Looking for Gamecube games

Sarah Kerrigan

New member
Jan 17, 2010
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle was sooo good, oh my god XD Memories man.
I would also say Eternal Darkness Sanities Requim (if your lucky to find a copy) And since it's already on your list, I would say start looking for a copy of that first. The rest should be easy, but Eternal Darkness is going to be quiet difficult. Also, if possible, the gamecube ports of Resident Evil 2 & 3 are very good as well, but also hard to find.

Andy Shandy

Fucked if I know
Jun 7, 2010
Both the Gamecube versions of Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2 AKA Sonic Adventure DX and Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, although Battle is significantly better than DX so if you were to only pick one, get that.

And Super Monkey Ball and Super Monkey Ball 2. They are exceedingly fun too. And apparently Super Monkey Ball 2 leads to improvement performance in laparoscopic surgery by surgeons. So, that too XD


New member
Nov 26, 2011
Palademon said:
Do...do I get to be the one to say Gotcha Force?


Okay, that looked...interesting...and apparently it's like a collector's item, because even the used copies are ridiculously priced. Shame...

Reyold said:
No one has mentioned Viewtiful Joe? I am disappoint.

I've heard Ikaruga is really good, but the difficulty is the stuff of legends.

Finally, get Donkey Kong Jungle Beat. It's gameplay is as good as its graphics. And they're STUNNING.
I think my family would kill me if I got Jungle Beat. Would be fun for a few laughs, but then the fun stops when they're chopping off your hands. Clapping with bloody stumps is hard :/ I've played Ikaruga. Man, fuck Ikaruga :mad:

So Sonic Adventure 2 Battle has been added to the list.


New member
Mar 17, 2011
Might give Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg a try. It's certainly a unique game, that much can be said. Pretty good music, as well.

Captcha: Do more sit-ups. That hits me deep.

V8 Ninja

New member
May 15, 2010
If you're into bullet-hell shooters, Ikaruga should fit the bill. Also, it's made by Treasure, who are AWESOME at everything they do.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Ill always recommend custom robo. Other than that midway arcade classics is good so is pikman 2. Mario baseball is fun and Ialways enjoy the occasional game of turok evolution

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I would think Viewtiful Joe to be an obvious choice. Fun 2D platformer / beat 'em up with time-manipulating mechanics that play nicely in both combat and puzzle-solving. Highly recommend it!

Exius Xavarus

Casually hardcore. :}
May 19, 2010
Tales of Symphonia
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Baten Kaitos
Soul Calibur II
Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime 2
Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Shadow the Hedgehog
Sonic Heroes
Luigi's Mansion
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Sonic Mega Collection
Minority Report
Skies of Arcadia Legends
Megaman Battle Network Transmission
Megaman X: Command Mission

That's about everything I'd personally recommend. There are probably more that I'll remember later.


New member
Aug 5, 2010
If you want an interesting shooter, then check out Geist.
Skies of Arcadia is a really good game, but it mat be hard to find a copy for sale.
The Timesplitters series is also really good. Future Perfect plays better on the Xbox, but it's still fine on the Gamecube.
And I guess Monkey Ball, if you enjoy those games. They're fairly difficult, but a lot of fun.


New member
Nov 26, 2011
Tanis said:

It's one of those 'weird but strangely fun' games.
Oh. My. God. Just looked that up, and that is...it's just...beautiful... This just made my list. I need to play this! It looks so awesomely weird and fucked up!


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
Lost Kingdoms and its sequel.Imagine Yu Gi Oh Duels in real time!

Where you run around, throw cards to summon monsters to fight along side you, summon monsters to deliver a quick attack and then disappear just as quickly, or to crash into the Battlefield, let out a mighty roar and do crazy damage, as well as things like revive and heal cards.

Its sequel is much better but Play the first game first!

StarFox Adventure is a charming game and buckets of fun, despite how different it is to Lylat Wars etc.

ohh,, andd *Ahem*..


Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
Risenant said:
The big 2 I think of right off of my head.

First, Gladius. It was one of the first strategy games I've ever played and there's something about pitting a minotaur against a Satyr.
I loved that game.

