I'm not going to lie, some of you guys' numbers are kind of scary. I love to game, and some long bouts can last 4-6 hours. But After school and work, I just don't have enough time in the day for more than that.
I think it must be safe to assume the question asker doesn't have any significant responsibilities. I guess he could work for few days on, few off, but he didn't mention that. He also probably doesn't have children or a significant other, or have anyone they have to look after. It sounds almost as though they're living somewhere rent is taken care of, food is bought and cooked for them, and they don't hold any adult responsibilities. Sounds like the perfect environment to escape into a fantasy world more interesting than reality.
Personally, I'd say yes it's unhealthy because 30 hours of a single activity is overkill. Sure, if you enjoy it that's great but seeing as how that something is a fantasy MMO and the person isn't stopping to do anything else I would call that an addiction. Addictions don't necessitate that the addicted hates his vice. There are plenty of folks who love smoking a pack of cigs a day, and tell themselves they can quit any time but just don't want to. The test would be for him to cut down his time to 3-5 hours, and do other stuff for the rest of the day. If he can't bear it or feels like nothing else is worth doing than I'd say he's lost in the abyss of addiction.
I played FFXI for about 3 years at the end of high school and into my first years of community college. At it's height, I woke up and began play immediately. I stopped only shortly to heat up microwave food from my parent's freezer. I played strait through the day, probably anywhere from 12-16 hours a day. After being long out of that scenario I would say I was definitely lost in the fantasy and was quite addicted. I'll never do that again, there just simply isn't enough time to lead two social lives. I like to spend real money, learn knowledge about the real world, and have sex with my real girlfriend.
Simply put, this kid is completely and unhealthily addicted. Hobbies that enrich our lives are always good, as are games. Having that hobbie hijack your life is not.