doctor masks in Brotherhood did it for me. They did a good job with those.


New member
Mar 5, 2012
The Saturday night fever dancing your creatures come out with when someone wins in the casino in Dungeon Keeper 2.

There are so many great ones in Bioware games, my current favourite being the interesting scene when you walk in on

Garrus and Tali canoodling in the Main battery. His reaction when she says that she only wants him for his body is absolutely priceless


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Deus Ex was loaded with little things that were just really neat. To list them all off would take a very long time. I kind of see why the game's engine was so awful at times; there'd be no other way to fit that much onto one disk.
Another one was the newest Alone in the Dark. It's unbearably bad at points, such as the one I'm on now, which I have begun calling "Edward Carnby's Fetchquest Adventure", but I just love all the little things, such as all the goofy crap you can do inside the cars. Maybe they were so busy implementing little fun things that they forgot some vital playtesting.
Also, I liked how, for the first hour or two at least, you can do exactly what I would do if I were forced into a combat situation with murderous possessed psychopaths; knock them to the ground with a nearby fire axe, and wail on their prostrate form until I thought it was safe to pick up their body and throw it into a fire. Sadly, the game got back at me for it by including a variety of enemies who were every bit as cheap in their tactics as I was.


Feb 9, 2010
In the 2009 remake of A Boy and his Blob for Wii pushing one of the buttons at any time will make Boy hug Blob.Serves absolutely no purpose but damn me if it ain't one of the cutest things I've ever seen in a game.Makes me smile every time


Forum Title
May 6, 2012
I know I'll come across as 'dark' but... Fallout 3's multitudes of suicides. I just thought they were great! How many tubs had toasters and dead bodies in them? I mean that's hilarious. IN A VIDEO GAME. Its hilarious!


New member
Sep 4, 2009
The end of Halo Reach when you watch the beginning of Halo 1 again and remember. Then Bungie state that they loved us, the fans, for playing the series they'd made for us.


New member
Jun 23, 2009
Pegghead said:
In Dark Souls, I found rubbish as an item that literally serves no purpose AND the item's description questions what sane person would pick such a useless thing up...cheeky buggers.
Remember that little bird's next in the Asylum where a voice asks you to give them stuff? Try dropping the rubbish in the nest, then exit the game. When you come back, it'll be something good.

OT: In Persona 3, if you have a certain character who was supposed to be dead in your party during the final boss, Fuuka will be shocked and accuse you of cheating :p


Jun 9, 2010
I really, really dig all the little animations that bring your character to life in Ghost Recon: Future Solider. And the fact they cover their faces. Like, you know, top secret special forces should.

Lovely Mixture

New member
Jul 12, 2011
Mass Effect 2: When you look in your quarters on the SR2 you see a picture on your desk of your love interest of the previous game. When you get a new romance (such as I did for Tali), the picture is then put face down.

Prince of Persia 2 Warrior Within had a first person-person view. Using this I found you could look at two details. Before you meet Kaileena in one scene, in the first person view you can see her waiting for you at the top of the stairs. After the cutscene where the Prince takes off the Wraith Mask you can look downwards and see that it's still there!

Never tried it with the original game, but for MGS1 Twin Snakes remake:
1. Take more than 10 minutes to beat Ocelot, the ending dialogue will change and Ocelot will say "you're nothing like the boss" instead of complimenting you.
2. If you kill a bunch of ravens before fighting Raven he will angrily say "how dare you kill my friends!" in the cutscene.

evilmongerofdoom666 said:
In The Binding of Isaac:
When you enter a room at low health, you always pee yourself a little.
Fixed that for you, and yeah it is a disturbing but nice touch.

Mysterious Druid said:
So... Rockstar general?
Hell yeah. Max Payne 1 and 2 were already loaded with this stuff.


New member
Mar 4, 2012

When chaos erupts in the streets, people get down on their knees and start praying.

I... thank you, Radical Entertainment. That was awesome.

Also, just about every little thing RareWare did before 2002.

Oh! And I almost forgot! In Yoshi's Island, when you touch a "Mr. Fuzzy", Yoshi gets... Yeah...
I hear it's still in the GameBoy Advance port. With the "E" rating still intact.


Nov 30, 2011
In Mass Effect 2, I thought it was a great touch that they added an extra line of dialogue for EDI if you attempt to... ahem... probe it.

Also, in the first Witcher, one of the early things that made me want to keep playing was the fact that when it rained, all the townspeople reacted somewhat realistically; most of the grown ups sought shelter from the rain, and a bunch of kids ran around playing in the mud.


New member
Mar 31, 2009
The references to the first Deus Ex in Deus Ex: HR.

A character mentions him getting the wrong flavor of soda from a soda machine, just like Hermann in DX1. There are also the names in e-mails from characters from DX1: Manderley, Nicolette DuClare, Morgan Everett are some I saw show up.

I also liked Civ IV for including complete and proper Dutch speech to your units if you play as the Dutch.
Sep 9, 2010
Batman Arkham Asylum referenced about 25 (can't actually remember) lesser known batman characters, that made love the game even more because it suggests that the game makers actually like batman as much as anyone who buys the game.