Also...well, my choice for GameCube game should be pretty obvious. It's right over there to the left. :)


New member
May 21, 2010
Everyone has covered pretty much everything I could've said, but I will say it again!
Sonic Adventure DX: The Director's Cut
Tales of Symphonia
Those are the main ones I would like to emphasize you getting. Also, I am vehemently against Sonic Adventure 2. I didn't really get very far in it when I got it when I was like 10, and forgot about it until earlier this year when it was released on PSN(I'm 18 now), and decided to give it a try since most people hold to the belief that it is the best 3D Sonic game of all time. Even though I always insisted stubbornly that SA 1 was the best, I decided to give SA 2 a fair chance, and I was... Horrified. The only good parts of the game in my opinion were the music (nothing exceptional, but not bad either) and the Chao garden... But the chao garden is still great enough to keep me coming back to those abysmal levels in SA2 to farm coins and chao drives for my chaos.
But yeah, I found when playing SA2 that you had to know the levels very well before you could even hope to clear them easily. A lot of things simply jump out at you before you are prepared to the point that it is completely unreasonable and hard to catch even if you know it's coming. My other main complaint would be that they shoved a million special moves onto a single action button, and they can only be triggered when you are within a certain range of a trigger object (light speed dash won't appear unless you are directly in front of rings). This was problematic as the standard action button move would be the fire spin who's only use is to break boxes... nothing else. It is always quite infuriating when you are blazing through a level and the action button does not register quickly enough that there are rings in front of you and you fire spin/roll into a dark abyss, sometimes repeatedly. The main thing that bugs me about this being that most of these skills will be seldom used in the games except light speed dash, and you basically have to stop, and worm around until you hit a hot spot and the action button recognizes light speed dash as it's option which kind of wrecks the flow of the level.
I can't really say much about the story because it's kind of a subjective thing, but I will say I didn't care for it much, and also they put tails in a mecha, and I found his levels to be some of the most boring in the series.
tl;dr: If you are okay with often unfair level design that you have to memorize to be good at, and untrustworthy controls, then I guess you should be fine with this game, and the Chao garden should be enough entertainment on its own to keep you playing this game that I dread. Also notable, I am talking about Sonic Adventure 2, not Sonic Adventure 2 battle, so I can't say for 100% that all of these problems translate over to 2 battle.


Aug 25, 2008
Pokemon Colosseum and XD: Gale Of Darkness, both are fantastic and you get to see the mons as a 3D model!

Also Sonic Adventure 2: Battle is freaking awesome as well.


New member
Nov 26, 2011
Easton Dark said:
Get Pikmin 2

Also go for Timesplitters 2

As well as the multiplatform Metal Arms: Glitch in the System

I still own all but Timesplitters, and I have no idea where that game found its home. Maybe I left it at a friends a decade ago... bah.
Metal Arms is the game Jim Sterling keeps goings crazy over because there will never be a second one due to the IP owner being a "fucking ****", right?

Several people have suggested Timesplitters. I shall look into it. From what I've seen so far, it looks rather fun and interesting.

Susan Arendt said:
Risenant said:
The big 2 I think of right off of my head.

First, Gladius. It was one of the first strategy games I've ever played and there's something about pitting a minotaur against a Satyr.
I loved that game.

Also...well, my choice for GameCube game should be pretty obvious. It's right over there to the left. :)
*Looks to the left* There's a game about a corgi riding a cantaloupe? o_O


New member
Jun 30, 2012
Busfull said:
Sonic Adventure 2 is the best [sub][sub][sub][sub]sonic game ever[/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub]
Why the hell does everyone else seem to hate that Game XD

I loved it!

OT: Everything has pretty much been said already. I just want to say Metroid Prime 1&2 again because they're awesome...also Windwaker.


New member
Jun 30, 2012
wintercoat said:
Susan Arendt said:
Also...well, my choice for GameCube game should be pretty obvious. It's right over there to the left. :)
*Looks to the left* There's a game about a corgi riding a cantaloupe? o_O
I was afraid to quote her and ask XD

What are we missing?

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
wintercoat said:
Easton Dark said:
Get Pikmin 2

Also go for Timesplitters 2

As well as the multiplatform Metal Arms: Glitch in the System

I still own all but Timesplitters, and I have no idea where that game found its home. Maybe I left it at a friends a decade ago... bah.
Metal Arms is the game Jim Sterling keeps goings crazy over because there will never be a second one due to the IP owner being a "fucking ****", right?

Several people have suggested Timesplitters. I shall look into it. From what I've seen so far, it looks rather fun and interesting.

Susan Arendt said:
Risenant said:
The big 2 I think of right off of my head.

First, Gladius. It was one of the first strategy games I've ever played and there's something about pitting a minotaur against a Satyr.
I loved that game.

Also...well, my choice for GameCube game should be pretty obvious. It's right over there to the left. :)
*Looks to the left* There's a game about a corgi riding a cantaloupe? o_O
Hahahahahaaa....I'm such an idiot. I Forgot I changed my avatar - I use Vanessa from PN03 for everything else and used to use it here, too.

Also, Animal Crossing for the GameCube is still my favorite version of that game.