Lucasfilm Working on Star Wars Cartoon for Preschoolers


New member
Apr 3, 2010
Jon Etheridge said:
They should make a Star Wars for old people. You know, one where Han breaks his hip, Luke forgets to take his pills and Chewbacca struggles with erectile disfunction.

They could call it Nerf Herders.
YODA: a wise comment young friend, a wise comment. hmm...


New member
May 25, 2010
The Great JT said:
Well there goes the legacy. Way to go George Lucas, you fucking moron.

EDIT: George, I get the idea you want to appeal to kids, that's what Super Hero Squad is trying to do with the Marvel superheroes. But there's something you have to remember: SUPER HERO SQUAD SUCKS BALLS. This isn't opinion, it's fucking fact. They've completely ignored almost every part of every character's continuity and turned the villains into jokes (seriously, Dr. Doom got utterly shafted by those hacks). I get that you want to make Star Wars more popular than it already is, but here's an idea: let it die. The younger generation will get exposed to Star Wars the way we did: through the movies. Stop trying to make Star Wars fresh and just do something else. E.T.'s over there waiting for you to fuck him up, y'know.

EDIT 2: Oh no, wait, E.T. was Spielburg...
Give em time and e.t and indianna jones will cross over with special guest appearences by optimus prime and jaws.


New member
May 25, 2010
Also to be honest as long as its not considered canon i'll be happy to leave it be. Though if it is then i think that George lucas will have lost any remaining credibility andd may be time to consider starting a petition to have him put in a old folks home where he cant do any more harm to the franchise.