Look Upon Playboy's "Sexiest Game Trailer Ever" and Despair

dalek sec

Leader of the Cult of Skaro
Jul 20, 2008
God that was shit... Playboy just stay away from video games for the rest of time and stick with your frakking mag's cause you're failing big time right now video game wise.

Milkman Dan

New member
Sep 11, 2008
I don't think Playboy hasn't been about sex for a very long time, and it might possibly never have been. It's about selling crap you don't really need, except they call it "promoting a lifestyle." That's why there's hundreds of pages of advertisement and articles stuffed between the pictorials.

Now that they are catching on that video games might be a big thing among their target demographic (really??? you think???), they're trying their best to catch up.


New member
Jan 4, 2008
One last thing to toss in here...

... if we're gonna feel "insulted" by anything, it really ought to be the Evony ads.


Fussy Fiddler
May 7, 2009
how utterly dull. the entire thing was boring, but the sad thing is it could of been done really well, the idea was valid, but the execution was painful.


New member
Nov 16, 2009
Yeah, I couldn't be insulted, amused, aroused, intrigued, interested, offended or affected in any way by such a lame piece of crap.

Tis entirely lame and, IMHO, irrelevant.

Eric the Orange

Gone Gonzo
Apr 29, 2008
Shamus Young said:
This trailer is the equivalent of an upper class white kid walking into the hood in his best Abercrombie & Fitch and a sideways baseball cap and saying "sup HOMIE?" to everyone he meets.
The mental picture I'm getting of this has got to be the whitest thing ever.


New member
Nov 4, 2006
Andy Chalk said:
Yet non-gamers will inevitably see this and have their opinions affected accordingly, which is to say it will reinforce their view of gamers as nothing but a gang of horny, juvenile idiots. And who can blame them?
Isn't it time to stop caring what uninformed people think of us, though?
I'd say we've become big enough that they should either be informed or content to look stupid.
Like Playboy here with this utter crap. Nothing to get excited about.


Senior Member
Nov 15, 2009
"Were you on Playboy? Well? Were you watching that godawful trailer? Answer me!"
"No! I was there for the porn, I swear!"

Seriously, though, the video is terrible. Especially the voice overlay. I wonder what the girl was thinking when she posed? Or when she saw the finished product?


New member
Jan 12, 2010
Shamus Young said:
I like to think of this a different way: Gamers are the cool people in this scenario, and Playboy is the poser trying (and failing) to fit in.

This trailer is the equivalent of an upper class white kid walking into the hood in his best Abercrombie & Fitch and a sideways baseball cap and saying "sup HOMIE?" to everyone he meets.
does this mean we get to beat Playboy's honky ass? I'm cool with that.

And dammit, I actually like this game...


New member
Jan 21, 2009
I don't really think this is insulting to gamers. It's not like they're trying sell the game by putting in some random boobs like, someone has already pointed out, the Evony ads. I mean, it's Playboy. Anyone watching the video are expecting T&A in some form. The video is lame and uncreative and irrelivant to the game and they definately could have done something better, but I think you're taking it a little too personally if you think it's insulting gamers because it features T&A.


Friendly Neighborhood Time Lord
Apr 1, 2009
Macksheath said:
No sir, you are correct.

I am fed up with people seeing me as this or an anti-social, slightly mentally disturbed teenager.
Though in my case...just exchange the word "teenager" with the word "adult".
Other than that... yeah, I'm tired of this sort of bullshit too.
And is it just me... or is this common perception of gamers also preventing most people from recognizing some of the truly artistic games (like Silent Hill 2, Rez, Psychonauts, Shadow of the Colossus, and arguably Portal) as the art that they are?


After watching this "Gamer Next Door"'s video blog entry about Darksiders... and yeah, she clearly takes all of her knowledge about video games from youtube videos or shallow reviews... now, is it just me or did she spend most of her time wielding a flashlight and crowbar (in a bikini) walking through a corridor that looked suspiciously like one of the many, many corridors in Half-Life 2? What is this? If this is an attempt to gain "gamer cred", its a pretty fucking weak one. I mean, what the hell does HL2 have to do with Darksiders? And... there was one major issue I took with her video blog... and I quote "Darksiders art is inspired by (forgot the name), who you may know for his X-Men comics, but really, I think Darksiders has more of a Shadow of the Colossus feel to it." Oh, and how could I forget this one: "You can even use the environment against your enemies." I wouldn't have a problem with that statement, except that she was saying it in a tone of voice that suggested that this was something completely new to video games. Bloody idiot.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
khaimera said:
I disagree with the opinion stated in the article. I dont think it is a reflection of gamers but more so American men. Sex sells everything, not just videogames. What I dont get is how a person can see a hot girl eating a sandwich and then want to go out and buy that same sandwich. Advertisers think this works on a subconscious level, but it just seems ludicrous to me.
I was gonna bonk you on the head for the American men comment, but seeing as how you're American as well... Dang... :p

Yeah this seemed like a last second idea to try to save face with a crappy game.. I hope that trailer gave that model a skin rash..

