Lucasarts Games that Deserve Another Shot


Insert funny title here
Oct 19, 2010
emeraldrafael said:
you missed battle front 3, but other then that and all the starwars properties, i'll be a bit bold and say some more monkey island. I dont know if it could make the transition from point and click to wahtever they would make it, but the humour would be appreciated. so would a remake of grim fandango maybe.
I was also going to say Monkey Island but I think the lisence is safly with Telltale games now as they did Tales of Monkey Island.

Deacon Cole

New member
Jan 10, 2009
You look through the back catalog of Lucasarts and the only thing you can find of value is Star Wars? Are you Disney?

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
What about Empire at War? Sure, it's not the best RTS, but I want to find out what Siri was going to do with the Carbonite Sith Army.

Also, for all you battlefront 3 wanters, like myself:


New member
Mar 27, 2013
the antithesis said:
You look through the back catalog of Lucasarts and the only thing you can find of value is Star Wars? Are you Disney?
To be fair, the reason he mentioned Star Wars games only is because it's Star Wars week here on the Escapist, and that Star Wars Day (May the 4th) is approaching. I mean, yeah, there are the LucasArts adventure games, but how long has it been since we've seen a good Star Wars game, and moreso who would make it? Telltale and Double Fine are probably more than happy and the likely candidates to continue LucasArts' adventures, but it's the Star Wars games that leave people wondering who will try their best with them.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Ooooh, X-wing. I sunk hours into that game when I still had DOS. I keep hoping that some day, someone will finally make the decision to update it, re-release it, reboot it, something! Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader is a good attempt, but it's just not X-wing. There was nothing I enjoyed more than flying in between Capital ships while they tore each other apart and I struggled to intercept TIE Bombers. Le sigh...good times.

I was slightly disappointed by Republic Commando. Not because it was bad, but because I wanted a Call of Duty type of game. The battle on Geonosis was fun because there were other clones running around, shooting, and dying, but once I linked up with my squad, it was really just the four of us. I wanted to be involved in huge battles, in the sense of Hoth or Endor, where you're not the only target. Battlefront was good for that, but the story was lacking. So...I guess bigger battles like Battlefront, but better story-driven game and missions (because 'hold this area until their reinforcements run out' gets boring) like in Republic Commando.


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
Wow, almost 50 comments and only one mention of Outlaws. I liked it because it was kind of the "spiritual brother" (not successor) to Dark Forces. And when DF went all lightsaber crazy (or when I lost interest) Outlaws was there to give me more of the gameplay I wanted. I always found the hokey religion magic spiritualisim to be the least interesting part of Star Wars. That's why I want back Republic Commando, X-Wing TIE-Fighter (not the console rail-shooter Rogue Squadron but the proper PC spacesim,) pre-jedi stuff Dark Forces (when it was good,) Shadows of the Empire, and Outlaws again while they're at it. Plus the pc-cd of Outlaws came with the soundtrack of the game on it. And the music was classic spagetti western, and perfect mood music for a game of Deadlands (or another western type rpg.)



New member
Aug 5, 2009
They totally have to pick up where Empire at War:Forces of Corruption left off. Talk about opportunity!


New member
May 30, 2010
I'm yet another person with fond memories of Republic Commando. Unfortunately if it were to be remade today it would end up being more of a standard FPS like Call of Duty then a squad tactical shooter because that's where publishers believe all the money is.


New member
Mar 12, 2011
grey_space said:
Louzerman102 said:
Unfortunately the TORtanic is being called kotor 3.
Really? Surely not...

*reads post again*


Man you have just ruined my day...
I've heard the comparison made between The Old Republic and World of Warcraft. The MMO derails the series it was based on. An additional Knights of The Old Republic game would be competing for fans/money with The Old Republic MMO.

I am disappointed as well.


Elite Member
May 12, 2011
The Force Unleashed definitely deserves a chance to REALLY shine. I think that TFU is the first time I really felt like the battles of Force Users in the movies were really captured in a game, as well as the first time I felt like Force Users were really treated to be anywhere near as powerful as they should actually be, even just based on what's shown in the movies alone. All it really needs to make it great is a longer, more involving story, everything else is pretty much perfect. The developers of The Force Unleashed just never managed get EVERYTHING right, there was just a couple glaring issues that they just didn't fix. In fact, I even made a thread on the Escapist about ways to improve the series.


New member
Mar 12, 2011
immortalfrieza said:
The Force Unleashed definitely deserves a chance to REALLY shine. I think that TFU is the first time I really felt like the battles of Force Users in the movies were really captured in a game, as well as the first time I felt like Force Users were really treated to be anywhere near as powerful as they should actually be, even just based on what's shown in the movies alone. All it really needs to make it great is a longer, more involving story, everything else is pretty much perfect. In fact, I even made a thread on the Escapist about ways to improve the series.
TFU has unfortunately written themselves into a corner. The story happens at a specific point in the timeline with a very specific character. Destroying things with your force powers is an inherently fun activity, but any additional games are going to have a hard time explaining the situation. Fans were already calling bullshit with TFU2 cloning the main character back to life. Not to say that the situation is hopeless, because again, crushing things with your force powers is really fun.


Elite Member
May 12, 2011
Louzerman102 said:
immortalfrieza said:
The Force Unleashed definitely deserves a chance to REALLY shine. I think that TFU is the first time I really felt like the battles of Force Users in the movies were really captured in a game, as well as the first time I felt like Force Users were really treated to be anywhere near as powerful as they should actually be, even just based on what's shown in the movies alone. All it really needs to make it great is a longer, more involving story, everything else is pretty much perfect. In fact, I even made a thread on the Escapist about ways to improve the series.
TFU has unfortunately written themselves into a corner. The story happens at a specific point in the timeline with a very specific character. Destroying things with your force powers is an inherently fun activity, but any additional games are going to have a hard time explaining the situation. Fans were already calling bullshit with TFU2 cloning the main character back to life. Not to say that the situation is hopeless, because again, crushing things with your force powers is really fun.
"They've written themselves into a corner" is simply a stock reason that sequels shouldn't happen, and it's one of the flimsiest excuses ever. All it ever shows is a severe lack of imagination on the fans' part. It wouldn't even be that difficult to continue, the protagonist Starkiller to The Dark Apprentice's antagonist, (his evil but otherwise perfect clone) fledgling Rebellion Vs. the all powerful Empire, the pieces are all there, just build a game around it. My thread (if anyone's curious: does a pretty good job of giving the basics.

Oh, and I'm not sure why TFU2's cloning Starkiller is such a big problem, even before the prequel trilogy the idea of the Empire cloning Force Users to use as troops in such a technologically advanced society isn't that far-fetched.


New member
May 5, 2010
I'd kill for another X-Wing game. Fucking loved those games, gimme more! And I would like a reboot of Tie Fighter since I never got to play it. >.>


New member
Jan 25, 2010
If we can mention Grim Fandango (and I do want to finally play that,) then I think LOOM deserves a vote. I freaking adore LOOM. I wouldn't mind a remake with some modernized graphics and an updated musical interface. Sequels were planned and nobody wanted to do them... well, let's see if we can't change that.


New member
May 1, 2013
Republic Commando needs a sequel and I would love to see another gladius game come out.Im guessing that will never happen much like crimson skies and mechassault considering that they are locked up tightly in microsoft game studios vaults of apathy


New member
Aug 30, 2011
I would love to see Battlefront 3.

Also, for clarification, Delta Squad (Republic Commando) was not comprised of grunts. They were the elite of the elite.