Ooooh, X-wing. I sunk hours into that game when I still had DOS. I keep hoping that some day, someone will finally make the decision to update it, re-release it, reboot it, something! Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader is a good attempt, but it's just not X-wing. There was nothing I enjoyed more than flying in between Capital ships while they tore each other apart and I struggled to intercept TIE Bombers. Le sigh...good times.
I was slightly disappointed by Republic Commando. Not because it was bad, but because I wanted a Call of Duty type of game. The battle on Geonosis was fun because there were other clones running around, shooting, and dying, but once I linked up with my squad, it was really just the four of us. I wanted to be involved in huge battles, in the sense of Hoth or Endor, where you're not the only target. Battlefront was good for that, but the story was lacking. So...I guess bigger battles like Battlefront, but better story-driven game and missions (because 'hold this area until their reinforcements run out' gets boring) like in Republic Commando.