Please stick to magazines.. The gaming world does not want!


New member
Aug 16, 2008
EspirituExterminatus said:
Its Playboy. They are a fucking joke. I have never understood why they are thought of as the pinnacle of sex magazines.
They have like 200 pages and only like 20 of those with some dopey gutter slut who wont even show the good bits!
Playboy is what you read if you need help setting up your 5.1 or want to find out what the latest douchebag spoilers are being released for your favourite rice rocket.

Hugh Hefner can fuck right off and die and leave my gaming alone.

Anyway as for the video itself. This ***** is warping my Darksiders video! Get rid of her!
Wow. Just wow. You managed to cram racism and mysoginy into six sentences, plus you've helpfully shown zero grasp of modern journalism. What's Playboy's target audience? Males 18-40 roughly, so along with the "dopey gutter sluts" and "rice rocket" tips, they might also cover other interests of that group, such as, I don't know...gaming? I mean, we're on a gaming website and we are still provided a weekly film review. Who the hell cares about that?

As for the article, I agree with Alex about the projector video, it's poorly made and degrading for everyone involved, but I was mildly impressed with the preview and can't agree with him on his claim that it is a "painful" watch. Yes, her scantily-clad torchlight wandering is more XXX-Files than atmospheric, and while she is clearly reading from auto-cue, the preview itself is pretty solid: "temporary battle form" anyone?

The footage gves us a good taste of what it looks and plays like, plus her description of the plot does a good job of giving us a taster of the experience. I'm not really seeing her Shadow of the Colossus artistic comparison but I'm glad to have it, show she (or more accurately her writer) has some grounding in decent games, plus her tie-in to large bosses follows through logically.

Now I love John Funk as much as the next guy, but while our beloved Funkinator is the vastly superior journalist, this girl runs him close in the voiceover stakes, very sultry tones. The hot pants though, I can do without. Give her a studio and some sensible clothes and I could actually take her seriously...


New member
Jul 14, 2009
ZOH-EMM-GEE! BEEEEWBS (...and other generic juvenile commentary).

No, Andy, your embarrassment is quite well founded. I want to offer this thought though, booth babes. I see nothing different in this, granted these booth babes (I hate that term, so very very much) are at least not doubling as a screen for a projector, so they may be independently gawked at while the game sees modest coverage. Using the supple flesh of attractive women to pander (rather cheaply, in this gamer's opinion) to male gamers is the lowest form of advertising, but it's hardly anything we haven't been seeing for the last decade or so.

Frankly, if you're into booth babes but offended by this, you're being a hypocrite. I've never supported cosplaying models in skimpy outfits as a means of expressing a game's potential, it's never been sexy, it has always bothered me. What bothered me more than that though is just how popular that sort of thing is with other gamers.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
Andy Chalk said:
Look Upon Playboy's "Sexiest Game Trailer Ever" and Despair

First things first: This is not sexy. I'm open to other opinions here but having some bikini-clad bimbo sitting, kneeling, squatting or otherwise being in the way of gameplay footage projected on a wall isn't sexy.


Andy, me thinks thou doth protest too much. You?re supposed to hide your misogyny, not proudly display it by calling this woman whom you?ve never met a ?bikini-clad bimbo?. Is that really how you feel about all women who represent something that you will never have? Case in point: stating the obvious that you?re not sexy but then cheekily state that, ?I probably wouldn't look quite as good in a bikini?; a vain attempt in describing your potential of looking good in women?s apparel. It?s sad that you think a website such as Playboy would opt to show women rather than the awesomeness of a videogame. Why would a nudie magazine put a woman in front of a videogame?! Think about this, Andy, what if the point of the video was not to distort the sexy videogame violence, the only thing you find appealing on screen, but to demonstrate that the only way to get a guy with nothing but videogames on their mind to look at them is to stand directly in front of a video screen of a videogame? I remember seeing a postsecret card that showed a girl and boy making out and the caption read, ?I?d rather be playing videogames.? Presumably, this pretty much sums you up, Andy. I get it, women are okay just as long as they stay the hell out of my view of a videogame.

P.S. Stating that something isn?t sexy is subjective, so try making an argument of why it isn?t sexy rather than the flawed ?because I say so? defense.

The Anhk24

New member
Dec 11, 2009
I have to say I dont mind sex in games as long as it isnt the only selling point of the game. I think we rely on it for advertising way too much


New member
Jun 28, 2009
That is the first time i actually wanted to tell a hot chick to get lost.

That trailer is strait from Satan.... or... "Christian Side-hug Jesus". I can't decide.